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Something I've honestly never considered...


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1 hour ago, Backdoc said:




You would have hunters shooting each other.    Amateur hunters-who never even held a gun before today- would be shooting anything that moves; especially each other.

I doubt that.

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On 6/4/2024 at 7:07 PM, Huntster said:


Yeah, they already do that just hunting deer. I've been shot out there........twice.




I’ve been shot at in the woods. And it wasn’t by mistake. I think I was too close to a grow operation. Which was a big no no in the 80s.

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2 minutes ago, norseman said:

I’ve been shot at in the woods. And it wasn’t by mistake...........


That's legal and moral justification to shoot back.

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:57 PM, Backdoc said:




You would have hunters shooting each other.    Amateur hunters-who never even held a gun before today- would be shooting anything that moves; especially each other.

People who are not hunters are suddenly going to pick a high powered rifle and go looking to shoot at a dangerous animal??? In forests occupied by other known dangerous animals?



1 minute ago, Huntster said:


That's legal and moral justification to shoot back.

Yes. But I was a teenager and I left. In a hurry.

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I think there would be some uptick of people who ARE hunters who would go out looking for Bigfoot.  


I think many non-hunters will suddenly become interested in trying to shoot bigfoot.  Whatever the numbers, it would be a significant uptick in the number of people running around in the woods.  Unlike the hunters, these guys are a danger.  A dangerous situation would emerge.   


There would be some people wanting to 'cash in' on Bigfoot.  The bst way to do it is to shoot one.   I also believe the woods would increase the number of brave looky-lous who would just want to see one.  There would be a big increase the number of people who might also try to cash in by just filming Bigfoot.  Think of a lot more Roger Pattersons out there.   They wouldn't be armed but might look like Bigfoot to some Wanna-Be who thought they looked like Bigfoot.   


If the hunt of Bigfoot was solely experienced hunters, I doubt there is anything to worry about even with a large increase in number.  I just think there would be an infusion of wanna-be-hunters and thousands armed with a camera tying to get bigfoot on video.   Too many people with a itchy trigger shaking the bushes and trees would result in some mistaken identity shootings.  


Think of the movie Jaws.   They put out the reward and the entire bay was full of wanna-bees tying to bag the shark.  


Image result for movie scenes jaws



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52 minutes ago, Backdoc said:

I think there would be some uptick of people who ARE hunters who would go out looking for Bigfoot.………..

I guarantee there would be. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of them.

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1 hour ago, Backdoc said:



I think there would be some uptick of people who ARE hunters who would go out looking for Bigfoot.  


I think many non-hunters will suddenly become interested in trying to shoot bigfoot.  Whatever the numbers, it would be a significant uptick in the number of people running around in the woods.  Unlike the hunters, these guys are a danger.  A dangerous situation would emerge.   


There would be some people wanting to 'cash in' on Bigfoot.  The bst way to do it is to shoot one.   I also believe the woods would increase the number of brave looky-lous who would just want to see one.  There would be a big increase the number of people who might also try to cash in by just filming Bigfoot.  Think of a lot more Roger Pattersons out there.   They wouldn't be armed but might look like Bigfoot to some Wanna-Be who thought they looked like Bigfoot.   


If the hunt of Bigfoot was solely experienced hunters, I doubt there is anything to worry about even with a large increase in number.  I just think there would be an infusion of wanna-be-hunters and thousands armed with a camera tying to get bigfoot on video.   Too many people with a itchy trigger shaking the bushes and trees would result in some mistaken identity shootings.  


Think of the movie Jaws.   They put out the reward and the entire bay was full of wanna-bees tying to bag the shark.  


Image result for movie scenes jaws



Many kids these days cannot even be bothered to have a job. When they are not playing Call of duty on Xbox? They are on their Tik Tok and Twitter accounts. They don’t hunt deer or elk or bear for good reason. Because they cannot have it door dashed to their couch. Like Burger King or Taco Bell or Pizza.


