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Play The New Bigfoot Game


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Hi, everyone, there's a new Bigfoot game on the block and anyone can play. Not only that but everyone who plays will be a winner :) There's been lots and lots of Bigfoot "games" played over the years but most would only allow a few players at the table. As Bigfoot populatity grew, however, more and more players joined in. But compared to the over all community the percentage of top players was, and is still, pretty small compared to the game's spectators.


The issue was everyone wanted a top, well, known, well trusted, player to win (i.e. prove Bigfoot real) but none of them, to this day, ever has. In this new game everyone can play and it doesn't matter if you're a novice who knows little or nothing about Bigfoot, or you've been involved in the study and research of the creature for years or even decades. In fact it may not even matter if one is a believer or a skeptic, you can still play.


There is only one rule in this game in order for one to become eligible to play. In my next post I will lay out what that one rule is and why there is only one rule to begin with.


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Okay the one rule to follow in order to stay in the game is this: Do Nothing. That's the one and only rule that this game has. So what exactly IS the Game? I mean, how does anyone actually win the game if everyone who plays the game enters it on the same footing as even the most high profile people in the Bigfoot community, including seasoned investigators and scientists?


And, perhaps more critical to one's knowledge for how to play, what is this one "Do Nothing" rule all about? Let me put it this way, what would happen if the Bigfoot BUSINESS side of things had no support. As in ZERO. I mean, that's pretty much what anyone, whether a player or a spectator, has ever gotten back as far as proof of the creature's existence for whatever monies they've spent on the subject isn't it? Zero? Am I wrong? No, I'm not wrong.


So, the game has this one rule of Do Nothing, right? Well, what exactly does THAT mean, Do Nothing? And now, in the next post we'll all get to understand how to actually play the game....and win!


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This is how to play the game while abiding by the Do Nothing rule:


Don't go to conferences
Don't buy Bigfoot merchandise
Don't go on paid expeditions
Don't go to Bigfoot museums
Don't buy Bigfoot books (mine included)
Don't download Bigfoot eBooks (mine included)
Don't buy Bigfoot movies
Don't rent Bigfoot movies
Don't go see Hollywood Bigfoot movies
Don't watch Bigfoot documentaries
Don't buy Bigfoot documentaries
Don't rent Bigfoot documentaries
Don't donate money for anything
Don't spend one more dime on anything Bigfoot related


You get the idea, No one gets a single cent until they come up with the Goods. The "Goods" meaning Bigfoot proof of existence. No more teasing, no more carrots, no more experts, no more failed DNA studies, no more "YOU decide" videos or dialogue, no more blurry photos, no more audio recordings, no more footprint casts, and no more hair samples. The "Goods" and ONLY the Goods" if anyone in "the biz" wants to ever see another nickle from anyone.


Billions of dollars are spent every year by believers who still have zero in return for their hard earned money. And it's been gong on for years! So, play this game with its one rule of Do Nothing and the "Bigfoot Biz" will be left with only two choices if it wants to survive: One, fold up the snake oil tents and go home, And two, either prove the Bigfoot exists.....or prove that it DOESN'T, and stop running a sham on the public at large once and for all.


And that's how everyone wins the game. Except for the ones who have been running the current game for the last 60 years.And all everyone has to do is NOTHING. Some might call it a Bigfoot strike. Because money drying up is pretty serious business. But whatever the term, it's time, way overdue actually, for a reconning.

There. A new Bigfoot game where the shoe gets to go on the OTHER foot. Shall we all play? Could be fun, or at least fairly interesting...and within just a very few short months the game could be over with everyone getting a check mark in the "win" column :)


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47 minutes ago, hiflier said:

.......Don't go to conferences
Don't buy Bigfoot merchandise
Don't go on paid expeditions
Don't go to Bigfoot museums
Don't buy Bigfoot books (mine included)
Don't download Bigfoot eBooks (mine included)
Don't buy Bigfoot movies
Don't rent Bigfoot movies
Don't go see Hollywood Bigfoot movies
Don't watch Bigfoot documentaries
Don't buy Bigfoot documentaries
Don't rent Bigfoot documentaries
Don't donate money for anything
Don't spend one more dime on anything Bigfoot related.........


I've been winning for years.

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5 hours ago, Bonehead74 said:




LMAO!! Oh, but not NEARLY as tiresome having the rug pulled out from underneath one 24/7, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, for decades. Now THAT'S tiresome, my friend ;) Total boycotts work.


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Traditionally, I have been ok at this game, but not great at it. Over the last 20 years, I believe I have mastered it.

