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Georgia zapping story during BFRO Expedition


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I recently listened to John Baranchok’s podcast about the infrasound topic, and found the "zapping" story he told very intriguing. 

He told a story about 4 guys who got “zapped” during a night hike investigation as part of a Georgia BFRO expedition.

Three of the four investigators got sudden and impactful physiological effects (nosebleed, projectile vomit, and hit hard in the stomach).


I have never heard this story before or claims like these associated with sasquatch encounters in the West Coast (based on conversations with BFRO folks from WA, OR, and CA). 

I have heard of panic or anxiety attacks while night hiking in suspect sasquatch areas.  


I don’t know if this case was written up anywhere by the Georgia BFRO folks with more details and post event recovery.  If anybody knows, please share.

While we do not know what caused their physiological effects, it is still an intriguing story with multiple eyewitnesses present to corroborate what they experienced.

In the linked YouTube video, the story starts ~8 min and ends ~21 min.




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I did some digging on the two eyewitnesses that John Baranchok mentioned in his podcast to see if they corroborated the claim.


In the podcast John said that there were 4 eyewitnesses - two seasoned field researchers and two newbies.


The two seasoned field researchers that he mentioned were John Eaves and Glen McDonald.


Unfortunately, John Eaves passed away this year (there was a memorial posted on July 2023).  

Fortunately, he was interviewed in October of 2022 in a YouTube podcast, and he told of many of his experiences from northern Georgia  (the YouTube video link is attached below).

While he does not go over the "zapping" story that John Baranchok mentioned, he tells of experiencing several zapping events over his 11 years of research (some with similar outcomes - nausea).


I also found a Glen McDonald in a Georgia Bigfooters Facebook page, so I presume that he is the other guy.


Odds are that this is a legit story with regard to people involved and what they experienced.

Who knows what really led to those symptoms?


Maybe @kbhunter , (who lives in Georgia and wrote a book about his BF experiences there) , knows these folks and can provide more information about the likelihood that these physiological effects were caused by a bigfoot in those Georgia woods.





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I have not.   (Probably.  :))   I'll recommend caution with the term "zapping."    People are experiencing unexplained things.   They are desperate to have a label for what happened to them.    I've dug into the reports some .. interviewed witnesses, etc.   What "person A" is calling "being zapped" is not at all similar to what "person B" calls "being zapped."   You've gotta peel the label off the "onion" and ask people about the details of their experience and ignore the label or likely you're going to be chasing after an average of dissimilar things, not after something that truly exists.    One guy I know likens it to being tazed.   There was no fear, no nausea at all.   Just dumped to the ground in full muscle contraction .. extreme pain and no control over his body.   Another talks about fear to the point of nausea.   Someone else talks about a situation of strange head pains, lights, and develops cancer she attributes to "zapping."   These are NOT the same thing.   As long as we are shoving them in the same pigeonhole as if they were one, we're not going to understand any of them.  


I'm not laughing.  I'm not ridiculing.  I'm saying "do science" if only in the sense of do some critical thinking.   Forget the labels.   Record your observations, not your interpretations.  Do it immediately because within a couple days or less you'll be trying to explain it by putting it in a framework of observation and the value will be gone.

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3 hours ago, plzr said:

has anybody member here been zapped? is it like an electrical shock? there's something very alien about this zapping phenomenon , perhaps BF is of alien origin?

I have not.

Perhaps Sasquatch are a 'normal' species and we are the aliens. The 'missing link' has not been found..........we just showed up. ( Earth as a seed planet ).

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On 11/23/2023 at 11:49 AM, Explorer said:

I recently listened to John Baranchok’s podcast about the infrasound topic, and found the "zapping" story he told very intriguing. 

He told a story about 4 guys who got “zapped” during a night hike investigation as part of a Georgia BFRO expedition.

Three of the four investigators got sudden and impactful physiological effects (nosebleed, projectile vomit, and hit hard in the stomach).


I have never heard this story before or claims like these associated with sasquatch encounters in the West Coast (based on conversations with BFRO folks from WA, OR, and CA). 

I have heard of panic or anxiety attacks while night hiking in suspect sasquatch areas.  


