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The Ketchum Report


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Guest Cervelo


This is the guy that got Dr. Meldrum to go to Russia to see some very suspect stuff.

So what path do we think he's leading Dr. K down.....I wonder quietly to myself ;)

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How many sequences of this type have been done on humans?

What type of test are you referring to specificly? The human genome is probably the most studied among all mammals on the planet. In terms of a reliable data base in which to compare, it doesn't get any better.

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Guest VioletX

My feeling is the leaked pre-information was put out there for fear of it being disappeared or sealed. I am hopeful there is enough irrefutable evidence in the report to enable it to stand on those merits, however I am not convinced. The implications of this study, and I think its accurate, are of such a magnitude that would blow the doors off this thing in ways most people wouldn't even think about. If proven this is almost larger than an Alien realization. The ramifications are frightening, but in a (light on the subject) kind of way.

The Angel-DNA inclusion might be code for unknown-DNA, however I don't believe that's the case.I believe what is being said here is quite accurate and the SSq has already been documented many times in history already. I think that is what was meant and someone has pushed back on that knowing this would skew the seriousness of the study. We can already see how that is occurring. Funny thing is oh around 5-7k years ago there would be no disputing this and today in our infinite intelligence it just cant be so. Unless there is a larger agenda at play this will not make the light of the mainstream and there is that same amount of solid info coupled with just enough dis info to leave us where we started IMO. Time will tell

Oh Phaige, now I am getting conspiracy glimmers of the Sykes study being pushed, w/ support from Meldrum to discredit the unknown and far out aspects of the Ketchum one....so that the science conforms to someone's agenda.


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BFF Patron

I won't believe Anything I read , published in a Russian journal (scientific or not). The more I read that Burtsev is involved, the more skeptical i am.. it will ever amount to anything. Both of them (him and Dr. Ketchum) being deeply biased in the " forest people " opinions.. doesn't help the study, IMHO. Still.. the results of a scientific peer reviewed DNA study, should leave no doubt. At least, in the results of That particular study.

The academic title of "hominologist" seems to be Russian invented. Please correct me, if I'm wrong. Never heard of such a title, here or elsewhere in the world. Haven't heard of everything, though.

I believe Dimitry Bayanov (spelling) coined the word "homin" if I'm not mistaken. A derivative of hominin? (It's a fancy word for physical anthropologist, paleoanthropologist with a primatology background and interest in I suppose)



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My feeling is the leaked pre-information was put out there for fear of it being disappeared or sealed. I am hopeful there is enough irrefutable evidence in the report to enable it to stand on those merits, however I am not convinced. The implications of this study, and I think its accurate, are of such a magnitude that would blow the doors off this thing in ways most people wouldn't even think about. If proven this is almost larger than an Alien realization. The ramifications are frightening, but in a (light on the subject) kind of way.

The Angel-DNA inclusion might be code for unknown-DNA, however I don't believe that's the case.I believe what is being said here is quite accurate and the SSq has already been documented many times in history already. I think that is what was meant and someone has pushed back on that knowing this would skew the seriousness of the study. We can already see how that is occurring. Funny thing is oh around 5-7k years ago there would be no disputing this and today in our infinite intelligence it just cant be so. Unless there is a larger agenda at play this will not make the light of the mainstream and there is that same amount of solid info coupled with just enough dis info to leave us where we started IMO. Time will tell

What you're describing was taught for many years by those of belief in the supernatural.

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Guest Cervelo

What type of test are you referring to specificly? The human genome is probably the most studied among all mammals on the planet. In terms of a reliable data base in which to compare, it doesn't get any better.

The types done by Dr. K

How many have been done, it's not cheap even now right, just a guess....I'll start googling just thought you might have a guess.

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Guest VioletX


This is the guy that got Dr. Meldrum to go to Russia to see some very suspect stuff.

So what path do we think he's leading Dr. K down.....I wonder quietly to myself ;)

Hmnn... one part of me distrusts both Ketchum and Meldrum's motivations ; )

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Thanks for reply. I asked because I recall Sykes previously testing yeti hair and concluding it was "unknown primate." This was touted by some as a confirmation of the existence of the yeti. Later, the sample was reexamined and tested by a Sykes grad student (if I recall) more extensively and was found to be bear. The "unknown primate" was initially determined due to contamination.

Since you have a stake in Ketchum's study, let me ask this: have you given any thought to what the hybrid's father(s) is? I know you probably do not want to speculate, but there have been suggestions that it is far removed from human. Is that your understanding?

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Guest VioletX

Well I think they can be trusted just most likley wrong.

Yes, but something tells me that Dr K would not wish for something this "far out" sounding to be the case. Only if it came up and was retested, again and again would she be putting her name on something like that IMO. She may be surrounded by some interesting characters, but I don't get that seemingly flaky vibe from her.

Don't forget, all of us here would be judged similarly by the General Public, just for belonging to this forum ; )

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The types done by Dr. K

How many have been done, it's not cheap even now right, just a guess....I'll start googling just thought you might have a guess.

What Dr. K did was not just tests. They are whole genome comparisons both mtDNA and nuDNA and compared against all great apes, humans, modern, archaic and ancient. Whole genome sequencing is getting down there in price now at around 5 -6 grand. Put enough PHd's on that and squatch can't hide. Whole genomes in genbank may be close to a hundred. I remember the Denisovan paper referencing 56 genomes used in their comparison, though when a shorter sequence is BLASTED It is compared to alot more individuals I would assume.

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What you're describing was taught for many years by those of belief in the supernatural.

If I'm not mistaken it is still taught today according to the definition of course:) But essentially your statement is correct.

Definition of


of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe;
of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil


departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature

attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit)

In the pre-released information was there not a supposed retraction from an earlier revision mentioning angel-DNA? That is quite the designation there from a scientist and I can understand the change to more reflect definition 2b: "Attributed to an invisible agent" or in laymen terms the unknown male progenitor/seed donor.

what does ssq stand for?

Sasquatch abbreviated :)

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