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Western North Carolina May 13-14 2022


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this has been cancelled so many times now , not even sure I would plan on it .but we will be vending ..

the event draws 70,000 people making it the largest squatch fest I know of 

please say a Prayer for John Bruner, founder of Bigfoot 911 and organizer as he continues to struggle with cancer 


Marion North Carolina https://sasquatchthelegend.com/blogs/2022-sasquatch-event-calendar/wnc-bigfoot-festival-2022


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BFF Patron

i got back from my trout expedition and was surprized this was rescheduled on the same day I came back?  Couldn't make it and the heads up was not greatly advertised on the reschedule in my mind.  For those who attended how was it?  Was the 3PM Friday retell of sighting events any good?  

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