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I've gotten to the level where I give my signed books away to people that I personally meet, whether strangers or not. My one book has been on Amazon for sale and I'm seriously considering free eBook downloads for the public and only pricing the paperback to cover the cost of printing and shipping- I would then make nothing on either. Why? Because there is no proof of Bigfoot in my book and it has made me feel more of a hypocrite and even guilty for selling them. I was going to use any monies to pay for my research equipment, but even that felt wrong. 


And this thread has made me feel guiltier still. Thank goodness I don't own a museum. Closing it would be a pain in the neck. But if I DID have one I WOULD close it at this point purely on ethical grounds. I've never gone to a conference, but even if I did? The idea of vendors' tables leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It always has truth be known. So yes, I do indeed also play The Game. I don't do snake oil, speakers, or books with zero to show. Don't even talk to me about documentaries or YouTube subscriptions. Anyone want money out of me? Cough up the goods (proof).


Perfecting The Game means being totally honest with the Sasquatch situation. It doesn't give me license to dangle carrots in front of anyone and hope they pay me money for selling an illusion. If I get proof of the creature's existence then people will pay that. But to cleverly bait the public by making them THINK I have proof? No way, I won't do it.


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13 hours ago, hiflier said:


LMAO!! Oh, but not NEARLY as tiresome having the rug pulled out from underneath one 24/7, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, for decades. Now THAT'S tiresome, my friend ;) Total boycotts work.



You'll have to settle for total minus 1.   You don't choose my path.  




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No reason to attack, LOL, no one is choosing anything for anyone, MIB. Wanna play The Game then play it. Don't wanna play The Game then don't. Doesn't matter to me one bit one way or the other. How's that for a free and easy choice? I don't know why you even bothered to state your position here. It wasn't really necessary as, truth be known (which you already knew ;)) it's a personal decision based on how one views things so no reason to get all twisty about it and no need to raise a hand. I mean it's not like I'm running some kinda poll here, right?  :) 


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I always thought communities should support each other and that's what we try to do here.


Hiflier complains about people not producing the goods, but fails to mention he hasn't produced anything either.


I just find it unsavory to cast stones at others without looking in the mirror first.


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16 hours ago, gigantor said:

I always thought communities should support each other and that's what we try to do here.


Hiflier complains about people not producing the goods, but fails to mention he hasn't produced anything either.


I just find it unsavory to cast stones at others without looking in the mirror first.



I ALWAYS look in the mirror, gigantor, and have never, ever asked anyone to do anything I haven't done or am doing for myself. Communities SHOULD support each other but I see no one who has ever seriously supported or who have ever seriously done what I do to get at the bottom of this BF business. And anyone who has been here more than five years KNOWS what I've done and have tried to encourage others to help out. Doesn't happen. Criticism happens, though, is spades which as far as I can tell is all anyone here is good for. I thank you all for nothing because that's pretty much the extent of my experience n this Forum.


I got something on a trail camera at 2am this past Sunday morning. First time ever. Do you think there is a snowball's chance that I would post it here? Nope. ain't gonna happen. WHY? It isn't proof. Got tree knocks a year ago. Think I would mention it on this Forum back when it happened? Again, no, because it isn't proof. The point being that the Bigfoot business side isn't about proof, it's about hype and sensationalism, and people strutting around who are famous for....what exactly? Not proof of Sasquatch that's for sure. This Game I'm talking about and playing is aimed at pulling the rug out from underneath all of that. It's all little more than a useless sham playing acting like some kind of serious endeavor at getting to the truth and I will do everything I can think of to sink this side of Bigfootery.


So much time, so much energy, and so much money spent building peripheral enterprises and doing everything BUT going after this creature en mass and finishing the most important hunt of the last 200 years. And as the cash cow it has become, as the slap in the face that it has become, it has only shown how little the community considers the true importance of this creature and the biz side deserves no support whatsoever.    

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I am not wrong for seeing the current situation for what it is. Down votes are fine and dandy. I'm getting things off my chest that have been eating at me for years. Nothing noble about it either. And if anyone thinks I enjoy this kind of thing they are wrong. It bothers the hell out of me to have to say anything. But it needs saying. he business side of the Bigfoot phenomenon is a total embarrassment and actually harms the perception the public has of researchers.


And as far as this thread goes along with my posts? I'm actually being pretty civil compared to what I really could say about the whole stinking mess that the subject of Bigfoot has become. I would take one Grover Krantz, or one John Bindernagel, over a thousand money makers or a thousand Moneymakers any day. Truth.


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Its really getting old Hiflier. I think you need a break from the BFF.





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