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Glowing Red Eyes?


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I have heard many stories of sightings that mention glowing red eyes. 

What explains this phenomenon?

Is there any records of this in the known animal kingdom?



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2 hours ago, BlackRockBigfoot said:

There is no mundane explanation for this phenomenon.


You will hear people talk about bioluminescence, but that occurs only in marine life and terrestrial arthropods like fireflies.  It also occurs in some fungi and microscopic organisms.  

It does not occur in mammals.  Even if it did, it would be an odd evolutionary trait for a light gathering organ such the eye with its photoreceptors to also be a photo emitter.  

Like with other extraordinary attributes commonly associated with Sasquatch, someone looked around for the closest natural equivalent to explain it away.

Tapetum lucidum is usually trotted out as an explanation, but many cases of these self illuminating eyes occur when there is no external light source.


Even people who are firmly in the flesh and blood undiscovered ape camp like Moneymaker and the NAWAC folks have mentioned the self illuminating eyes phenomenon, regardless of the biological improbability of it.



Long answer short… no one has an explanation.  Even those of us who have witnessed it.



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56 minutes ago, norseman said:


I don’t think that the aliens are even aliens, if you get my drift.


But, there’s a lot of parallels between the weird aerial phenomenon and the things on the ground.

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15 minutes ago, BlackRockBigfoot said:

I don’t think that the aliens are even aliens, if you get my drift.


But, there’s a lot of parallels between the weird aerial phenomenon and the things on the ground.

It’s just my catch all phrase.

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I've seen glowing red eyes twice but both were generated from a flashlight beam meeting eyes.  I've never witnessed nor heard anyone I know share a story of red eyeglow that was organic and self-illuminating.


That is a horse of a different color, so to speak.


I'd have to look to confirm but I think there are at least one, if not more, creatures that call the ocean their home that have self-illuminating eye color.

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1 hour ago, wiiawiwb said:

I've seen glowing red eyes twice but both were generated from a flashlight beam meeting eyes.  I've never witnessed nor heard anyone I know share a story of red eyeglow that was organic and self-illuminating.


That is a horse of a different color, so to speak.


I'd have to look to confirm but I think there are at least one, if not more, creatures that call the ocean their home that have self-illuminating eye color.

Barreleye fish have a green lens to their eye that seems to glow when under a light source, but doesn’t emit light on its own.  

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 My wife and I went on a BFRO expedition and they were explaining the phenomenon of eye glow.  I had never heard of it before, but I knew what eye shine is and how it’s created. The leader told my wife and I(we were the only new people that joined the expedition that year) while on the night hike, if we see red head lamps in the forest DO NOT GO WALKING TOWARDS THEM, it’s not our red head lamps.  After they told us all that and explain to us what eye glow was I thought to myself… “This was just ridiculous on what they were saying"

Sure enough, later that night my wife saw red eye glow coming from the trees about 8-9’ off the ground. Her and a couple other witnesses it also. They even saw what they believe was it blinking. 

Edited by ShadowBorn
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19 hours ago, BlackRockBigfoot said:

There is no mundane explanation for this phenomenon.


That wraps it up pretty well.    I don't really know what to think.     This is one of those things, like orbs, mindspeak, and "vanishing into thin air" that I have not experienced first hand.   I'm not laughing, I consider some of the witnesses dead reliable in other contexts with no reason to lie specifically in this one.


I'll throw out a theory but I'm not sure I believe it myself.     Eyeballs are curved.   Curved surfaces can focus reflection to a single focal point .. same principle as a directional mic or like a satellite dish antenna.    If the eyes are big enough, they might reflect enough otherwise diffuse ambient light to it shines on / illuminates a single point seemingly much brighter than the background that is collecting / redirecting the light.  


If that .. or any of these things .. does happen, I'm going to try to do the best science I can: observe, take notes, record as much as possible.   Don't let preconceived ideas about what is/isn't possible get in the way of noting what appears to be happening whether that thing is possible or not.


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1 hour ago, DarkEyes said:

 My wife and I went on a BFRO expedition and they were explaining the phenomenon of eye glow.  I had never heard of it before, but I knew what eye shine is and how it’s created. The leader told my wife and I(we were the only new people that joined the expedition that year) while on the night hike, if we see red head lamps in the forest DO NOT GO WALKING TOWARDS THEM, it’s not our red head lamps.  After they told us all that and explain to us what eye glow was I thought to myself… “ That is F**cking ridiculous BS.”

Sure enough, later that night my wife saw red eye glow coming from the trees about 8-9’ off the ground. Her and a couple other witnesses it also. They even saw what they believe was it blinking. 



