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How Would You Capture Or Kill A Sasquatch?

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Gee Gail, what a cool knife! Is it legal in Canada? I've been looking into something to take hiking to use against a bear or cougar if I had to.


Oh, and I have a possibly autistic son too. :blink: Strange world. He is just as you described, but only 5 years old.

I'm a professional diver myself and spend upwards of 600 hours per year in the water, I remember in the Marine's our old horse-collar BC's had a CO2 inflator for emergency use. One of the Marines in my platoon inflated his as joke on the deck one day, then realizing we still needed to dive he decided to deflate it, instead of purging it he jokingly grabbed the oral inflator and took a HUGE breath. Needless to say it totally locked him up and he hit the deck shaking, wheezing and basically making a gigantic mess of himself. They carried him to medical in a heartbeat. Very cool knife, ingenius. Reminds me of the old gas pellet shark guns back in the day.

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Gee Gail, what a cool knife! Is it legal in Canada? I've been looking into something to take hiking to use against a bear or cougar if I had to.


Oh, and I have a possibly autistic son too. :blink: Strange world. He is just as you described, but only 5 years old.

Those WASP are a great idea but go with a spear set up otherwise chances are both prey and hunter die at close range.

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Those WASP are a great idea but go with a spear set up otherwise chances are both prey and hunter die at close range.

Yup. The old saying goes: How do you determine the winner of a knife fight?

It's he that dies last.

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Yup. The old saying goes: How do you determine the winner of a knife fight?

It's he that dies last.

Sasquatch Deja Vu, seeing humans with compound bows and carrying spears. A blast from their collective past no doubt lol.

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That is quite true, and until you posted this, I'd not considered that eventuality. Humans with compound bows must infest the dreams of the bigfoot creature. They co-existed with the First Nations, a couple millennia ago. I fully expect archeological evidence to sometime evidence humans in the New World thousands of years previous to that currently recognized.

European technology didn't seem to affect the bigfoot creature's population. Ergo: their population was probably affected by Europeans in other ways. Like: disease. I'm postulating, but conceive the bigfoot creature's numbers devastated soon after Europeans entered their territory.

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Those WASP are a great idea but go with a spear set up otherwise chances are both prey and hunter die at close range.

I gotta go with Tracker on this one. I don't give you much chance of survival or success against a grizzly or mountain lion with one of those at close range. I think I'll stick with my Super Blackhawk .44 mag and some bear spray.

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I gotta go with Tracker on this one. I don't give you much chance of survival or success against a grizzly or mountain lion with one of those at close range. I think I'll stick with my Super Blackhawk .44 mag and some bear spray.

Although a trusty knife is essential in the outdoors I have to agree, firepower if it's legal for you is your best defense if something goes really wrong, a knife is for when all else fails; having to "fix bayonets" and hook and jab is not advisable and should be avoided by any means necessary.

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Vilnoori, I'm in IL, and sure don't know if Canada allows the wasp knife to be owned there. It was designed for divers to kill a shark instantly with it. I haven't bought one, because it's a little tough to find a shark in Lake Michigan!! I would like one though, just to have it. It's neat. If you ever need any ideas for your son to assist him in anything, give me a pm.

Tautriadelta: Cool on being a professional diver. I always wanted to do that, but being a girl... It was really frowned upon back in the late 60's and early 70's. So, I owned a Marina instead and was in the boating industry for a long time till I retired a couple years ago. The boats went along with my diving and was very fun. That's funny on the CO2. Poor guy... Yeah, CO2 is tough to breath.

