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Guest poignant

Come on folks, give it a rest. You are looking at a video camera filming someones tv screen of a skype session, and you expect what?

Actually it was more of a 'oh darn she looks so tired from having worked so hard to bring this report to the table'...it was not meant to be disparaging. Also, I guess we're all too used to seeing her smiling glamour shot.

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Guest thermalman

If you don't believe it hasn't been proven, would you concede that all other scenarios have been eliminated?

No they haven't either.

Gimme a break, thermal...it's a quick and dirty demonstration of general principle, not a full on tree diagram of the entire primate line. It's designed to show how you can get to a bipedal primate without all bipedal primates coming from genus Homo.

I understand that, but it should still indicate accuracy to some degree.

You'd be disappointed if I did. I used to model for Elite when they were still Premier in London. I've also worked as a makeup artist. You really think people's appearance is totally divorced from their personality? If she was a dwarf, sure. Not her doing. If she had one leg, sure. Probably not her doing. Painting on lips that aren't there? Her doing. A deliberate choice.

If you make deliberate choices like that, you will make other deliberate choices like that. Her appearance is not the issue. Her judgement is the issue.

She likely cares less about her appearance than her work. Kinda like this guy........

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Btw, Icicle, I apologize if I sound harsh, I get the point you were trying to make. But Melba, (and if we are honest...other BF community women ...and men), has all ready been judged for her appearance and degraded in other ways leading up this and it could get worse for her.

There was no other way of making that particular point, hence the caveat that it was not a personal attack. I was burning my bra almost the instant I got my first one. It is just this. From her deliberate artistic choices I can tell a lot. If you think I'm harsh on her, what I think about Meldrum is mostly unprintable. I can tell a lot from vocal mannerisms too.

I mentioned it because it is a data point that hadn't been noticed. Her DNA analysis will be fine. Her conclusions from it are, I'm guessing, what prevented the study being published by Nature. It is not the only way this same conclusion may be drawn.

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Guest VioletX

There was no other way of making that particular point, hence the caveat that it was not a personal attack. I was burning my bra almost the instant I got my first one. It is just this. From her deliberate artistic choices I can tell a lot. If you think I'm harsh on her, what I think about Meldrum is mostly unprintable. I can tell a lot from vocal mannerisms too.

I mentioned it because it is a data point that hadn't been noticed. Her DNA analysis will be fine. Her conclusions from it are, I'm guessing, what prevented the study being published by Nature. It is not the only way this same conclusion may be drawn.

I do think that most people in the public eye end up with stylists etc. at some point, but honestly I did not notice her make up until you brought it up, I was listening too closely.

Take a look at the comments about her video on the Bigfoot Evidence Blog, there are some really mean and stupid-minded comments there.

There area also so many talented people in the world with unusual hair and make-up, what can we say, it is an individual thing. But next time we talk I will make sure my eyeliner is blended ; ]

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Guest thermalman

I do think that most people in the public eye end up with stylists etc. at some point, but honestly I did not notice her make up until you brought it up, I was listening too closely.

Take a look at the comments about her video on the Bigfoot Evidence Blog, there are some really mean and stupid-minded comments there.

There area also so many talented people in the world with unusual hair and make-up, what can we say, it is an individual thing. But next time we talk I will make sure my eyeliner is blended ; ]

oooooooohhh la la..... :P





:lol: I suppose......:)

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Laptop cams are not very flattering and an interview in ones hotel room probably isnt the best lighting and whatever to look ones' best. Im just waiting on the study

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She likely cares less about her appearance than her work. Kinda like this guy........

Not true though, is it? Her makeup took at least 30 minutes. She cares. She just gets it wrong. Tries to fit a square peg into a round hole. I won't be the only one saying that when the paper comes out either. Einstein though, is doing what is now your standard boffin look with his hair. Innovative in it's day in it's unkeptness though not it's length, old hat now. Nowadays I'd like to see either complete unconcern for appearance in a scientist, something original, or even something conventional yet accurate that fits the boundaries bestowed by nature.

Anyone who really feels the need to see what I look like can send me a PM and then friend me on Facebook.

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There was no other way of making that particular point, hence the caveat that it was not a personal attack. I was burning my bra almost the instant I got my first one. It is just this. From her deliberate artistic choices I can tell a lot. If you think I'm harsh on her, what I think about Meldrum is mostly unprintable. I can tell a lot from vocal mannerisms too.

Glad you explained it Plussed you! :preved:

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How so? one bipedal primate leg looks like any other, and so should the dna.

No it shouldn't. It might look similar, but the DNA for one species, even one individual, is going to be unique. And the result of a long chain of historical "accidents," using the term loosely, that resulted in that particular chain of code. If two very different species separately evolve an identical function or ability, it's still going to be obvious, by looking at the code, each species's relationship to each other and to their closest relatives who do not have the function or ability.

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No it shouldn't. It might look similar, but the DNA for one species, even one individual, is going to be unique. And the result of a long chain of historical "accidents," used loosely, that resulted in that particular chain of code.

Nature is not that wasteful, and given the way DNA is promulgated (via reproduction) what works is conserved and there is no need to continually "reinvent" the wheel.

If two very different species separately evolve an identical function or ability, it's still going to be obvious, by looking at the code, each specie's relationship to each other and to their closest relatives who do not have the function or ability.

That's just it, we aren't talking about two very different species. In this case, both species are bipedal higher primates that already share the majority of their dna.
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Guest slimwitless

Not true though, is it? Her makeup took at least 30 minutes. She cares. She just gets it wrong. Tries to fit a square peg into a round hole.

I can't believe I'm even commenting on this but I thought it was a Texas thing.

BTW, a square peg will always fit in a sufficiently-sized round hole.

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Guest BFSleuth

I own two companies, and BBB is always after me to join. I do list with them, without the pay option, and am happy to say I have A+.....if that means anything to anyone. The pay option only gets you BBB accreditation. :)

I would question your last sentence. A few posts ago I said it was a 60 minutes piece that revealed their "pay to get better ratings" scam. I was wrong, it was 20/20:

BBB has tried to get my business, and I've declined every time... and for good reason. The only positive thing about being a member of BBB is that fools in the market place think it means something.

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Nature is not that wasteful, and given the way DNA is promulgated (via reproduction) what works is conserved and there is no need to continually "reinvent" the wheel.

That's just it, we aren't talking about two very different species. In this case, both species are bipedal higher primates that already share the majority of their dna.

Well, before you were talking about different species that evolved bipedalism separately. If that is the case, then the code for each's bipedalism will be unique. The ancestral line (between two given choices) will be obvious.

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