I don’t know if this case was written up anywhere by the Georgia BFRO folks with more details and post event recovery.  If anybody knows, please share.

While we do not know what caused their physiological effects, it is still an intriguing story with multiple eyewitnesses present to corroborate what they experienced.

In the linked YouTube video, the story starts ~8 min and ends ~21 min.




What you describe has no equal in nature. But does it exist? Absolutely. Maybe people are not getting “zapped” by a large primate. Maybe they are getting “zapped” by technology in the hands of our government for getting too close?


Havana syndrome, real biological reactions to these weapons are very very REAL!

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8 hours ago, Catmandoo said:

I have not.

Perhaps Sasquatch are a 'normal' species and we are the aliens. The 'missing link' has not been found..........we just showed up. ( Earth as a seed planet ).


There is no "missing link." That's a 19th century notion. There's a fairly clear, if bushy, lineage from the Austrolopithicenes.

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7 hours ago, norseman said:

What you describe has no equal in nature. But does it exist? Absolutely. Maybe people are not getting “zapped” by a large primate. Maybe they are getting “zapped” by technology in the hands of our government for getting too close?


Havana syndrome, real biological reactions to these weapons are very very REAL!


I do not dismiss these claims, but I have no idea what is the causal factor.


In this particular case, the eyewitnesses/experiencers attribute it to bigfoot, but they really do not know.  

I think in the early part of the story, 2 of them see a bigfoot and that is the source of them making a connection.

However, they really do not know.


I have never experienced this and don't know of anybody who have experienced these type of physiological effects while night hiking (nosebleeds or projectile vomit, or getting hit in the stomach).

I had a friend who panicked and ran away back to camp for some unknown reason while doing a night hike, but I attribute that to her own internal mental state and nothing external.

I don't put much weight on simple panic or anxiety attacks - specially from folks who are not used to hiking at night.


This particular case is intriguing because 3 individuals had different physiological effects (nosebleed, projectile vomit, and stomach hit) all in the same local area and within a short period of time.

I am disappointed that BFRO did not do a full medical evaluation of these folks after the event to determine of any pre and post health conditions.

Also, it would have been informative to place the location of the event on a map and compare to any radar or military facilities next to the location (to eliminate the rare chance that the military was testing weapons or had facilities that could have emitted harmful EMF signals).


Regardless of the cause, if this event was real then there is a mystery there that needs more attention. 

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BFF Patron

I know of several (at least two) Washington state BFRO investigators that experienced the zapping in an investigation.  It made them leave the area. 


One female is no longer investigating, and no longer in Washington state, not sure of the connection to leaving the field in that instance. 


I had low frequency what I call subsonics during my investigations in NC both in the field and near my personal residence during an intense period of 

several years during what I call an infestation that did include nocturnal sightings at close range of multiples with green sparkly eye glow. 


I had never experienced subsonics other than from HVAC which is what I thought I was experiencing near my home, and may still be but the same pattern and cadence

of directed low frequency tones occurred during nightime investigations and even seemed to be coming from the ground during an overnight tenting when I was

approached but did not visualize the candidate cryptid.  


This was during a five to six year experience where I was being heavily engaged and messed with.  I never experienced nausea but did have some intense cluster

like headaches occasionally during the experiences.  

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4 hours ago, OldMort said:

I awoke in the middle of the night and heard footsteps on the scree not far from our tents, slowly cautiously and deliberately moving about. They were not the steps of a bear or a deer, besides we were well above the elevation of their usual habitat. I felt a fair amount of fear and a strong reluctance to investigate further. The next thing I knew it was morning...



It was then that I heard a slow shuffling right outside my tent, perhaps two feet from my head, a step and then a pause, slow and deliberate, again and again encircling my tent. I was frozen in terror without the power of speech. I heard my friend cry out my name in a quaking voice, "Mort, is that you"!  I heard a low guttural sound from the direction of my brother's tent. I could not answer - the terror was too intense. The next thing we all remember was waking up the following morning. There was no recollection of tossing and turning all night as you normally do sleeping in the mountains, there were no memories of getting up to **** or having a drink, there was just a blank gap after the terror at dusk. Nothing but a long sound sleep...We talked about it as we packed our things. We were still creeped out in a major way over the events that had occurred, but try as we may we were unable to fill in any details. Both of my partners said that they too had also heard footsteps directly outside their tents at the same time as when I did. Then, for all of us, it all went blank...