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Guest SurfingCowboy

Hi. I'm really new here and have been reading many of these posts on the forum. I never gave it much thought on how to capture a bigfoot. But, I think it would be a difficult task to do. I don't live near any real hot spot of bigfoot activity, and haven't given it much thought. I have been scuba diving for 40 years, and have dove with humpback whales as the largest thing I've ever seen up close and personal. I wasn't afraid at all of it, or being in it's habitat. I knew the dangers of being so close to it, so I'm not sure what my reaction would be with a bigfoot, and they are much smaller than a whale. If I had to defend myself against a bigfoot and didn't have a gun handy, I would positively use a knife called a WASP. It is used underwater for sharks and has a CO2 cartridge in it which injects CO2 into the animal when you stab it. It kills what ever you stab immediatly. A lot of people carry one underwater in shark territory and on land in bear country for protection. It's a very cool knife. The second thing I'd do to capture a bigfoot on film only, because I don't think I could kill one even though I have hunted and killed animals before. I think a bigfoot looks to human and does too many human things, so I couldn't shoot one. I'd have to hunt with film. But, I would have a woman come with along with a toddler. I'd have the woman holding the toddler while she walked, or have the kid walk along. I would think if these creatures had their own families, they would be extremely interested in seeing a human child and maybe get a little closer. It would also pose as non threatening. I wonder if anyone has put a manequin out in the field and left it there along with a camera to see what would come look at it. I'd use a life like one, with no joints or something. Maybe a male and female manequin or a child one, and leave them there in the woods for a month or so. Just as an experiment anyway. I know some of you all have put trail cams out there with food bait, but I would think that a bigfoot might be interested in maybe seeing a human close up. And if it didn't move, they may think it's dead and go investigate. The diving industry did a similar thing with sharks. They dressed a maniquin up in dive gear and dragged it around in the ocean to see if a shark would bite it or attack it. Then filmed it. I know a shark is not on land and a different environment. But,anyway. I don't know if that's too crazy or not to do. I think I probably would do it. Maybe install a camera in the manequin. A real live person taking a picture isn't working too well for a good clear shot. I've also heard somewhere that the bigfoot may be autistic. I have an 18 yr old autistic son. If the person is referring to an autistic person having a photographic memory. I'd agree with the guy. My son has a photographic memory and knows exactly where everything is in his space. He had a penny nail on his dresser that I had used to mark on his wall where to put a photo. He had it in his room for a week. I took it the other day, and within an hour, he was asking me where the nail went and if I took it. If I go in his room and even move his chair an inch. Yes, an inch. He knows it. This is an every day occurance with the kid. My son knows if anything is disturbed, even if a wrinkle on his bed is different, or if someone sat on his bed. He can tell you on a movie he has seen once, exactly the position of one of the characters bodies, and the word of a song they played on the film with it, if he hears the song again without the movie. It's spooky to hear the kid tell me these things at times. So, if a bigfoot is autistic, meaning they may have a photographic memory. Then, if we are in their home of the woods, and move even a stick. The bigfoot would know it. I would have to agree with a photographic memory instead of autistic, because with autistic, there are communication problems within the human realm, and social avoidance. The bigfoot is a social group from what I hear and have read. So, that is my opinion of what to do to capture one on film. The other thought I have is this. From what some of you all are saying, the bigfoot is curious and does a thing called gifting. Well, with technology as it is, what about putting a tracker in something you think these creatures would like, and they would carry around with them. Accidently leave something somewhere with a tracker in it, and maybe this will end up in a cache of something they have somewhere. Maybe that is crazy to think of to do also... ?? They tag sharks and follow them around. A bigfoot may take the thing possibly. Put a camera in it?? Hey... I'm just thinking what I would do. But, I'm underwater oriented. !!

That was a great Post...Your ideas are extremely cutting and and innovative. I also like the way your thinking keep it up.You never know if you don't try and the everyday methods haven't worked, so it would stand to reason that I have never heard anyone come up with or use tactics like these, so I day go for it, and if you decide not to I would like to ask permission to use your ideas conducting the experiments you mentioned here.

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That was a great Post...Your ideas are extremely cutting and and innovative. I also like the way your thinking keep it up.You never know if you don't try and the everyday methods haven't worked, so it would stand to reason that I have never heard anyone come up with or use tactics like these, so I day go for it, and if you decide not to I would like to ask permission to use your ideas conducting the experiments you mentioned here.

Yea good ideas as you said, But what ever method is tried SC it has to work at night and in thick woods. Either they are too close or behind cover so we can't make them out clearly. Anyways there's a free tip to go along with her ideas to consider.

good luck, tracker wink.gif

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Go for it you guys. The only other thing I had in mind was this one. I saw there was going to be some trip to look for bigfoot with an all womens group going. Might bring some lawn chairs and have a few of the prettier ones sit there totally bare. I wonder what would happen then???

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Go for it you guys. The only other thing I had in mind was this one. I saw there was going to be some trip to look for bigfoot with an all womens group going. Might bring some lawn chairs and have a few of the prettier ones sit there totally bare. I wonder what would happen then???

They did an all female group on Monster Quest, and BFRO has one scheduled for Texas I think

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They did an all female group on Monster Quest, and BFRO has one scheduled for Texas I think

Was that the one in Washington state? Word is the big guys like the ladies ! smile.gif

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Guest SurfingCowboy

Go for it you guys. The only other thing I had in mind was this one. I saw there was going to be some trip to look for bigfoot with an all womens group going. Might bring some lawn chairs and have a few of the prettier ones sit there totally bare. I wonder what would happen then???

I would show up and offer my suncreen services,too all the ladies because I'm a nice guy...ha ha ha :wub: ...No but seriously I would be curious to see what happened...So PLEASE invite me.

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