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The Ketchum Report


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::Tontar frantically studying any info on hybrid species trackways::

LOL! Just google laetoli and you will see plenty of trackways. :-) Plus, you will see what "they" figure the Iwo Eleru looked like. Kind of small, but kind of squatchy.

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He knows his place..........Inc. ;)

Well, it certainly isn't mocking women's appearances. But having suffered through all the negative comments on Ketchum's looks, and not having such a short memory regarding how many members here have drooled so profusely over Patty's looks, so graceful, so natural, so elegant, I guess I can see how Ketchum's type might not be so favorable. Not hairy enough, not enough bulk, and no chesticles showing. ;-)

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The next person who makes a comment about this woman's appearance, or any other personal slight against her, is going to have a serious problem.

A moderator made an official statement a page or so back, and the rude and inappropriate comments have continued.

Dr. Ketchum is a member here, and as such is afforded protection under our rules and guidelines.

Any further comments about her appearance, or other personal aspects of her life, are going to be met with swift and severe consequences, and I guarantee you will not be happy with the outcome.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

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The snowball is still at the top of the mountain but ABC News has a write-up here. It says Ketchum didn't "immediately" respond to a request for comment.

I cant seem to get to this article :(

and this is not directed at you slimwitless ...

but I am kind of confused as to why folks are even commenting on DrKs appearance,its one thing saying she looks tired as an observation based on the probability that she more than likely hasn't gotten a lot of sleep, not to mention having been excoriated more than praised and has just concluded one of the more important genetic studies in recent memory, It seems to me shes holding up very well...however some of the other comments are just out of order for a mature scientifically based forums such as this. A wise man once told me a group will always to be judged by its least favorable members, cant we try and appear as if we are a respectable group... rant over :)

~edited to reflect that I pasted this before seeing Art1972s post~

Edited by ThePhaige
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Dont scientist who lead ground breaking, cutting edge, invent new methods of lab procedures and against pretty much the entrenched scientific apathy and common knowledge, make perhaps mankinds closest relatives' discovery win Nobel Prizes?

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Guest slimwitless

I cant seem to get to this article :(

and this is not directed at you slimwitless ...

The link is still working. And yeah, no. It can't possibly be directed at me unless you misunderstood the sarcasm in an earlier post. Believe it or not, it happens. I still remember making Derek Randles mad after trying to defend him in my own weird way.

Edit to fix and add: That was back in the salad days.

Edited by slimwitless
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How about THAT!!!! I just saw Dr. K on Good Morning America!

They were being a little silly about it, but at least nobody insulted her. I long for for the day when this is taken seriously.

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How about THAT!!!! I just saw Dr. K on Good Morning America!

They were being a little silly about it, but at least nobody insulted her. I long for for the day when this is taken seriously.

my wife has it on but didn't see it, what time was it on? just had brad pitt on, was it before him
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