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Does A Bigfoot/ufo Connection Exist?

Guest thekingdomkeys

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Bone, thank you for sharing the UFO-Bigfoot researcher interview and the details connecting Bigfoot to UFO's. So as not to derail the statistical probability thread, I will redirect examination of claims where Bigfoots and UFo's are sighted together and even interacting here.

An alleged multiple witness report I just linked in the statistical probability thread...

Briefly, on the night of October 25, 1973, My UFO Hotline was active with UFO reports from around the state. About 10:30 P.M. that evening, I received a call from state trooper from the Uniontown barracks concerning an incident which he had just returned from investigating. One of those involved, was put on the phone for me to interview. At about 9 P.M. about 15 people observed a very large red spherical object hovering low in the sky which began to descend towards a pasture. The witness and two boys proceeded up the field and observed a white dome shaped object on the ground that illuminated the area, and was making a loud whirring sound. It was estimated at about 100 feet in diameter. They were about 250 feet from the object, and about 75 feet from a fence line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figures, 7 to 9 feet tall, covered with hair, and arms hanging down past the knees, and displaying glowing green eyes.

The creatures were fired upon, first tracers were shot overhead, then live ammo was used. The largest of the two creatures turned towards the other almost touching it, and at the same time the object in the field disappeared, and the sound stopped. The creatures slowly walked towards the woods. One boy had already ran home, the other two left the field, went to the farmhouse and moved the family members to a neighbor’s home, and called the state police. When the trooper arrived he and the main witness went to the site, and where the object had landed there was a glowing area, that according to the trooper was about 150 feet in diameter. He said he could read a newspaper from the amount of light that it was emitting. The farm animals refused to go into the area. The witness we talked with has always stated that before they left the field, the largest of the two creatures was seen in the woods about 10 feet from them, and he shot at it and it struck the fence that stood between them.

Later that night our team arrived in the area. Radiation levels normal, glowing area now gone, but animals still wouldn’t go near the spot. Strange events began to occur during the early morning hours in this dark secluded location. A farmhouse several hundred feet from us was seen by some in the party to suddenly light up like daylight for several seconds. A bull in the field and a dog seemed unconcerned about us, and were looking into the woods. The main witness, a rather large individual while being questioned, suddenly begins to growl, throwing his father and my assistant George Lutz towards the ground. The man ran into the field growling like an animal and emitting screams, one which was near inhuman. His own dog approaches him as to attack, then runs off whimpering. The man suddenly collapses onto the ground. Then two of my team members begin to complain that they are having trouble breathing. Suddenly the air is filled with a strong odor that can best be described as rotten eggs.

The man as he came out of what appeared to be an almost trance-like state, began talking about visions he saw about the end of the world, etc. Not knowing what could happen next we helped each other back to our vehicles. It was apparent that professional help was required in this case, and eminent psychiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz was contacted. Dr. Schwarz traveled to PA at his own expense and interviewed all of those involved including the eyewitnesses and state trooper. There is much more detail to this case, and I spent years following the life of the principal involved. There were many para-normal events which reportedly occurred in the years following this episode. And many years later in a follow up interview, an MIB event associated with the case was revealed.


As a long time member and as a skeptic, I encourage members interested in this subject and who believe a connection exists to talk about it and share your thoughts and opinions on the matter, as well as reports and personal experiences.

12 years ago when I started following bigfoot I figured we were right around the corner from validation. We had tons of DNA, up close re-occuring encounters even in residential neighborhoods, dermal ridges, hunters using high powered rifles who had bigfoot in their sights and even habitation attempts. After watching Sasquatch, The Legend of Bigfoot I realized that nothing has changed in the past 30 or 40 years so why can't he jump out of UFO's.

Sorry about the ramble,


Word. Do not apologize. Very well said and a plus from me.


I know Stan Gordon and met George Lutz a few times and can vouch for them both. I've spoken with Stan at length about this incident. The account you give is simplified but pretty spot on. If you want to know more, Gordon's book 'Silent Invasion' details many BF/UFO incidents from western PA in '73 & '74.

Here you go, Bone, and for everyone else interested...


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Here's two pdf's about a couple from Colorado, who experienced some weird things on their ranch in 1978. they are a little long, but well worth the read in my opinion. they describe both bigfoot, and ufo's.



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One of my main hopes for this DNA stuff that hopefully is forthcoming is that it can put closure to topics like this linking BF to UFO's, Loch Ness Monster & all kinds of other stuff like that and this subject be actually taken for what it is, real, living and breathing.. :)

Total closure or nothing at all ,But wait I did see a living breathing being. ^_^

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Here's two pdf's about a couple from Colorado, who experienced some weird things on their ranch in 1978. they are a little long, but well worth the read in my opinion. they describe both bigfoot, and ufo's.



Thank you for sharing, LP. Do the PDF's contain any reference to interaction between either the witnesses and the respective Bigfoots and UFO's, or amongst the Bigfoots and UFO's themselves?

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Thank you, I definitely will. There clearly is no clinical separation between the Bigfoot and UFO phenomena, though intransigent believers of both would like to pretend there is otherwise.

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Hi Kit:

I asked this in another thread, but this is a more appropriate venue for the question.

You've posted maps showing UFO sighting dispersions and BF sighting dispersion across the US.

I was curious if you had an explanation as to why Hawaii doesn't have any reported BF sightings. It seems this is an anomoly in the data presented. If BF were following the cultural phenomena, would we not have BF sightings in Hawaii?


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Thx antfoot. Looks like the BF camps don't agree on this as I've often run across BF sites stating sightings have not been reported in Hawaii.

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I suspect that some groups don't want to believe or accept the possibility that people might really see bigfoot on an island so far from a continent where a "real" bigfoot would presumably "really" live. That might make the phenomenon look like a "social construct."

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Here's two pdf's about a couple from Colorado, who experienced some weird things on their ranch in 1978. they are a little long, but well worth the read in my opinion. they describe both bigfoot, and ufo's. http://www.skinwalkerranch.org/videos/APRO%201978%20Report%20on%20Denver%20Ranch%20-%20Part%201.pdf http://www.skinwalkerranch.org/videos/APRO%201978%20Report%20on%20Denver%20Ranch%20-%20Part%202.pdf

Here is another story of UFOs and BF on a Utah Ranch. Don't know what to think about this.


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So kitakaze, what's your point? that there are misidentifications of BF in Hawaii?

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So kitakaze, what's your point? that there are misidentifications of BF in Hawaii?

You mean there can't be actual Bigfoots in Hawaii? If so, why not?

Specifically, I would say sorry, Bigfootery, you do not get to pretend like Bigfoot sightings aren't reported in Hawaii, and that's because social constructs don't care about geography. Nobody thought, you know, I know this is Iowa, Rhode Island, Prince Edward Island, England, whatever, and I really should think twice about saying I saw Bigfoot here, but **** it, this is just too much fun. Yes, there are misidentifications in all those places, and hoaxes, and people with a powerful desire to believe, and people with medical conditions, etc.

Now for Hawaii, there are Bigfoot sightings and there are UFO sightings. All over this tthread we have sightings involving both to the point of interaction. I just earlier posted a report made by a police officer involving 15 witnesses in which UFO's and Bigfoots were both sighted and the Bigfoots were fired upon. These things aren't going away and if orthodox Bigfooters dismiss them, hello, welcome to scofticism/denialism.

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