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The Ketchum Report


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As it should be, but I'll point out that she's already being drug through the mud anyways by your boy Matt among others,

Rightfully so, the pressure is on Ketchum and let's keep it there until she produces or we all will look like idiots to the general public.

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MM is not the one with spectacular claim!

He's accusing an accredited scientist of fraud. That is HIS claim. Let him prove it, as he himself claims he can.

If it's not a lie then show what you have or this is going down as a hoax.

Mr Pot Black, this is Mr Kettle Black...

If the data is real then we will attack MM until then he and everyone else should be demanding it to materialize. NOW!

Ok, where is Matt's evidence that this is a hoax? If his evidence is real, we will attack Ketchum. I demand Matt's evidence materialize! NOW!

Rightfully so, the pressure is on Ketchum MM and let's keep it there until she he produces or we all will look like idiots to the general public.

Right back at ya!

Edited by Mulder
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Ok, where is Matt's evidence that this is a hoax? If his evidence is real, we will attack Ketchum. I demand Matt's evidence materialize! NOW!

Don't try to turn this around on MM just because he won't drink the Ketchum Kool Aid. She has a huge claim in the public eye with no data to back it up. Press release is not science and MM knows it.

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[Tim Kota]: "MM did right by not drinking the Ketchum Kool Aid and deserves respect as being a professional researcher."

[Mulder] Professional researchers don't pull the types of BS that Moneymaker has and continues to pull.

"If she doesn't produce soon this will be a disaster for the BF community in the public's eye."

I'll give you this one.

"All the pros like Meldrum have expressed their concern"

Concern yes, contempt (al la your man Matt) no.

What Mulder said. MM's behavior since the press release was issued has been deplorable.

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BFF Patron

Don't try to turn this around on MM just because he won't drink the Ketchum Kool Aid. She has a huge claim in the public eye with no data to back it up. Press release is not science and MM knows it.

Yah, like MM could be tainted by association with someone else now, and where would he have room for any more Kool-Aid?

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Don't try to turn this around on MM

Sauce for the goose, Mr Kota.

just because he won't drink the Ketchum Kool Aid.

But he expects us to drink the BFRO Kool Aid...

She He has a huge claim in the public eye with no data to back it up.

Again, right back at ya.

Press release is not science and MM knows it.

But apparently can't or won't heed his own advice about it...

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MM is not the one with spectacular claim! If it's not a lie then show what you have or this is going down as a hoax. If the data is real then we will attack MM until then he and everyone else should be demanding it to materialize. NOW!

Yes, but demanding does not mean you levy personal, unsubstantiated attacks on her character. He’s a leader of an organization and in many ways the public face of the BF community (like it or not). He has a responsibility to comport himself in a more professional manner. That he’s critical of her is not the problem. It’s the unsavory tone and outright claims of dishonesty that he needs to curb. IMHO.

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For Ketchum to claim DNA is part human with no information about her findings (or have they been examined by outside experts) she has damaged the BF community. That's why we should be urging her to produce and not trying to twist this onto MM's shoulders.

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For Ketchum to claim DNA is part human with no information about her findings (or have they been examined by outside experts) she has damaged the BF community. That's why we should be urging her to produce and not trying to twist this onto MM's shoulders.

MM brought this on himself when he begged for attention on Twitter basically screaming his dislike for Ketchum using inflammatory language. Once again, no one is saying we are demanding less of Ketchum than MM. Most of us just don't think it's necessary to destroy her character in order to get to the truth. This was a press release. That's it. Attacking the press release as if it's data is complete folly. He should save it until the paper is published. If he's going to accuse her of hoaxing, he owes it to the community to present his evidence. No?

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For Ketchum to claim DNA is part human with no information about her findings (or have they been examined by outside experts) she has damaged the BF community. That's why we should be urging her to produce and not trying to twist this onto MM's shoulders.

I think she will produce. The precise time does not seem to be of her choosing, at this point. Why are you defending MM's highly unprofessional conduct?

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For Ketchum Moneymaker to claim DNA is part human Ketchum is a fraud with no information evidence about her findings (or have they been examined by outside experts) she he has damaged the BF community. That's why we should be urging her him to produce and not trying to twist this onto take this off of MM's shoulders.

Right back at you.

Once again, no one is saying we are demanding less of Ketchum than MM.

Indeed. What we are doing is demanding the same thing of MM that he is demanding of Ketchum.

Sauce for the goose.

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Why don't you all make up your minds what you want????

All last week everybody was screaming because of the press release & how it could ruin the publication & damage the sterling reputation of the "bigfoot community". (What a joke!)

Now it sounds like you want her to just go ahead & release the paper, too.

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BFF Patron

No just send out a few preprints to some of the highest posting members on this forum, that's all, LOL :onthequiet:

I bet you Bill Green would show back up for the first time in six months if she did (hope you're doing well Billy).


Huntster definitely deserves one but you'd only be able to see his reaction and critique on the PMP.

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I think she will produce. The precise time does not seem to be of her choosing, at this point. Why are you defending MM's highly unprofessional conduct?

He was professional by not falling for it. For her to put herself out on a unstable limb and make such an extraordinary claim is not how science is done. It is pseudoscience and she is in a pickle without a paper.

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Don't try to turn this around on MM just because he won't drink the Ketchum Kool Aid. She has a huge claim in the public eye with no data to back it up. Press release is not science and MM knows it.

No offense, but you talking about anybody drinking Kool Aid is rich when we see you drinking Moneymaker's own batch of Kool Aid.

He was professional by not falling for it. For her to put herself out on a unstable limb and make such an extraordinary claim is not how science is done. It is pseudoscience and she is in a pickle without a paper.

Case in point with you buying MM's contention there is no paper hook, line and sinker.

Edited by Ronnie Bass
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