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6 minutes ago, MIB said:


That wraps it up pretty well.    I don't really know what to think.     This is one of those things, like orbs, mindspeak, and "vanishing into thin air" that I have not experienced first hand.   I'm not laughing, I consider some of the witnesses dead reliable in other contexts with no reason to lie specifically in this one.


I'll throw out a theory but I'm not sure I believe it myself.     Eyeballs are curved.   Curved surfaces can focus reflection to a single focal point .. same principle as a directional mic or like a satellite dish antenna.    If the eyes are big enough, they might reflect enough otherwise diffuse ambient light to it shines on / illuminates a single point seemingly much brighter than the background that is collecting / redirecting the light.  


If that .. or any of these things .. does happen, I'm going to try to do the best science I can: observe, take notes, record as much as possible.   Don't let preconceived ideas about what is/isn't possible get in the way of noting what appears to be happening whether that thing is possible or not.


Infrasound gets trotted out as some sort of panacea for a lot of these phenomena, but I don’t see that as a viable possibility.  

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2 hours ago, DarkEyes said:

My wife and I went on a BFRO expedition and they were explaining the phenomenon of eye glow.  I had never heard of it before, but I knew what eye shine is and how it’s created. The leader told my wife and I(we were the only new people that joined the expedition that year) while on the night hike, if we see red head lamps in the forest DO NOT GO WALKING TOWARDS THEM, it’s not our red head lamps.  After they told us all that and explain to us what eye glow was I thought to myself… “ That is F**cking ridiculous BS.” (This was just ridiculous on what they were conveying)

Sure enough, later that night my wife saw red eye glow coming from the trees about 8-9’ off the ground. Her and a couple other witnesses it also. They even saw what they believe was it blinking. 

What would have been the outcome if you would have walked towards the eye shine? did they say anything about that? I have blue eye shine that was caught on a trail cam. It looks like the creature is illuminating on their own. Strange since it is a dark blue glow with pupils. Can I explain it, no! 


But I am of a type that if it can be created in a lab. Then it can happen in nature. So is this not how science should work. How else did we come up with our night vision equipment. It did not just happen by accident.  So here we have these infra-red lights that work with these devices so that we can see better in the dark. 


So, for all of us we are all just dealing with speculation. This is where I am at. Speculating about everything there is about these creatures. Until we can actually dissect one of them, we will never fully know how their eye's function. Who knows may the DoD or DARPA have killed one of these creatures way back then and figured them out already. But who knows, right!


Now as a Mod I just ask that you refrain on the foul language being written. There are other ways to express what you are trying to convey. Thank you.

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56 minutes ago, BlackRockBigfoot said:

Infrasound gets trotted out as some sort of panacea for a lot of these phenomena, but I don’t see that as a viable possibility.  


I don't see infrasound as having anything to do with eyeshine.   


Infrasound is the real deal.  There's a decent bit of online reading available regarding experiments done with infrasound, brain wave entrainment, and brain waves associate with different states of awareness / unawareness.   It can absolutely cause some of the effects reported.  That's demonstrated in the literature.   The question remaining is whether or not bigfoot can generate infrasound and do so with deftness adequate to cause the claimed/reported outcomes.  


I think there is something to infrasound but I don't think they "cause" anything, I think they fiddle with our brain states via infrasound so that we are more .. or less .. susceptible to emotional content of a particular situation.    Kinda like how big church organs and some movie theater sound systems work to sort of amp us up to over-react to the stimulus they're about to induce.

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21 hours ago, TGB said:

I have heard many stories of sightings that mention glowing red eyes. 

What explains this phenomenon?

Is there any records of this in the known animal kingdom?






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20 minutes ago, MIB said:

don't see infrasound as having anything to do with eyeshine.  

No, but I was referring to the other phenomena that you mentioned… vanishing into thin air and (to a lesser extent) mindspeak.  

I am extremely familiar with all of the proven and alleged symptoms of infrasound.  Sick Building Syndrome.  Wind Turbine Syndrome.  The dreaded Brown Note.  Vladimir Gavreau and Vic Tandy.  The offhanded remark by Elizabeth von Muggenthaler that started the whole “tigers use it to stun their prey” rumor.  A huge portion of my free time has been consumed by the study of infrasound over the past year or so.  

Can infrasound cause a feeling of irritability or maybe even low level confusion or anxiety?  Yes.  It doesn’t come anywhere near to causing the “zapping” effect that people describe, however.  

People are experiencing these physical symptoms, but I don’t think that it is caused by infrasound.  But, that’s a separate thread.  

21 minutes ago, norseman said:




Those are still reflecting light though.  Not self illuminating.

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