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The Ketchum Report


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Guest tomro62

I sincerely hope they have all their evidence lined up and verified, to the hilt. After peer review and publishing, that is the next thing they will go after. If it's not perfect, there will always be doubt.

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Woah! Someone's using RL's blog as a source and considers themselves a rational thinker.

Touche, but it doesn't really matter. The release is damning enough.

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Guest VioletX

Great point, and I see it the exact same way. All of this back and forth is moot if they either have HD footage or a body, and I really suspect they might have both in the Erickson footage and Sierra Kills specimen. If that's the case, I could almost see the comments that have "leaked" to be BAITING those who want to pounce on the paper, to make it look that much better when they play their 4 aces.

I have really thought they must have SOMETHING like this (one can dream).

Yes, why not have some fun after how long they have been pummeled by some in the community ; )

With everything going on I recommend this video from the eloquent Mike Rugg

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Oy, that press release, and the choice of Robin as a spokesperson has put her back on the 1 yard line prior to the release of the paper. The climb is now decidedly more uphill if the paper is released than it needed to be.

On the other hand, this proves the point about why not to say anything and keep quiet. Many skeptics had a field day early on asking why she wouldn't talk about the findings and challenging journal policy about silence. Now we see exactly why you don't talk about findings without the reviewed paper to back it up. Oy.

The skeptical community is less scientific than the proponents on this subject. (Note that they always go for the soft underbelly, and never debate the scientific proponents.) No matter what they say, if you are doing science you need to tune them out.

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Guest thermalman

I'd say, let the media have at it. Melba is holding "all" the cards. She's likely sitting in her office having a coffee and big laugh over all the fuss of the news. If I remember correctly, she was one of the people called upon to identify DNA of the victims from 9/11, whereas there were "no" bodies to be found, in most of the cases.

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In my view I think this is the essence of science: repeatable experiments. If Dr. Ketchum's paper is published, the findings are there for any other DNA scientist to replicate. It is by replicating the results that her findings will stand or fall.

The only thing to watch out for is the possibility that there is more than one species of North American bipedal primate. A careful read of encounter reports raises just that possibility, besides which, first, there is more than one of just about every kind of mammal in North America and, second, everywhere else on earth that there is one wild hominoid, there is another.

So it will be important to see how much results differ. After all, here are some interesting chromosome pair counts (per cell):

Gibbon 44

Human 46

Siamang 50

Gibbons and siamangs are very closely related. Just sayin'.

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Guest VioletX

I'd say, let the media have at it. Melba is holding "all" the cards. She's likely sitting in her office having a coffee and big laugh over all the fuss of the news. If I remember correctly, she was one of the people called upon to identify DNA of the victims from 9/11, whereas there were "no" bodies to be found, in most of the cases.

After all this she can have her coffee, her cake and a years supply of Zagnuts too ; )

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What about her specialized primers she had to make, those could be part of the problem with this paper, also she will need to give them up so other scientists can try to duplicate her results. If she wants this verified anyway.

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Now for the ''REST OF THE STORY''

Dr. Ketchum was invited by arla to visit her property, they then proceeded to insert that EVERYTHING they do or believe in was endorsed by the Dr....nothing could be further from the truth.She accepted an invitation, was polite and has moved on.

Every allegation has a backstory and it would be wise for people to look into it.


Just so you know, this is NOT true. Melba didn't go to Arla's property at all. This is indeed false as I know the exact story from both Melba and Arla. Melba was with Alra, but never has she been to her property. I would also like to make sure you know, I made sure it was OK with one of the indivduals here to clarify that fact here before my response. You can PM me with any questions.


Okay,,,, I can't be the only person on this site that knows Melba has aligned herself with the "Bigfoot talks to me" group of researchers?? If you are a member of this group - no offense and rock on!! But, one of her closest confidants is Thom Cantrall... C'mon - I can't be the only person who knows this?? LOL.

OK, Melissa,

I have known you for a long time and I am not calling you out but, this statement above is false too. Thom is NOT aligned with Melba, nor Melba with Thom. That can't be further than the truth. As with the last clarification. I asked Thom about clarifying this here on the forum prior to this post. You can PM me as well if you need more information.



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It's momma who's gonna be the least happy - she asked "Who's the daddy", and Melba replied "I haven't a clue. None of the usual bunch!".

Ha ha we have a suburb near us in australia that is riddled with kids with mums but fathers are UNKNOWN.

Does this mean the kids are Sasquatch or yowie?

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ALL. Please be sure of your "facts" especially about others prior to posting anything regarding those people. If it is conjecture and gossip, that is one thing. But I am very close to this entire thing and know personally most all of the people that have been mentioned.


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Guest Particle Noun

I think it is important to realize that just because someone might be posting in the Sasquatch Protection group set up by Dr. Ketchum does not mean they are aligned with Dr. Ketchum professionally. I suspect that is where a good many of these ideas of who is aligned with who are coming from.

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