@OldMort,  yes I find this experience to be very odd. 


I don't think that was a bear because you would not just go back to sleep.  Back in the late 90's, I had a bear wake me up while I was sleeping in my tent.  It was trying to open a bear box and after giving up on that, then it started walking around my tent for minutes.  This event was also terrifying and I was frozen with fear in the tent (no infrasound needed to explain that feeling).  This happened on the Chisos Mountains in Big Bend NP, TX.  The last thing I would do in that situation is fall asleep.  Despite the fear, I was hyper alert and ready for the fight or flight reaction until finally the bear gave up and left.


In your case, the anomalous event is that all three of you fell asleep and ignored the situation.  I have no idea if infrasound could cause that.  It does not fit the typical "zapping" claim of panic attacks.  Sounds more like the typical UFO abduction (with no recollection of what transpired on all that missing time)!  On the other hand, nobody knows what was walking next to your tents since nobody exited to take a look (so it does not have to be a bigfoot).  Putting someone to sleep sounds more like some type of mental hypnosis.



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1 hour ago, Explorer said:

In your case, the anomalous event is that all three of you fell asleep and ignored the situation.  I have no idea if infrasound could cause that.


It can .. best evidence says it can.   Consider GeorgeRM's experience he has reported a couple times.   I have to consider my own .. and why it did not work the time it did not.  


I think I've said this before but if not, put your search engine to use.   Learn what you can about .. as a pattern .. human brain wave states and the characteristics of each.    Consider the frequencies involved relative to infrasound.  The look up brain wave entrainment.    I assume you'll connect the dots as I did.   No proof, but connection seems pretty significant.   The remaining questions are whether BF really uses infrasound and whether they do so with sufficient dexterity to produce the observed results.  


I find the implication most unsettling.


Secondary .. as you say, infrasound is not zapping.   That seems pretty clear in comparing observation instead of interpretation.


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On 11/23/2023 at 11:49 AM, Explorer said:

I have never heard this story before or claims like these associated with sasquatch encounters in the West Coast (based on conversations with BFRO folks from WA, OR, and CA). 

I have heard of panic or anxiety attacks while night hiking in suspect sasquatch areas.  


I've had it happen to me, once. Utterly terrified, hid in my van, groveling on the ground crying and feeling nauseous. Turned off like a switch, and I sat up and opened the van door and continued on like nothing had happened. Strangest dang thing. In Oregon.

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^^^^ What MIB posted. The Earth vibrates, everything vibrates, we vibrate at about 5--10Hz.  The average base frequency for Earth is about 7.83Hz. The Schumann frequencies have peaks and I have posted the lower range below, opposite our brain wave frequencies.


            Brain waves           Hz                                            Schumann frequencies     Hz

Delta (sleep)               1--4 or recently 0.5--2                                               

Theta                            4--8                                                            7.83

alpha                             8--12

beta                               13--30                                                        14.3,  20.8,   27.3                                                                   

low gamma                  30--70                                                         33.8

high gamma                 70--150 


mu wave, alpha like

variant that repeats at 7.5--12.5                                                     7.83

                primarily   at 9--11


NASA puts Schumann frequency generators on space craft to help astronauts feel better.

NASA lists the resonant frequency of our eyes at 18Hz. NASA worries about eyeballs, especially in space.

At about 18Hz, our eyes vibrate causing distortion of vision, feelings of unease and claims of sighting 'apparitions' (ghosts).


No, I have not thought about this at all.


With OldMorts experience of 3 persons simultaneously 'crashing' into restful sleep, I would guess deep sleep to recharge amino acid imbalances.


We just don't know but are good at guessing and spit balling. Infrasound is very difficult to detect in the field without expensive equipment. The cheap way that I have considered is a custom made tuning fork that vibrates under 20Hz. Not easy to make but does not require power. As we all know, as soon as we power up our electronics, they go quiet.


Inc, the fossil record is so incomplete.

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