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The Ketchum Report


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So is this paper still pending? I keep seeing people alluding to facebook and suggesting that it's doa and I'm not sure if I missed something (I'm not on facebook) or if it's just people being cynical.

Well, at this point, it is hard to conclude anything but that the paper will not be published. After all this time, we still do not have a confirmation that the paper has been accepted for publication. It is time to move on.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

She was never obligated to give us official confirmation that the paper has been accepted for publication. This is from both a legal and moral perspective.

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Hi Jerry - 'undiscovered' may not be the correct word.

'undocumented by science' is more accurate, or even quite possibly 'unannounced to the public' could be even more accurate....

And yes. That is the case. Allegedly.

Cotter well put, i'd plus ya but im out.

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She was never obligated to give us official confirmation that the paper has been accepted for publication. This is from both a legal and moral perspective.

From a moral perspective she does owe these sample donors something, promises were made , deadlines have come and gone. Now she is gone without a forwarding address or phone number.

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@ OntarioSquatch

but are they still under the nda's ? It does seem that everyone that is close to the report are quiet. I really feel this is the calm before the storm,(nothing to do with that big east coast B@tch Sandy :)).

Even the notorious RL is quiet a church mouse as of late. one way or another were gonna know what the scoop is by year end.

Edited by zigoapex
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That is not my understanding from talking to a couple of them, all they have is a phone conversation.

IMO I think it's over, the optimism that remains reminds me of those children in Thunderdome abandoned in the desert waiting for Captain Walker to take them to Tomorrow-morrow Land.

Edited by CTfoot
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Guest VioletX

@ OntarioSquatch

but are they still under the nda's ? It does seem that everyone that is close to the report are quiet. I really feel this is the calm before the storm,(nothing to do with that big east coast B@tch Sandy :)).

Even the notorious RL is quiet a church mouse as of late. one way or another were gonna know what the scoop is by year end.

I think RL is quiet because he know nothing. He admits himself that he only reports rumors.

Really we should not take him so seriously, he is basically a gossip columnist and mostly harmless in that perspective.

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@ Violet X

That's a known fact that NOBODY on this forum takes RL 's fairy tales seriously,

I'm saying that even the guy that is the Aesop's Fables of Bigfoot information is even quiet about the report, that's how quiet it is.

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Guest VioletX

@ Violet X

That's a known fact that NOBODY on this forum takes RL 's fairy tales seriously,

I'm saying that even the guy that is the Aesop's Fables of Bigfoot information is even quiet, that's how quiet it is.

I did not mean you taking him seriously Z, just that his silence probably just means he is stumped ; )

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This study has had so many red flags I'm surprised anybody is still trying to defend it. How many times is this going to happen until people wise up? Super secret studies and evidence, nda's galore, discrepancies with samples, public Facebook page going dark, website down, disconnected phone, closed business, no foreward address, suspicious journal embargo, changing interpretation of dna(remember the copyright, now claims she interpreted them wrong), firing her PR spokesperson, I'm not buying it. This study will not prove sasquatch, if there even was a study. This whole thing reminds me of a state call Georgia back in 2008.

Enter Mulder

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Do NDAs have an expiry/invalidation date? Or do they persist for eternity/until publication, whichever comes first. :rtfm:

It depends what is written into them.........and how brave/ rich the signatories are.

It is only an agreement not to do something, enforceable in court. They can be for a defined period, until a defined event, or in-perpetuity. Signatories can break them any time, so long as they are prepared to defend themselves in court.


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