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The Ketchum Report


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BFF Patron

Melba Ketchum copyright applications:

1. September 2010 preregistration -- has some details on what she expected her study, once completed, would show.


2. July and September 2011 preregistrations: shows likely name of her paper:



Thanks been around for almost a year or more now: http://bigfootforums...190#entry141393

Stubstad talked about it in post #2207

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Guest crabshack

Next to a forest. A few miles away really. Not far enough for me either. Yes, it is worrying.

And why is that?

Oh don't get me wrong I think they are opportunity driven predators, but you not worried of becoming a BF’s love slave?

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[re the copyright links] Thanks been around for almost a year or more now . . .

Thanks -- I should have known, & will look before posting something old again.

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I read some of Ketchum's comments in the Houston article, and the 'unknown animal' part reminded me of my wife when she drinks.......could it be?:)

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Have you seen Disotell's mohawk? What does that tell you?

I'd be more impressed if it were green. A guy conventional in his unconventionality. Wouldn't expect great things from him, but probably reliable enough in his exact field so long as he doesn't stray too far. He'll come up with interesting things though, from time to time. The sort who plows a furrow deeper rather than a new furrow. Put it this way: Bigfooting ain't for him. Yet. :)

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I'd be more impressed if it were green. A guy conventional in his unconventionality. Wouldn't expect great things from him, but probably reliable enough in his exact field so long as he doesn't stray too far. He'll come up with interesting things though, from time to time. The sort who plows a furrow deeper rather than a new furrow. Put it this way: Bigfooting ain't for him. Yet. :)

OK, neither here nor there, but that's how I tab Disotell.

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Let's put it this way. I do a "bit" or work with celebrities, marketing, events, and public affairs. Which person (both me) would you rather have do your presentation:


One you just can't take seriously in the public affairs role, because I look ridiculous in that hat. The other presents a completely different style and appearance, and leads to a different perception.

Visual style and presentation drastically affect perception of what is being presented to the audience. Look at the studies about Nixon's first televised debate with Kennedy, or how political candidates began losing when their voices were heard on the radio because people didn't respect candidates with funny voices.

St. G-

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Thanks -- I should have known, & will look before posting something old again.

Actually, Oak, it was useful to read those again if only to see how far Ketchum reportedly (per rumor and reading between the lines) has evolved her own view of Sasq over the last year after apparently greatly expanding the nuclear sequencing.

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Have you seen Disotell's mohawk? What does that tell you?

Great example. To me he looks like a complete loon. His hairstyle, tats, piercings (?), are all intentional choices, like Ketchum's make-up only way more so. But I would be a small-minded fool to actually judge Disotell on my perceptions of his appearance. While I might dress a lot more like the great Ernst Mayr, Disotell's CV looks a lot more like Mayr's than mine does, and that's the important part!

[ETA, please disregard this post. I just noticed that Disotell was a Cornell undergrad. That shows he actually is a loon. Carry on.]

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BFF Patron


Hersom is quoted here..... in this very skeptical blog article.

Yah, it is a quote from an earlier draft of the paper on Lindsay's blog (edited to note earlier comments quoted in the blog).

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Guest gerrykleier

Seriously, if you are someone who knows interviews are coming and you don't want to be a part of it, then you hire a spokesperson, or team up with someone who will handle the PA/PR aspects of your release.

If you are going to make ANY appearance, you have to be prepared to do so. This means not only be prepared to speak about and knowledgeable of your subject, but you have to appear properly.

When I taught public speaking at Indiana University, appearance was one of the major factors that students were judged on. If someone does not appear to be what they state they are, then public perception will be off.

This is why MM now has a beard- he had a stylist tell him it owuld look better for his show, and the other characters on Finding Bigfoot all have the appearances they do- someone styles them that way.

It has been my experience, since I was at Hard Copy on, that many men and women involved in fringe areas, hell most people not involved in Media, do not know how to style or present themselves well.

I think what we are seeing that here. Public perception of this will be affected by the fact that some of the people involved are not well styled. This is already an uphill battle, I wish people would realize that and try to make a little effort to make certain aspects of it more acceptable to the masses.

St. G-


They are just going to have to soldier on.


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