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Valley of the Apes: The Search for Sasquatch in Area X


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I just got this book Friday and must say its an interesting and compelling read. It's an in depth look at the North American Woodape Conservancy and pretty much everything about what they do, what gear they take, issues they have, etc. as they gather evidence in ",Area X".


I learned a few things as well in regards to their relationship with the BFRO (might be a bit frosty). 


But there are things that give me pause. It seems they are continually getting objects tossed at them, growled at, wood knocks,...you know, the usual...and seeing "figures" moving in the brush. Still, no photos or video of much use it seems. Always the "Murphy's law" effect. With this much activity youd think something wondrously definitive would be captured. It made me also wonder why, if you're pretty much in Grand Central for Squatch, would'nt you invest in body cams? It seems to me that theyd be great for catching something and keep a researcher from fumbling for a camera/phone and wasting time. But that's just me.


The other thing that nags me is why...as big, stealthy, strong, and quick these creatures are...would they put up with humans shooting at them in their territory and NOT physically assault the interlopers?

I think of the Ape Canyon incident where the creatures were trying to bust the cabin those miners were in apart after the miners shot at a few creatures. The NAWC folks have taken several opportunities to shoot one and may have wounded some. I'd think the Squatches would pick them off or do more than try to scare them with a rock toss. And if they DID kill one, wouldn't you think the rest of the "clan" would take revenge? I'd be scared I'd never get out alive.


I dunno...


Still, I recommend this book by Micheal Mayes. It's a fun read.20220624_175820.thumb.jpg.31dad35c87226621f3098c118fbf94e7.jpg

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3 hours ago, CelticKevin said:

I think of the Ape Canyon incident where the creatures were trying to bust the cabin those miners were in apart after the miners shot at a few creatures.


The Ape Canyon incident story has always bothered me. If the Sasquatch wanted the humans to leave the area, they would have easily ripped the cabin apart.  Smart Sasquatch know that if they mess with / kill a human,  more humans will show up.


The NAWC folks have carried out provocative procedures.  Those actions push the creatures further back into their home territory. NAWC only lets us know what they want us to know at this point in time.

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Yeah it arrived for me last week too and i'm really looking forward to reading it.


I know for sure from people that have already read it that there are clear and uniformed comparisons to certain aspects of what's in this book and what they were recording/experiencing in there, to what we have in the Olympic Project Nest Area, which excites me greatly.

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The more time goes on with Area X the more skeptical I get. There's tons of things that don't add up like you mention. No body cams? No hostility from the Sasquatch? You'd think with guns fired would trigger a response by now. It just seems too good to be true, often times it is. All these wild stories and sightings, you'd think SOMEONE would've bitten the bullet and invested, even at least individually, in a camera of some sort. Over 10 years and no one has thought of it? Fishy to me. 


I hear they want to invest in cameras all of a sudden, took them long enough. We will see if anything arises, my guess is that the Sasquatch will conveniently be more stealthy. 

But that's a bit overreaching and cynical I admit. We will see and I eagerly await results. 

Edited by Marty
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The book sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing. 


The lack of proof is certainly not unexpected. 

It is a very difficult task to prove the existence of creatures that most likely don't exist. 


The ape canyon story is a good one. A cool campfire yarn. 


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3 hours ago, Marty said:

The more time goes on with Area X the more skeptical I get. There's tons of things that don't add up like you mention. No body cams? No hostility from the Sasquatch? You'd think with guns fired would trigger a response by now. It just seems too good to be true, often times it is. All these wild stories and sightings, you'd think SOMEONE would've bitten the bullet and invested, even at least individually, in a camera of some sort. Over 10 years and no one has thought of it? Fishy to me. 


I hear they want to invest in cameras all of a sudden, took them long enough. We will see if anything arises, my guess is that the Sasquatch will conveniently be more stealthy. 

But that's a bit overreaching and cynical I admit. We will see and I eagerly await results. 

The NAWAC has published detailed descriptions of their attempts to photograph "Wood Apes" with elaborate (and expensive) camera trap arrays.


Here is a quote from the NAWAC website"  "From 2006 to 2012, NAWAC field research included the long-term deployment and maintenance of camera trap arrays in remote areas. These are areas that have generated a number of reliable observer reports, both recently and historically, and produced trace evidence and/or facilitated direct NAWAC investigator field observations.  While this may or may not be sufficient to officially classify or name the species, it would represent an important step in that direction.

In 2020, the NAWAC started conducting a camera array trap known as Hadrian’s Wall."


The NAWAC has among their members qualified experts in various fields germaine to Bigfoot research and they are known for meticulously documenting their research.  I suggest you look into their failed attempts to use camera arrays for acquiring photos of Bigfoot.  (BTW I have no relationship to NAWAC other than respect for many of their methods and their careful adhesion to scientific documentation)

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Nice words,but still no creatures. 

I wish them all the best and much success going forward. 

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1 hour ago, Patterson-Gimlin said:

Nice words,but still no creatures. 

I wish them all the best and much success going forward. 

There won’t be. They have traded off the rifle for a camera. Heard it on Cliff and Bobo.

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Are these the guys that have a cabin and do year round Sasquatch hunts? If so I watched something on television about them.

One dude said he shot one and it got away. To me it seemed like they were pretty dedicated to serious Squatching year round. Why would anyone spend all their time in “Area X”, year round with people if they weren’t getting action? 

I know if I had a spot like that and time I would be there all I could. But I guess money can make people do some devious things. Greed sucks. 

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I think the most interesting aspect of the research being conducted in area X might be the radio tag that was self attached to an unknown animal. The circumstances involved and resulting data is perplexing yet extremely interesting.


I haven't read the book yet, but the I personally find NAWAC and the Olympic Project two of the more interesting science based groups researching this topic.


One post comments that we only know what information NAWAC allows us, but honestly that applies to virtually every research organization out there.

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I still don't see how the tag couldn't have been a Mountain lion that jumped to get whatever was by the tag, they travel crazy amounts in one night let alone that long they recorded for.  The fact that it was held up at 8 feet doesn't matter cus cats jump crazy high. 

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On 7/1/2022 at 8:25 AM, Marty said:

I still don't see how the tag couldn't have been a Mountain lion that jumped to get whatever was by the tag, they travel crazy amounts in one night let alone that long they recorded for.  The fact that it was held up at 8 feet doesn't matter cus cats jump crazy high. 


NAWAC claims they tested their tags and the tags wouldn't stick to cat fur very well. Plus cats are notorious for grooming, something like 30+% of their waking time. Unless it jumped 7' in the air, right near the tag and got it stuck behind the neck, which seems as incredible as anything.

They also claim that in their tracking of the critter over many months, the tag had a larger range than any of the known animals in their range, including Mt. Lions.


What surprises me is, if it was a Sasquatch, why didn't it or one of their clan find it and peel it off? Maybe they're not into grooming much?

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On 6/29/2022 at 12:17 PM, norseman said:

There won’t be. They have traded off the rifle for a camera. Heard it on Cliff and Bobo.

That's too bad. I guess they were never really serious about documenting the mythical creature. 

I understand. No real success was ever going to happen anyway. 

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I'd imagine an animal like a Sasquatch, with its intelligence would eventually find the irritated part of its body the chip would inhabit, and peel it off. I just don't think it was a Sasquatch.

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@ Marty>>> So give us your hypothesis.   (And the presumption that a cocklebur tag creates an irritant is a bit of a leap) This field is replete with those who only give opinions on what the evidence surely isn’t. I would only be interested in opinions of what it is. If you have such an opinion and can back it up with a well reasoned analysis, I am down. 

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