The Harry and the Henderson scenario was 30 years ago. Times have changed. I don’t see any Gen Z going and buying a rifle and backpack gear and scaling mountains and forests looking for a Bigfoot to shoot. The kids who are gonna take up the challenge? Are already out there hunting and fishing. 


Thats my .02 cents. 

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On 6/10/2024 at 11:28 AM, norseman said:

Many kids these days cannot even be bothered to have a job. When they are not playing Call of duty on Xbox? They are on their Tik Tok and Twitter accounts. They don’t hunt deer or elk or bear for good reason. Because they cannot have it door dashed to their couch. Like Burger King or Taco Bell or Pizza.


Speaking as someone who has many avid hunters with kids in the family, I can tell you that while the kids love the taste of wild game and having selfies taken in hunting camp they HATE having to get up before sun-up to hunt, having to walk over a mile and sitting silently in one spot waiting, and no signal to chat with their pals. I may side with Norseman on this one....

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I'm not a hunter.  I'm looking at this Bigfoot hunt idea from a standpoint of:


1)  People's curiosity 

2)  People's Greed!




From a curiosity standpoint, Gimlin sums it up best when he states, "I just wanted to see it again"    People wanting to see a bigfoot would be expected to increase once they knew for a fact Bigfot was really out there.   I don't know how many would suddenly avoid the woods with the knowledge Bigfoot was really out there.  There has to be some.  


I'll call the curiosity Bigfoot Tourism.   There would be some uptick of the number of people out there trying to see a Bigfoot.  I read this occurred in Arkansas when reports came out the Ivory Billed Woodpecker may have been spotted.


There is no danger with bigfoot tourism expect for those who are armed and inexperienced or around those who are. 


Peoples Greed:   


This is where you would get veteran outdoorsmen as well as complete armatures.   They would either want to shoot one physically or shoot one with a camera.   


We can talk about how today's generations of young people don't care about the outdoors as much or at least the hard work that goes with it.  This may be true, but fame and money is a powerful motivator.


If you follow the money, people's greed would be intense enough to create a danger out in those woods.  Odds are these types are more likely to shoot a person than shot a bigfoot. 


 Image result for movie wedding crashers shot in the butt vince vaghn


Finally, we cannot discount the young person who- along with their friends- try to prank/ fool the Bigfoot hunters, only to get shot by accident.


How much of this would happen?   All I think we can say for sure is there would be more of it than what is happening now.  Those incidents would go up.  How much would be anyone's guess.  





"State officials in western Pennsylvania are investigating the shooting of a man mistaken for a coyote by a fellow hunter. A Pennsylvania Game Commission spokesman told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the victim was shot in the shoulder Friday evening in South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, and taken to a local hospital. "



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56 minutes ago, Backdoc said:

I'm not a hunter.  I'm looking at this Bigfoot hunt idea from a standpoint of:


1)  People's curiosity 

2)  People's Greed!




From a curiosity standpoint, Gimlin sums it up best when he states, "I just wanted to see it again"    People wanting to see a bigfoot would be expected to increase once they knew for a fact Bigfot was really out there.   I don't know how many would suddenly avoid the woods with the knowledge Bigfoot was really out there.  There has to be some.  


I'll call the curiosity Bigfoot Tourism.   There would be some uptick of the number of people out there trying to see a Bigfoot.  I read this occurred in Arkansas when reports came out the Ivory Billed Woodpecker may have been spotted.


There is no danger with bigfoot tourism expect for those who are armed and inexperienced or around those who are. 


Peoples Greed:   


This is where you would get veteran outdoorsmen as well as complete armatures.   They would either want to shoot one physically or shoot one with a camera.   


We can talk about how today's generations of young people don't care about the outdoors as much or at least the hard work that goes with it.  This may be true, but fame and money is a powerful motivator.


If you follow the money, people's greed would be intense enough to create a danger out in those woods.  Odds are these types are more likely to shoot a person than shot a bigfoot. 


 Image result for movie wedding crashers shot in the butt vince vaghn


Finally, we cannot discount the young person who- along with their friends- try to prank/ fool the Bigfoot hunters, only to get shot by accident.


