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The Ketchum Report


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Video and Photographs? What kind of videos or photos? The researcher sneaking up on the bigfoot to pluck the hair sample? LMAO.. Sorry, that thought is funny. Maybe it's a chain of custody issue...

I don't doubt you one bit Slimwitless...

Seems to me they would get a lot further if they would just contact Dr. Meldrum himself. Nothing like going to the person directly, unless speculation, is what their looking for and lord knows they will find enough of that on every person in this community.

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It could be a line of supporting evidence. Video and photographs aren't related to DNA and yet The Journal supposedly requested demanded both. I've heard there is a hair and fiber expert involved so clearly some aspects of supposed BF morphology is part of the study. That said, I tend to think this request was probably more innocuous than some people are assuming.

That could be the official explanation soon, but it needs to be shored up. Why not just contact Dr. Meldrum for that experience Well, perhaps they are looking for those who still oppose his take on things to find those really tough opponents or arguments? Darn Slim I want to be idealistic! Perhaps, the better explanation will be, it was a post by another asking, thinking, wondering and it just got passed around as innocently as anyone might, wondering how to hold back the deluge before the gates are opened? And no one actually intends to act on it.

I'm going with the latter.....

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BFF Patron

As far as I know, Robin was only replying to someone else who found the subject of interest and she wanted to find out more, hence the post from Kezra, sorry to speak for you Kezra : D

Could you post a facebook link for those so connected to reference here? Kezra or whoever?

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Guest slimwitless

Video and Photographs? What kind of videos or photos? The researcher sneaking up on the bigfoot to pluck the hair sample? LMAO.. Sorry, that thought is funny. Maybe it's a chain of custody issue...

I think that's right. In her most recent interview she said there is video somehow linked to sample collection.

She also said she was present when a sample was collected. I'm surprised that nugget hasn't gotten more play.

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BFF Patron

In her C2C interview the other night, I didn't get take away any sense of desperation, nor obfuscation on Melba Ketchum's part. She seemed very much at ease with her words and honest in her portrayal of how the events have affected her over the past several years.

She is obviously a strong personality, and perhaps that doesn't sit well with some.

Desperation is much too strong a word, I'll go with exasperation worthy of a sarsaparilla

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Guest VioletX

Could you post a facebook link for those so connected to reference here? Kezra or whoever?

Cannot link to private group...Kezra's post was from an email she said.

Edited by VioletX
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I think that's right. In her most recent interview she said there is video somehow linked to sample collection.

She also said she was present when a sample was collected. I'm surprised that nugget hasn't gotten more play.

Hold the presses... She was what? Was this from her own research area? What are the details of this? Nope never heard about it - but I have been doing my best to ignore all this until her paper was published... Sorry, but 5 years is a long time to not pay attention. :)

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Guest VioletX

That could be the official explanation soon, but it needs to be shored up. Why not just contact Dr. Meldrum for that experience Well, perhaps they are looking for those who still oppose his take on things to find those really tough opponents or arguments? Darn Slim I want to be idealistic! Perhaps, the better explanation will be, it was a post by another asking, thinking, wondering and it just got passed around as innocently as anyone might, wondering how to hold back the deluge before the gates are opened? And no one actually intends to act on it.

I'm going with the latter.....

" Perhaps, the better explanation will be, it was a post by another asking, thinking, wondering and it just got passed around as innocently as anyone might, wondering..."

That is my impression Apehuman

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In the C2C interview, Ketchum talked a bit about "knowing" the entire chain of custody, I think she meant that she was there upon collection through to test result.

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Got to go with Maddog on this one, we aren't the ones to ask about casts whether looking for insight here or at JREF. Go to people at universities that study these things full time if you want information that means anything.

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BFF Patron

I think that's right. In her most recent interview she said there is video somehow linked to sample collection.

She also said she was present when a sample was collected. I'm surprised that nugget hasn't gotten more play.

This would or could be the Pancake video with glass-sherded pancakes or a follow-up to that effort it sounds like.

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Bipedalist - are you talking about the Pancake video out of Kentucky - that was shot years ago?? I remember seeing this one back in 2005 - but it was already filmed long before I seen it... Or is this something different? If memory serves isn't this the property purchased by Erickson? If so, that would make sense as to how Melba was given access to the property.

I have heard quite a bit about the video from that property, but I have never seen it. I wonder if it will ever be available.

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BFF Patron

It may have been that effort or series of efforts that involved Pfohl or Hadj-chikh perhaps.

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Guest slimwitless

I'm reminded of when my kids run around pretending there's a monster in the house. They know there's no monster but it's too much fun to pretend there's not.

I'm almost beginning to think the Ketchum paper is my monster.

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