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Is The Skookum Cast Still Considered To Be A Potential Bigfoot Lay?


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Since Dr. LeRoy Fish's bootprint was in close proximity to the impression it's obvious the body imprint was made by Dr. Leroy Fish. End of discussion. :lol:

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John Green:

"For more than 40 years I have held the opinion that science can not be convinced of the existence of sasquatches by anything less than physical remains. I have now changed my opinion. I think the Skookum cast can do it, provided that enough influential zoologosts, mammalogists, anatomists, primatologists, etc. will take a serious look at it. I have had the privilege of being able to spend considerable time examining the cast on two occasions, once before much of the dirt was removed from it and once since, both times in the company of Dr. Grover Krantz and Dr. Jeff Meldrum among others.

On the first occasion dirt still hid most of the dermatoglyphics, the forearm imprint was still just a questionable dirt-covered hump, and estimates of the length of the body parts were largely guesswork. Even then all of the people present, five of whom held doctorates, agreed with the trio who found the imprint that the only thing that could have made it was a huge bipedal primate which had sat down in the mud and then turned on its side.

After that Jeff Meldrum spent several days carefully uncovering the details, revealing consistent hair patterns on all parts of the imprint, including the forearm, and large areas of clear dermal ridges where the heels had dug in.

Since no large creatures except primates have dermal ridges at all, there is no possibility that any animal other than a higher primate could have made the heel imprints. Each species of higher primate has a different pattern, and none has a heel this large. Further, Dr. Meldrum, who is a professor of anatomy, was able to determine the position of the joints for some of the limbs, establishing that the bones were 40 to 50 percent longer than those of a 6-foot human.

The evidence that this imprint was made by a very large, unknown, higher primate is, in my opinion, compelling. I would not anticipate that every qualified person who examines would come to the same conclusion, but I feel sure that the vast majority would have to, whatever their preconceptions."

the premise cited will never happen so long as Noll is afraid to let it. Why is he afraid to let it?

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That is the graphic referred to in the bolded part of my quote from DDA. He's done an excellent job of demolishing it on the old forum as well as here.

There has been overwhelming evidence that it is an elk, and no evidence at all for it to be a sasquatch. Being in denial in the face of that does not demolish it. However, what it does do, in combination with not allowing access to the cast or the 3d scan of the cast, is further lend doubt to the authenticity of the cast.

Edited by wolftrax
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There has been overwhelming evidence that it is an elk, and no evidence at all for it to be a sasquatch. Being in denial in the face of that does not demolish it. However, what it does do, in combination with not allowing access to the cast or the 3d scan of the cast, is further lend doubt to the authenticity of the cast.

Not to mention the intentions behind the obstacle.

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Guest HairyGreek

Not to mention the intentions behind the obstacle.

Since you insist in talking about the intentions of people who are not here to defend themselves instead of using some actual facts and/or science to back up your claims, lets examine YOUR intentions.

Why are you here being so obviously combative with everyone who disagress with you? Why do you want to come off like a kid blindfolded swinging a bat at a pinata claiming everyone else is blind? What satisfaction do you get out of coming on here and calling everyone cult followers but act like you are the second coming? Just curious.

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SSR Team


I knew the i had a sighting thing was going to come up, just cause people have seen what they say is a BF does not mean a BF was laying down on that road side, it means people are seeing something unexplained . .

And i don't think talking back smart too me is going to help this thread at all ~ I am simply keeping it to the known facts, Again no BF has even been thrown on the table and classified as a species or type of animal . . None... it's a fact

Tim :)

Tim, i don't think you could have misread how/why i wrote that Post, if you tried harder..

The " i had a sighting " thing has NOTHING to do with what was on that Road that night & i find it unfortunate that you even suggest it would..

& talking back smart to you ??

I'd be a whole lot blunter if i was doing that Tim, trust me, but i don't do it as my version of " smart talking " would probably get me banned from teh Forums & i don't want that, so i don't do it.. :)

Virtually every single Post that i see of yours Tim since you've come back to the Forum is either a sarcastic, unfunny or immature joke regarding this subject, i'm sure you're big enough & didn't think you were the type of Guy to have a problem with taking a little bit back the other every once in a while really, even if you did wrongly perceive it..

Edited by BobbyO
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Since you insist in talking about the intentions of people who are not here to defend themselves instead of using some actual facts and/or science to back up your claims, lets examine YOUR intentions.

Why are you here being so obviously combative with everyone who disagress with you? Why do you want to come off like a kid blindfolded swinging a bat at a pinata claiming everyone else is blind? What satisfaction do you get out of coming on here and calling everyone cult followers but act like you are the second coming? Just curious.

I have explained as much as I need. You just dont like having your perceptions challenged

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Guest krakatoa

I have explained as much as I need. You just dont like having your perceptions challenged

(emphasis mine)

I feel like I'm in an alternate universe, reading posts by Para-ape's mustachioed doppelganger.

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Guest HairyGreek

:blob: OMG...I was thinking the exact same thing. I just couldn't phrase it that well. Well said Krakatoa. LOL...

Edited to add; if para was right, you may very well be in a parallel universe. :blob:

Edited by HairyGreek
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the premise cited will never happen so long as Noll is afraid to let it. Why is he afraid to let it?

Let what? Hasn't the Skookum Cast been available for examination by zoologosts, mammalogists, anatomists, primatologists for a decade? How many have asked to see it?

DDA has always been willing to answer questions on the forum - at least when people aren't attacking him. He stated his reasons for not sharing his 3-D scan on another thread.

Skookum lean:


Edited by LAL
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This thread is.... enlightening. Now I understand why folks laugh at the subject. What is an obvious elk lay is being defended as a bigfoot impression. Can't you find something better than this to defend? Serious question: Why would you for any reason consider this elk lay related to bigfoot? Because the people there were looking for bigfoot, and they found it? .....

Every time these people go looking for bigfoot evidence they find it. Yet, never can find what makes it - even when its explained ad nauseum in simple terms it is refused and touted as "bigfoot evidence" and some of the best of its kind. I have to say after some observations: This thread is an excellent example of the bigfoot phenomenon. The scientists involved should be ashamed of themselves for not identifying this correctly even after this much time. I have little faith any their future findings if they are lacking the ability to determine such simple evidence as this. Much less some of the less than stellar footprint evidence that is touted as authentic. This has been an educational adventure for me. I thank you all for it.

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Guest RedRatSnake

Now that is more like a BFF post i used to know, i was beginning to think somehow my server was bringing me to the BFRO when i pushed the BFF button ~

Tim :thumbsup:

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