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The Ketchum Report


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I thought Ketchum said there wasn't any indication of Neandertal or Denisovan genes in her samples? Where did I get that impression from?

Yes..she said that...addressing the Nuclear componnet (male) DNA

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You're missing the point...

I'm contesting the Ketcham study..not the fact that BF lives.

We don't KNOW it's evolutionary genesis...it certainly (at least in my mind) didn't result from a copulation between a human and an *UNKNOWN*

15K years ago. My take...it has been around MUCH LONGER and has co-existed with man for at least 100K years. Of course..we have no evidence of that either.

A good painter, does not paint himself, (herself) into a corner. They realize they may run out of room AND paint. That is what seems to be happening here, with some skeps (skofs)

Quitting while being AHEAD was never an option here (for roughly a dozen pages). Some people should have run out of paint in their corner by now.

Opinion = paint....

Some folks are preaching to the choir, and its getting repetious....

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A good painter, does not paint himself, (herself) into a corner. They realize they may run out of room AND paint. That is what seems to be happening here, with some skeps (skofs)

Quitting while being AHEAD was never an option here (for roughly a dozen pages). Some people should have run out of paint in their corner by now.

Opinion = paint....

Some folks are preaching to the choir, and its getting repetious....

You actually put forward a very good argument against Ketcham. That's EXACLY what she has done. Bravo!

Edited by ronn1
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Like I said above, a lot of his insights into the "behind the scenes" stuff in the Ketchum camp squares with what I was privately told over a year ago.

If true, then only because everyone else has basically given up and dismissed you out of hand.

Getting a bit personal there Mulder aren't we?

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BFF Patron

10 pts if you can figure out the who and why of this link ; )

Well his Bigfoot Tracker link was dead, but it is Ricky Ticky Dicky Dyer himself.

The why obviously seems like an attempt to corrupt the whole dang world of BF and make it seem like it is one big cluster collusion. Is that specific enough? LOL

Maybe he got to the Sierra's/Gold Lake before the extraction team did, and before his RV was hit by the meteor on the FL interstate and burned to a crisp?! :rofl:

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Guest VioletX

Well his Bigfoot Tracker link was dead, but it is Ricky Ticky Dicky Dyer himself.

The why obviously seems like an attempt to corrupt the whole dang world of BF and make it seem like it is one big cluster collusion. Is that specific enough? LOL

OK, I gave you 1 pt, lol!

As if we are not making it a big cluster collision without his help ; 0 )

I think it is also his revenge, don't think he likes BFE or Team Tazer very much do you?

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BFF Patron

He's just jealous because he's till learning how to work the lie detector (as if he needed to know how now).... Seems like the whole site was to attack the players and their relationships and bigfootevidence.blogspot.com in particular.

Gotta give credit where it's due for the pretty pictures though. He needs something besides that Nevada dirt as sidebars though...... guess he's in Las Vegas rubbing elbows with the Bacardi man now.

He was light on Ketchum.

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Yes..she said that...addressing the Nuclear componnet (male) DNA

We can rule out the Red Deer folks and Heidelbergensis as likely candidates then. There is no Neandertal or Denisovan mtDNA surviving today so the human mtDNA wouldn't be a contributor of the 4-6% we supposedly have.

That makes what Dr. Ketchum said even harder to figure out. Even a previously unidentified Homo is bound to have traces, and if it isn't Homo then it isn't likely to be successful mating with a human. I'm like SY in that I'm not sure how far removed a type has to be before it's "NO MO HOMO".

As for RL, I just consider that more Melbuedian Slippage. I've often wondered if Melba is his insider source, you can't get more ironic than that .

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You actually put forward a very good argument against Ketcham. That's EXACLY what she has done. Bravo!

Wrong, Ketchum has the paint .... You only have opinions... That equates to " in the corner ".

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We can rule out the Red Deer folks and Heidelbergensis as likely candidates then. There is no Neandertal or Denisovan mtDNA surviving today so the human mtDNA wouldn't be a contributor of the 4-6% we supposedly have.

That makes what Dr. Ketchum said even harder to figure out. Even a previously unidentified Homo is bound to have traces, and if it isn't Homo then it isn't likely to be successful mating with a human. I'm like SY in that I'm not sure how far removed a type has to be before it's "NO MO HOMO".

As for RL, I just consider that more Melbuedian Slippage. I've often wondered if Melba is his insider source, you can't get more ironic than that .

Come on man ........


At this point, IF RL states Tuesday the 18 th ( or wednesday the 19 th) that the paper is approved and will publish ....

Then my suggestion is " better believe it " ...

I'm just repeating a post from weeks ago ...... As I recall..... IMHO, lol

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Guest BFSleuth

We can rule out the Red Deer folks and Heidelbergensis as likely candidates then. There is no Neandertal or Denisovan mtDNA surviving today so the human mtDNA wouldn't be a contributor of the 4-6% we supposedly have.

I thought that the entire neanderthal DNA was sequenced, including the mtDNA. Denisovan DNA has also been sequenced. These are the two known homo DNA sequences other than HSS that have been done. These have been ruled out as paternal origin of sasquatch nDNA, and Dr. Ketchum noted the paternal nDNA is older than either neanderthal or denisovan (in her press release). I'm not sure I follow your argument, can you clarify?

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I would say that Melba's interpretation of what her data means is strictly one woman's opinion at this point.

I'd say there is help in the interpretation of the data. IMO

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For now it's just a harbinger of coming knowledge. Allegedly they had ceramics, tools and fire. But who really knows. There are candidates to be found is the take home message, and possibly as yet unfound.

Then they went of the deep end, bred with homo sapiens and lost their intelligence, and now we have a bunch of big hairy knuckle heads running around in the woods, just smart enough to stay one step ahead of us :biggrin:

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