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The Ketchum Report


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I wrote ....... I'll bet the folks doing the census were not "tenured" but paid on performance .. How "bout you"??????

Sorry if you took that wrong or personal... Please re-read it as " I'll bet the folks Were not paid. How bout you... ( e.g. what is your bet...) sorry for the misunderstanding.

BTW what is your bet?

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Ziggy, the fact that hunters only go 250 yards or less into the woods from a road suggests the ease in which they could be hoaxed. While attempting to demonstrate how much land we don't traverse, you just fueled the argument that most hunters are hoaxed or hoaxable.

I really doubt anyone would take a chance on fooling and scaring the crap out of someone, pretending to be a giant 400lb+ , 7' tall or taller, smelly, making extemely load vocals, throwing rocks, wearing fur, Bigfoot, when that person would be holding a high powered rifle, if they were that stupid enough to try it, I doubt they would be smart enough to pull it off . I have yet to meet a smart fool. :-)

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Hello, I am a new member to the forum.

If Ketchum's paper does get published, I would like to see how she is recieved by other papers. Remember, science is a collaborative effort by multiple reserchers.

As for bigfoot/gorilla discovery comparisons, keep in mind that with gorillas we're talking about animals that lived in areas that were inaccessable to Westerns. Apparently, some Carthaginians killed and skinned some "gorillas" but we don't know if they were actual gorillas. The first account of definite gorillas by Westerners was in by the 1700s by a sailor who described human-like "monsters" in Angola. By this time, Europeans knew about orangutans and all apes where called "orangutans". Hences these monsters where known as "Pongo". Finally in the 1840s gorillas were scientifically described when Thomas Savage explored Gabon and sent back bones and specimans of the beasts.

This paper describes the history of gorilla discovery and taxonomy. I ask, does it parallel the search for bigfoot?


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Guest BFSleuth

This paper describes the history of gorilla discovery and taxonomy. I ask, does it parallel the search for bigfoot?

http://arts.anu.edu....lla Biology.pdf

There are parallels. However, I think the biggest difference is that the phenomenon of hoaxing gorillas or gorilla spoor wasn't largely nonexistent, while in the world of bigfoot research hoaxing is prevalent.

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So is this paper still pending? I keep seeing people alluding to facebook and suggesting that it's doa and I'm not sure if I missed something (I'm not on facebook) or if it's just people being cynical.

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Guest BFSleuth

I doubt it. However, there may be peer reviewers that will work on both papers, or possibly even scientists that might work on both projects. I think Dr. Sykes paper may be more limited in scope than Dr. Ketchum's paper.

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There are parallels. However, I think the biggest difference is that the phenomenon of hoaxing gorillas or gorilla spoor wasn't largely nonexistent, while in the world of bigfoot research hoaxing is prevalent.

And the fact that the gorilla was "discovered" by an American in a foreign land while bigfoot remains undiscovered by Americans despite (figuratively speaking} roaming in their own backyards?

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Hi Jerry - 'undiscovered' may not be the correct word.

'undocumented by science' is more accurate, or even quite possibly 'unannounced to the public' could be even more accurate....

And yes. That is the case. Allegedly.

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