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The Ketchum Report


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I've asked you repeatedly to accurately state my position. I have no problems with the scientific process properly applied. I have great problems with the institution of Science, and those who control it.

Her data could be valid but it wouldn't be surprising if the scientific community still wouldn't want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

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Guest gershake

Again, matter of defintion. Some consider this human, others consider that human. Just saying it's not as black-and-white as Mulder implies.

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Guest Particle Noun

Wow, I sincerely hope this wasn't rejected by all the American journals only to be published in a Russian journal, especially if there is any link to this ignorant fellow. If this is the route it takes, I think this will fizzle on the world stage and not have any impact...

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Whats bogus about an opinion?

Once again you dance around the rules to cast your insults but whatever works for you :)

When your "opinion" is 100% factually wrong, it is not "throwing insults" to point it out.

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Wow, I sincerely hope this wasn't rejected by all the American journals only to be published in a Russian journal, especially if there is any link to this ignorant fellow. If this is the route it takes, I think this will fizzle on the world stage and not have any impact...

It will have an impact, PN... A negative one. Might as well put it in a freezer in the bed of your pickup truck and drive it on down to Georgia, calling Tom Biscardi en route to hire him as your PR guy.

I sincerely hope that isn't the case.

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Well, if that DNA is from an unknown creature, it appears that they still don't have all of the pieces, doesn't it?

If the results hold up to scrutiny, they do now. From what I understand, this is the first DNA study to ever obtain a clean, full-sequence result. Such a result fills in the holes in previous analyses. Again, using the jigsaw analogy, it's like having and putting together the puzzle and not being able to understand the picture because a few key pieces are missing. A full-sequence result gives us the missing pieces to finally fill in the picture.

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Well, if that DNA is from an unknown creature, it appears that they still don't have all of the pieces, doesn't it?

If it is proven unknown and with a human mitochondria then it is definitively a hybrid and new hominin.

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If the results hold up to scrutiny, they do now. From what I understand, this is the first DNA study to ever obtain a clean, full-sequence result. Such a result fills in the holes in previous analyses. Again, using the jigsaw analogy, it's like having and putting together the puzzle and not being able to understand the picture because a few key pieces are missing. A full-sequence result gives us the missing pieces to finally fill in the picture.

So, are you saying that they know what "unknown" creature the paternal DNA came from?

These are the kinds of questions people will have unless they just believe everything they hear, which could be possible, I suppose.

I say that falling back on an unidentified creature to fill in the gaps still leaves some pretty big gaps, IMO.

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Agreed See-Ta. It will be a disaster that only damages the Bigfoot world even more. The best thing she can do now is just fade away. And when the true believers in her camp start bashing the American scientific community they will no doubt unleash a torrent of reasons why her work was not deemed credible.

JREF is gonna have a field day with this. And for once ill have to agree with them.

Edited by rockiessquatching
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If it is proven unknown and with a human mitochondria then it is definitively a hybrid and new hominin.

One I'm sure they will classify and have drawings of despite the fact it remains undiscovered, no doubt. Heck, I bet they'll also tell everyone how long ago it lived, what it ate, where it came from and many other "facts." Doctorates may even be awarded to students that present a thesis in Anthropology class as well.

That might be good enough for you and others, but I'd like them to discover the creature and put it to rest.

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