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Creature Suit Analysis - Part 3 - The Mime Inside


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Guest FredSneakers/David
Who's to say that there wasn't a support group there? They certainly wouldn't have been on film. I would think that they could have been available in case of an emergency even if they had to stand more than 30 feet away from the mime.

Would Bob Titmus have found evidence of a support crew when he went to cast? I think he would need to be in on the hoax as well.

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Guest bigdave

i would think that the two men that were there other than the man in the suit would be perfectly capable of being said support crew.

I also dont buy into the "dead before the end of the shot" deal either.

I used to work in refineries as a hazardous materials handler. I did spill cleanups etc. Many is the time I went into a confined area near steam line with temps over 150 degrees in a pair of rubber boots, underclothing, a rubber suit complete with respirator completely sealed from air infiltration etc etc I did this for hours with only a ten minute break every 45 minutes to drink fluid. If that statement were true all firemen would die shortly after suiting up much less fight a fire etc.

Wasnt somewhere it listed that Bob had been a football player in high school or something? I remember playing in south east texas all through school from 7th grade until graduating high school. We practiced two hours everyday. Full uniform and pads in the often time 80 percent humidity and more with temps in the 95 plus range. We didnt die.

Also how does a expert on said things misspell REHEARSAL many times since joining. Granted noone is perfect but youd think when its been your lifes work youd learn it.

Can anyone vouch this is really Bill????? Or are we just accepting it blindly?

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One, if it's a hoax, more people should have been involved that just Patterson, Gimlin, and BH. Or, two, if Gimlin wasn't in on the hoax, but was a true believer and was being hoaxed himself, why wouldn't he have seen some evidence of other people around (the support crew) and wondered who they were? Or were they all hiding as well, and hiding all their supplies and equipment?

Thanks for the clarification.

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In my notes, I do acknowledge that a person can train and build up endurance to last far longer in a suit, and firefighters are an outstanding example.


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Guest FredSneakers/David
Wasnt somewhere it listed that Bob had been a football player in high school or something? .... We didnt die.

Also how does a expert on said things misspell REHEARSAL many times since joining. Granted noone is perfect but youd think when its been your lifes work youd learn it.

B) You probably should use proper punctuation and spelling yourself before making such accusations.

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Would Bob Titmus have found evidence of a support crew when he went to cast? I think he would need to be in on the hoax as well.

Was he there the same day?

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Guest soarwing
Also how does a expert on said things misspell REHEARSAL many times since joining. Granted noone is perfect but youd think when its been your lifes work youd learn it.

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How does one bungle contractions when they've known proper English since elementary school? B)

:rolleyes22: You probably should use proper punctuation and spelling yourself before making such accusations.

- - -

Beat me to it.

I cant believe that I arent as swift. :)

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No, but surely there would be more footprints.

I see what you're saying but I also think there was plenty of time to cover any and all tracks other than Gimlin's, Patterson's, and Bigfoot's (patty) that would cause suspicion to others who would inevitably go to the site. If this was a hoax, surely they would have thought of that. And for the record, if it was a hoax, Gimlin was involved in my opinion.

Also, other foot prints could have been there but if Titmus didn't get to the site immediately, lets say within a day, then those "other" footprints could have easily been shrugged off as coming from people not associated with the film itself and from a later date.

edit...........had to fix the word 'immediately', spelled it wrong................. don't be hatin'.

Edited by mkianni
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Guest Hominid,WA
I see what you're saying but I also think there was plenty of time to cover any and all tracks other than Gimlin's, Patterson's, and Bigfoot's (patty) that would cause suspicion to others who would inevitably go to the site. If this was a hoax, surely they would have thought of that. And for the record, if it was a hoax, Gimlin was involved in my opinion.

Also, other foot prints could have been there but if Titmus didn't get to the site immediately, lets say within a day, then those "other" footprints could have easily been shrugged off as coming from people not associated with the film itself and from a later date.

Unless you're forest worker Lyle Loverty. Speed-demon-to-the-site-extraordinaire!

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I used to work in refineries as a hazardous materials handler. I did spill cleanups etc. Many is the time I went into a confined area near steam line with temps over 150 degrees in a pair of rubber boots, underclothing, a rubber suit complete with respirator completely sealed from air infiltration etc etc I did this for hours with only a ten minute break every 45 minutes to drink fluid. If that statement were true all firemen would die shortly after suiting up much less fight a fire etc.