How much of this would happen?   All I think we can say for sure is there would be more of it than what is happening now.  Those incidents would go up.  How much would be anyone's guess.  





"State officials in western Pennsylvania are investigating the shooting of a man mistaken for a coyote by a fellow hunter. A Pennsylvania Game Commission spokesman told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the victim was shot in the shoulder Friday evening in South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, and taken to a local hospital. "



It already does happen. 



As far as hunters shooting each other? That happens as well. But I would (and do) take my chances in the woods than on the streets. Roughly 100 hunters die each year hunting out of 1000 accidents in the U.S. and Canada.


Versus almost 20,000 dead by firearms who were murdered in U.S. cities.




Putting a bounty on a mythological creature in our wilderness areas isn't going to budge the needle one bit.


The gang bangers driving Camaros and shooting up the 711? Will NEVER strap on boots and go into the mountains.


And the hunters that would go look? Are already out there and fall into the first numbers presented. 100 deaths per year out of 1000 accidents.


And this isn’t an ivory billed woodpecker we are looking for. This is something that could rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. And that’s if you avoid the Bears, the Cougars and the Wolves!


Greed doesn’t seem to be a motivator these days. There is still lots of gold in the mountains. How many kids are choosing prospecting as a career? Or even a hobby? Not many…..


And curiosity? Yah I mean they will hop on a Yellowstone bus and go get gored by a buffalo. While drinking lattes and posting pics on instagram. They are not going to buy a rifle and a backpack and go tackle the wilderness by themselves. They wouldn’t even know how to sight in the scope for their rifle. They would probably stick to bird watching at best.🤷‍♂️





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Great points all.


As far as Danger, I think of stories where some Chimp tore someone to pieces ripping them apart.   Everyone might think chimps and the like are a harmless silly clowns.  It isn't so.  Think how much more lethal some bigfoot might be.   At least as lethal as some mountain ape if not more so.  


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8 hours ago, Backdoc said:



Great points all.


As far as Danger, I think of stories where some Chimp tore someone to pieces ripping them apart.   Everyone might think chimps and the like are a harmless silly clowns.  It isn't so.  Think how much more lethal some bigfoot might be.   At least as lethal as some mountain ape if not more so.  


Chimps are nasty.

I hiked in Griz country today. Strength doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is intelligence, stealth, cunning and possibly team work. I check my six a lot. And no I don’t want to end up on the menu! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with many of the negatives of the concept of a "Bigfoot bounty".  However, I wonder if one of the positives would be getting those who have had encounters, or have fairly regular encounters and don't talk about them to finally open up.

In this age in which men can identify as women, or women identify as cats, and any sort of sexual preference must be respected, believing in Bigfoot will still get you laughed at in conversations.

Pretty sure most of us have had the experience of being in a conversation with friends and acquaintances when the subject of Bigfoot comes up and one member of the group reluctantly reveals a sighting or incident.  They have been hiding their secret for years or decades because they didn't want to be ridiculed for it.  But if there was a million dollar reward for evidence, then it might just get the guy who knows a spot where there is frequent activity to finally come forward.


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3 hours ago, PNWexplorer said:

But if there was a million dollar reward for evidence, then it might just get the guy who knows a spot where there is frequent activity to finally come forward.

 There have been contests to 'prove' Sasquatch and hunt / kill. Some rewards offered have been in the millions of dollars. I am not aware of any published results.

Several years ago, a company that makes sporting goods and has a line of trail cameras offered a reward to film / prove Sasquatch. It was 1 million, maybe more.

Funny thing about the company's trail cameras. The common thread on the internet is that their cameras work for 2 years and then die. I had one and it died.


And then there is the tourist trap factor:




$25,000 for live capture seems low. Those enthusiasts are working hard on contests and hunting activities.


There was a case recently where a man killed someone because he thought that the deceased was going to feed him to Sasquatch. The defendant was sentenced to life in prison.


Be careful out there.

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