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Is The Skookum Cast Still Considered To Be A Potential Bigfoot Lay?


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Please provide links to Swindlers statements concerning pgf...

Here is your chance to educate me.... and I'm willing to listen.


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A sasquatch could do what is seen and leave what was left.




You do know what was left in the impression was elk, deer, bear, coyote hair, and a hair from one of the men at the site? The majority of the hair collected was from an elk.





So a sasquatch leaves hair from other animals but not its own when it lies down in the mud?


Did Daris Swindler say this or did you come up with it all on your own?

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Guest Crowlogic




A sasquatch could do what is seen and leave what was left.




You do know what was left in the impression was elk, deer, bear, coyote hair, and a hair from one of the men at the site? The majority of the hair collected was from an elk.





So a sasquatch leaves hair from other animals but not its own when it lies down in the mud?


Did Daris Swindler say this or did you come up with it all on your own?


I think its pretty clear that bigfoot can do whatever it wants or needs to do to avoid discovery....sorta like magic.  But I'll reserve judgment until the word of the good Dr's confirm otherwise....... .

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A sasquatch could do what is seen and leave what was left.




You do know what was left in the impression was elk, deer, bear, coyote hair, and a hair from one of the men at the site? The majority of the hair collected was from an elk.





So a sasquatch leaves hair from other animals but not its own when it lies down in the mud?


Did Daris Swindler say this or did you come up with it all on your own?


Was that kidding?  OF COURSE! I made up what Swindler said.  I even made up the name!  Swindler...swindle...get it...?


[why DON'T THEY EVER READ ANYTHING oh that's right it's part of the profile...]

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Again, do you know if apes shed more or less Hartman elk or bear


Less and through out the year. But unlike hair, fur can go through seasonal growth spurts, as well as seasonal shedding.

I found this interesting as well,


It would seem that all Primates groom themselves and each other.

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Guest Stan Norton

Sorry post edit interrupted by small child...

Again, do you know if apes shed more or less hair than elk or bear? That would be a sensible query for the truly sceptical.

Seems that not one person in this forum has the requisite skills to categorically state what the cast is, coupled with the fact that none of us were there. There are many possibilities, elk and bear being but two. The purpose of this thread is to speculate as to whether sasquatch is a possibility. Part of that speculation should lead the honestly sceptical to investigate that possibility with an open mind.

I have no idea what the cast is. But the opinion of Daris Swindler, an expert who actually saw and studied the cast, is of importance: to deny such is illogical and, importantl, unscientific. Unfortunately the second such experts stray into the realms of speculating favourably on sasquatch they become, to the dishonestly sceptical, the wrong kind of expert.

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BFF Patron

You suppose if I put up a sign up offering to groom some BF might be interested? Anyone know how to write in BF?

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I have no idea what the cast is. But the opinion of Daris Swindler, an expert who actually saw and studied the cast, is of importance: to deny such is illogical and, importantl, unscientific. Unfortunately the second such experts stray into the realms of speculating favourably on sasquatch they become, to the dishonestly sceptical, the wrong kind of expert.



Other than telling you I can't locate something near the speculated calcaneum and Achilles' tendon on, well, an elk, all I can say is that the concerted up-close review of a number of directly relevant specialists is at the core of my opinion of Skookum, and if those opinions aren't addressed unless to say Wrobleski Agrees With Me = Win Here, then I know the person expressing the opinion isn't thinking critically.


(Then there's that little impossible-for-elk-to-get-down-OR-up thing.)

Edited by DWA
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Guest OntarioSquatch

I wouldn't consider this cast as evidence of Bigfoot any more than I would consider a tree structure as evidence of Bigfoot. None of the experts who've examined the cast so far have been able to conclusively determine what it is, so I'd say it's very ambiguous. With footprints, one can at least say it's either from a Bigfoot or it's a hoax, but with this we can't.

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My opinion is the Skookum Impression was made by an elk, not a bigfoot.

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Yo!  Clicking Heels Three Times doesn't work in science.  You guys on Skookum are just like you guys on PGF:  you base your opinion on things that are totally irrelevant.


Elk tracks are all over the place there?  CONIFER NEEDLES are all over the place there.  So.  Did a conifer leave the imprint?


How hard is this?


1.  No tracks where they would have to be for an elk to get down.

2.  ...nor where they would have to be for the elk to get up.

3.  Somebody with supremely relevant world-class credentials - compared to your zero - goes from scoftic to proponent when he sees a primate calcaneum and Achilles' tendon in the imprint.

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Its somewhat telling that nothing was ever published in a journal on the cast. They bring in an retired 75 year old scientist who specialized in teeth to get the rubber stamp for credibility. No elk or other large mammal specialist to rule out the most probable culprits. Its just enough for to be tantalizing for tv and sell a few books to the indoctrinated.

As far as the primate hair shedding roll your head in some mud for a minute or so. Count all the hairs and multiply that by what ever factor you would think it would take to equal the area seen within the impression.

We might have to consider the possibility that bigfoot has the ability to control the shedding of its fur as to prevent detection much as it avoids leaving footprints.

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