However, Haz-Mat suits as they are called are not tight fitting and especially not form fitted to an individuals body. You could not have been using a respirator since a respirator is 1.a masklike device, usually of gauze, worn over the mouth, or nose and mouth, to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances or the like.

What you should have been using if it was completely sealed from air infiltration would be called an oxygen supply system, but then someone who is in the business should have known that. Firemen know.

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Me thinks... some of the skeptics are starting to sweat themselves!!!!

Ocums Razor tells me that Patty may well of been the 'real deal'.........the more Bill explains, the more it seems most likely genuine...

Come on you skeptics, there is a piont when you gotta admit, this looks pretty bloody good.........rod

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To one and all:

Now that we've got this thread going well, let me just frame this hypothetical question for your ideas and opinions:

If you were to say the PG film is an amateurish hoax, something Patterson just pulled off with spit, balewire, ducttape and a pocketfull of spare change (figuratively speaking), and you understand the dynamics better now of building a suit, building the under structure, and putting somebody in it, would you rate his chances of success as likely, fair, unlikely, or dismal.

On the other hand, if you find my notes give clarity to the understanding that doing something well with a suit is in fact a complicated endeavor best accomplished by professional people, preparation and effective support on the filming scene, did Patterson have the resources to enlist those professionals and organize such a "production". I am assuming he was a stranger to Hollywood, had no close friends in the business, and would thus not have any favors to call in and say to key people, "help me out here, for old times sake". And would professional people if asked not only to work cheap for a stranger on a project they couldn't even put on their resume as a showcase, would those profesionals be willing to cut corners, do it on the cheap with insufficent support teams, and risk some on-scene tragedy, all for the low pay and no credit from a stranger?

Or if a team of professionals "do it right", chage their going rate, and use their appropriate support teams and resources, could Patterson have afforded this "production"?

This is where I really wonder. If it really is an amateurish one-shot "let's us two or three guys have a whack at it", sort of thing, the guy's got amazing luck.

If it's a few pros working with him, could they all keep a secret this long, nobody breaking ranks and coming out with a straight story, no contridictions, and details that actually add up, or maybe some on-scene snapshots surfacing of young BH in suit but no head, getting a cold one from Roger as they block out the scene? (and every filming I've ever seen had somebody snapping photos of what they were doing).

If it's a big production, could Patterson afford it, organize it, and keep the whole crew quiet this long?

Just questions I keep asking myself.

NOTE: Above, when I refer to an "on-scene tragedy", I don't just mean the risk of the mime in suit passing out or having a heart attack. I also include the prospect that a guy running around in the woods in a fur suit, without the usual film production security on set, trailers, equipment, etc. may just get shot by a hunter who happens to be in the area and sees something "big and hairy" and wants to "bag it".


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Guest Rounder
However, Haz-Mat suits as they are called are not tight fitting and especially not form fitted to an individuals body. You could not have been using a respirator since a respirator is 1.a masklike device, usually of gauze, worn over the mouth, or nose and mouth, to prevent the inhalation of noxious substances or the like.

No, he's right. Respirators are made from some kind of fancy rubber, have replaceable cartridges, and strap on to your face with no external air supply. I don't know much about monkey suits or Hollywood, but I used to tap steel furnaces (where I wore a respirator all day/night) so I know a little bit about working in heat. I don't know that walking 100 yards in a suit like that would necessarily 'kill' you, but you'd have to be conditioned to take that kind of heat. I was, I'd have to suit up to go in and blow the hole on the steel funace with an oxygen lance --it was the toughest ten minutes of work you'll ever do. And Bill's right, even at peak conditioning you'd have maybe ten to fifteen minutes of function before you had to strip that suit off fast to get the heat off your body. Then you need 15 minutes to bring your temperature down to normal so you can function again. And this only works if you've got the kind of body that can take heat, most can't.

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Thank You Sir. I am a skeptic, but your input in this matter has me reconsidering the PG film. I'm not convinced, but I'm not as sure as as I once was that it was a hoax.

I'm sure your take on this will ignite new debate into the issue and I look forward to it, maybe a consensus can be reached.

I'm glad you decided to join this board and thank you again.

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