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The Ketchum Report


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More words. Still no paper. Racing for fame might make ya' trip up. Always focus on the process, not the product.

No, it's all about the product.

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I wonder if Sally was fired because she was trying to convince Ketchum not to use terms like Angel DNA and constitutional rights. The new lady she is using seems to be pretty controversial and maybe that is what Ketchum wants.

I might be stating the obvious here, but my guess is the reason it has taken song long to get to this point is that the peer reviews wanted to know more about and needed proof for this unknown/angel DNA.

I would also like to add that every comment I've seen from Meldrum in the past hints at him not agreeing with the results Ketchum has. He seems to think sasquatch's origins are different than what she is saying.

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I am of two minds; one, reading between the lines I feel everything is working out, and the other part is thinking that the paper is in danger somehow.

In danger? How so? Just asking for your thoughts....

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Like it or not, you're in this field, all of it, if you are interested in the sasquatch being confirmed.

It appears then...I'm in a different field :unsure: . I'm not really That interested in the confirmation, but Would like to know exactly what i'm looking for. Already know it's out there, from my "version" of the field. I'm more interested (today) in the internet fallout and comedy ( thanks !).

The TBRC is by leagues the most serious and organized group out there, serious and organized enough to have conducted two of the only three sasquatch expeditions in recorded history. If you think that time is running out for the sasquatch - and unless we get an attack of Enlightenment like Bhutan, and declare immense sasquatch reserves now, it is - then you are hoping the TBRC succeeds.

Or if you don't care, or are almost unjustifiably optimistic...not.

I hope the TBRC succeeds in answering some questions they might have, and eventually sharing the gathered info.. so others might also learn. If shooting one is what it takes.. I'm Not interested, and sincerely hope no "researcher" gets their head ripped off, after doing so. I'm doubting they will succeed, by that method. I'm sure they practice other safer, saner methods, as well.. similar to what the rest of us might do (with no provable results, so far). No, I don't think sasquatch needs any "immense reserves" declared here in N. America, at present. They already have them. They might even be doing better than we think, right in our suburbs (pretty much, under our noses).

If You happen to be the TBRC group's internet PR man.. well, please ask them how us others could organize such historic expeditions.

I care about learning what i don't already know. Would like to make sure what I Do learn, is true.

Just wanted to ask you (now that i got your attention), if you are the same guy that used to use that squatchy / human Pete Travers drawing avatar (possibly under a new name) ? Thanks again. :thankyou:

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I don't see her Jeopardizing her 5 yr study and the other scientist by releasing a press release, their must be reason behind releasing it now,

I believe it already passed peer review and is just waiting on a publishing date.

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Very nice write up by a geneticist.

In this article, they're saying that the paternal DNA is from a previously unknown hominid. This appears to differ from the statement Dr. Ketchum made in her press release.

Is this in fact the case, or is this an attempt to hypothesize as to the origin of the "unknown" DNA?

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See Te,

Ketchum did say

Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.....

While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences

what she means by non-ape, I am not sure.

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From Scott Carpenter's site.

In this article, they're saying that the paternal DNA is from a previously unknown hominid. This appears to differ from the statement Dr. Ketchum made in her press release.

Our data indicate that theNorth American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens. -

There's the quote from the Ketchum document exactly.

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I really don't like hearing that. Where you getting this info from?

EDIT: did a little research and see on JREF you're claiming you emailed Burtsev himself and he volunteer this. Why would you hide that tidbit from us?

Edited by Ronnie Bass
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Exponential growth in the specific gravity of the rabbit hole. Observing less logical bodies being pulled in. The desire for vindication is strong motivation.

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