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Michael Greene (who filmed the squeaky bigfoot thermal video in NC) passed away July 29, 2023


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Below is link to Mike's obituary.  




RIP and thanks for your contributions, Mike!


Below is an excellent interview done (I think in July of 2021) with Cliff and Bobo (Bigfoot and Beyond Episode #116).  In this interview, Mike goes into details on how he got the creature on thermal imager video.



The link below was an interview he did 18 months after he got the "Squeaky BF" video (which was filmed on April 28, 2009).



Raw video footage in link below.



BFRO page on Mike Greene and his "Squeaky" video.


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I met Mike at the 2009 Wisconsin BFRO expedition where he showed us all the Squeaky video.  That was either May or June, so only a couple of weeks after he filmed it.  


I thought he was a nice guy.  I enjoyed speaking with him.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
SSR Team

That's sad, RIP..

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When Mike initially released the video, he was charging $2 to watch it. I paid the money but due to technical issues, was unable to view it. I contacted him about my problem but he had trouble refunding the money electronically. He mailed me a $2 cheque, to Canada. My opinion on his honesty and integrity was forever solidified with that gesture.

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  • 2 weeks later...
BFF Patron

Sad to hear of  Mike's passing.  He was a gamer but I never met him in Sasquatch circles.  I did buy his book which was thieved from me when I lent it to an 

antikill BF hobbyist.  I warned him of the content of the book in advance, so his thanks to me was to never return the book.....sheesh some people.  


I was also interested in his methodology for recording the squeaky thermal footage.  

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