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The Ketchum Report


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Nope, and my uncle and aunt are scientists and quite brilliant, but they also dress like they shop at the Salvation Army so I guess no one should take them seriously. That's the jist of it apparently.

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BF Sleuth...I can see your point but I think there are a lot more people who put credence into the BBB thing than not. It is what it is, so to speak.

But again, the majority for the bad rating is for lack of timliness in reporting. I used to work in labs...I know how it goes and the data are always "reporting", meaning analysis complete but now the PAPERWORK, QC AND REVIEW. Ack. That's not the "fun" part so procrastination can set in.

I really hope her paper and its content are all she's hyped it up to be. The interview she gave was very enlightening. For me at least.

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Guest gerrykleier

You'd be disappointed if I did. I used to model for Elite when they were still Premier in London. I've also worked as a makeup artist. You really think people's appearance is totally divorced from their personality? If she was a dwarf, sure. Not her doing. If she had one leg, sure. Probably not her doing. Painting on lips that aren't there? Her doing. A deliberate choice.

If you make deliberate choices like that, you will make other deliberate choices like that. Her appearance is not the issue. Her judgement is the issue.

A former model is now a member of the Bigfoot Forum! If true, I find that fact simply astounding.WTF? hardly does it justice!

Forget the details of the Ketchum report. It must all be true if the Beautiful People are here to party...

Is Donald Trump next? All the ID names he'd want-KING KONG; TOP APE; BIG GUY etc are probably taken. He might have to settle for THEDONALD.

If only Andy Warhol were still alive!

Welcome to the forum Icicle, BTW.


Wait, so the comments about Dr. Ketchum's appearance were not in jest?

You're back!

Any comments on the show so far? I always enjoyed your comments and felt you actually had something helpful to add to the discussion, unlike many of the other 'Sceptics'.

Fire away if so inclined.


Edited by gerrykleier
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I just saw the "videocam of a Texas local TV news show of a Skype interview" regarding the press release and I thought Dr. Ketchum did a great job. Nice to see and hear her speak for herself!. I heard weeks, not months. And I heard a lot of confidence, hard to imagine she is anything but sincere. Accurate though? Gosh, this is the big leagues, and someone will have to tell me. Although the conclusions aren't surprising really.. Good Luck. Wow. Is it really happening?

edited b/c first post seemed too cryptic for momentous event.

Edited by apehuman
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Guest gerrykleier

I just saw the "videocam of a Texas local TV news show of a Skype interview" regarding the press release and I thought Dr. Ketchum did great. I heard weeks, not months. And I heard a lot of confidence, hard to imagine she is anything but sincere. Wow. Is it really happening?

It's so crazy, I really don't know what to think. Like everyone here, I speculate in all directions simultaneously, but there will simply be no answer until there is. Obviously the die has been cast at this point-events will play out to some conclusion eventually. The Mainstream Media has begun to pick up the story and she is giving interviews, so she's bold at the least-a hopeful sign.


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Well, before you were talking about different species that evolved bipedalism separately. If that is the case, then the code for each's bipedalism will be unique. The ancestral line (between two given choices) will be obvious.

BF and humans ARE two different species.

Well, before you were talking about different species that evolved bipedalism separately. If that is the case, then the code for each's bipedalism will be unique. The ancestral line (between two given choices) will be obvious.

The problem is that we have a very limited selection of species in the world that have developed extensive handling capabilities for their forelimbs, and the overwhelming majority of them are primates, so we would need more examples for comparison to be sure. It would be an interesting study question though.

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I do think that most people in the public eye end up with stylists etc. at some point, but honestly I did not notice her make up until you brought it up, I was listening too closely.

Take a look at the comments about her video on the Bigfoot Evidence Blog, there are some really mean and stupid-minded comments there.

There area also so many talented people in the world with unusual hair and make-up, what can we say, it is an individual thing. But next time we talk I will make sure my eyeliner is blended ; ]

Hahaha. It's OK to be a goth. If you wear a twinset and pearls though, not so much..

My first comment on that video was about how tired and down she seems. I get the impression she doesn't like media stuff, perhaps finds it wearing, and knows there's more to come.

I wish she would just present the DNA data, announce Bigfoot and leave it at that. But she won't. She'll paint on things that aren't supported by the underlying facts to an unrealistic and obvious degree, and this time it'll not just be an ex model commenting on the wisdom of such a choice.

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BF Sleuth...I can see your point but I think there are a lot more people who put credence into the BBB thing than not. It is what it is, so to speak.

Yep, an organization with undeserved credibility based on perceptions of integrity and impartiality...much like institutional Science.

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Guest slimwitless

I just saw the "videocam of a TV news show of a Skype interview" and I thought Dr. Ketchum did great. I heard weeks, not months. And I heard a lot of confidence, hard to imagine she is anything but sincere. Wow. Is it really happening?

I agree. I thought she was appropriately serious.

I'm sure some of her critics were expecting her to start swatting at invisible flies while making incomprehensible animal noises.

Anyway, it seems Jeff Meldrum was cautiously optimistic about the interview (with the usual boilerplate disclaimers).

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Guest alaskaloner

I have to apologize for spoofing you guys and saying I started believing in bigfoot because of this.

It actually made me feel bad after I thought about it more. Lying eats at your conscience. I guess that's what it takes to rise to the top in 'footery - no conscience.

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I have to apologize for spoofing you guys and saying I started believing in bigfoot because of this.

It actually made me feel bad after I thought about it more. Lying eats at your conscience. I guess that's what it takes to rise to the top in 'footery - no conscience.

No surprise, really. With all the alleged "evidence" you were talking about my first reaction was: if he thought all that was anything else, it's his meds acting up.

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