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The Ketchum Report


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Guest slimwitless

Perception is reality in the public eye and right now the good Dr has a perception problem.

That's an understatement...and not anything many here weren't predicting long ago.

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It seems that Red Deer Cave people IS being held up as possibly BF by some.

And the Red Deer people fossils were dated between 14,500 and 11,500? And they were a species that did not look like modern humans. Look at those skulls! I could see it. Prominent brows, thick skulls, wide cheeks. It's a shame that articles say they haven't been able to get DNA from them. I hope they find more and are able to. And they were in China - the right area at the right time. Hmmm... nice find, bipedalist.

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BFF Patron

For now it's just a harbinger of coming knowledge. Allegedly they had ceramics, tools and fire. But who really knows. There are candidates to be found is the take home message, and possibly as yet unfound.

Edited by bipedalist
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BFF Patron
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Yeah I'm totally confused myself. I'm still waiting for proof of some other claims thrown around.

Yes, we're all waiting on your proof about your claims vis a vis Ketchum... :thumbsup:

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There's always Sykes. He'll be more difficult to ridicule. Speaking of, I find it interesting his drop date has slipped. His comment that it takes time to publish in prominent journals is telling. Are prominent journals lining up to publish a paper about the known animals people send in as purported bigfoot? I'd be surprised. Let's hope he's on to something. The latest Lindsay comes with a shiny new rumor that Sykes results match Ketchum but his interpretations are different. I wonder how science doles out credit in that scenario.

Lindsay makes some interesting comments about Sykes (among others) in his recent blog posts.

I know he's not a popular person around here (and for good reason), BUT he's been just right enough about just enough that he can't be dismissed out of hand. His Dec 8 and 9 posts are a frustrating mix of "things we don't really need to get into" and some very specific and I think potentially insightful comments about the "off camera" goings on between the various groups and factions. Some of the stuff about the background goings on behind the Ketchum study map very closely with things I was told privately some time ago. Others with things I've been thinking myself for awhile now.

So, where are we up to in a nutshell.

In a nutshell:

Paper still not out. Ketchum claims was returned for revisions and revisions are at the journal for review. Bourtsev (sp?) claims that paper is either co-submitted to a Russian journal or was submitted to one after US journal(s) supposedly rejected it.

Lots of back and forth and "he said/she said" about the whens and hows.

Lindsay making some interesting claims/observations in amongst the usual flame-bait.

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Guest Tomocvar

I just finished checking the RL blog for his updates on the Ketchum report and other things BF related. Whatever else you want to say about the guy he does seem to have some good info source connections. He mentioned his belief in a pardigm shift coming to the bigfoot world due to the widespread release of different BF Studies and sample reports about to take place. That goes along with my last post about the snowball at the top of the hill about to roll down and start an avalanche of people rethinking their world view.

I'm starting to get worried if I'm on the same page as RL ;-)

My thanks again to all the researchers who have put forth so much effort to help bring this new reality to the whole world :good:

Connaissance et Raison

Changent comme les saisons

Une promende pour le Fou du Roi

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Guest VioletX

I'm starting to get worried if I'm on the same page as RL ;-)

Put that under "Signs of the coming Apocalypse" ^_^

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He's a nut job alright but surprisingly well informed

Like I said above, a lot of his insights into the "behind the scenes" stuff in the Ketchum camp squares with what I was privately told over a year ago.

Mulder, on 09 December 2012 - 01:09 PM, said:

Yes, we're all waiting on your proof about your claims vis a vis Ketchum... :thumbsup:

Just you.

If true, then only because everyone else has basically given up and dismissed you out of hand.

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BFF Patron

@Vx's link

That looks like a counterfeit Bigfoot evidence blog (or a separate one without a spellcheck it's got 101 in the url).

This one is Shawn Evidence's one and has no 101: http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com/

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