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Retired Usa Forest Ranger Knows Sasquatch Is Real.

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If you had read the Ontario reports, you would have seen that many of the reports are from hunters, and experienced bush men. Also there are a number of sighting reported by natives. There are several accounts of BF ambush hunting for deer, taking smaller prey, as well as eating various plants. There have been reports of BF taking road kill, and many reports of people finding deer carcass's in various states of disarray, sometimes there are even reports of "kill zones" where several carcass's are found that have been put there over a period of time. I have taken a lot of time to read,and talk to many people on this, and I have reached the point where I have no doubt something is out there, I am not sure what it is. I do think, that if they exist, they are certainly opportunistic omnivores, and there seems to be a correlation between them and swampy area's.

Posted (edited)

I'm a retired Canadian forest ranger. Never heard of such a thing or that anyone I've ever known or worked with in the field had heard of such a thing either. It seems to be more of an American thing.


Saskatchewan? Maritimes? hard to believe that statement could possibly be true regarding BC and AB.

sorry read on and got the answer.

The Indians here are Algonquins who have no legends of bf that I'm aware of and I know and have worked with many of them. Doesn't mean there isn't such a thing as bf here of course but I do have my doubts.

Even among those eastern Algonkian tribes to whom Bigfoot represents the incarnation of the Windigo -- the human who is transformed into a cannibalistic monster by tasting human flesh in time of starvation -- his fearsomeness comes from his very closeness to humans. The Windigo is the embodiment of the hidden, terrifying temptation within them to turn to eating other humans when no other food is to be had.

I dont know id Algonquin national park was near your area but heres a link from an encounter there 5 yrs ago.


Edited by BigSlick

I get the professional in a position of authority angle for sure.

I was thinking more along the lines of long distance hikers/campers, farmers, loggers, field biologist, ect I frequent some of the hiking, camping fourms and it's effectively laughed out of the room when it's brought up, people with lifetimes of remote camping and hiking with hardly any reports.

One would think if Bigfoot where to ever see a kindered spirit in the woods, it would be this group of people.

I have a friend who is an avid hiker here in the NW and has over 900 solo hikes in his log book, most in the alpine lakes area. Years ago he had told me about a pretty intense rock throwing and bipedal stomping encounter he had with some friends in high school while out camping, so he is a believer. However he is just baffled that with all the solo hikes he has had, he claims to have never ran into anything that would make him believe had he not had that HS encounter.

He claims, during all those hikes that he has seen numerous black bears and coyotes, a wolf, a grizzly bear (rare here) and a couple mt. loins, but no sign of BFs. He says, sure, he'll on rare occasions have the woods go quite and get that creepy feeling, but for the most part nothing that would make him believe in BF. That was until I asked him about wood knocks..... the light bulb went off and he remembered a couple different times when he'd be miles out and off in the distance he heard someone beating on a tree. He said it wasn't someone with an axe, he said def. wood on wood and it just baffled him, what other hiker would be that far out beating on a tree with a stick. When I told him next time to knock back, maybe he'll get some visitors, he got all excited and said he would. Haven't talked to him this year yet, but hiking season in the high country is probably still snowed out.

In the early to mid 90's I worked at a big truck parts store and we dealt with a lot of loggers. For the most part the loggers were fairly friendly and outgoing, but ask them about bigfoot and about 60% of them would laugh at you, 20% would admit seeing, hearing or heard of something strange and the remaining 20% would get tight lipped and change the subject.

Whenever I bump into someone who works in the woods, I just have to ask and I would say maybe 5-10% of them have had some kind of experience that makes them wonder. Of course most of those are working here in the "Squatchy" SW WA.

Guest ajciani

One more thing and this is off topic a bit. If there is such a thing as bf, in my opinion it would have to be mainly reliant on vegetation (sp?) for food. To hunt, an animal leaves lots of sign due to the chase, the kill and the consuming. If there were snow on the ground there is no way that sort of activity could be concealed.

One of the things I have found while looking around for bigfoot sign is they tend not to advertise it too much. They also tend to avoid operating where sign would be easily found by humans. Walking around in the woods has taught me that there are a lot of well used trails away from the human trails, and I occasionally find faint bigfoot prints on them.

That said, I have also found quite a bit of bigfoot sign right on the human trails, including deer blinds and territorial markers, even the occasional foot impression. The sign they keep back in the woods are the bone piles and the footprints in the snow. In other words, the dead giveaway sort of things.


On October 30 1998, I spoke to the rangers in the Trinity NF Ranger Station in Hayfork, CA. I was a active duty police officer at the time, and on a solo backpacking vacation. When I signed into the logbook, I started talking shop with the rangers -- and they unequivocally stated that they believed in Bigfoot. Not only did they have plaster casts that they said they had made of prints, but during the winter they would find prints in the snow, miles behind locked forestry gates.

Generally cops will only talk to other cops. Just like criminals will only talk to other criminals.

If you are a serious researcher, you would be wise to cultivate contacts with rangers in your area. Build the trust and rapport. Stop by the station with a dozen donuts and a flier explaining who you are. Yes, we love donuts. :)

Out west in Northern California, Oregon, Washington, BC and Alberta, you are more likely to have positive responses from officers. Out east sasquatch is not as prevalent or as well known, so you are less likely to have a positive response to your inquiries. Keep at it though.

If you have the belief that UFOs and sasquatch sightings are related, your mileage may vary.




As I've stated before when I was stationed as a soldier in Alaska I made a report of a BF sighting to Fish and Wildlife and they weren't surprised in the least.

The guy asked for details and stated they were aware of them and they were called "Wildman". That they were peaceful and usually avoided us. He stated this matter-of-factly which gave me the inclination that certain agencies are WELL aware of BF.


As I've stated before when I was stationed as a soldier in Alaska I made a report of a BF sighting to Fish and Wildlife and they weren't surprised in the least.

The guy asked for details and stated they were aware of them and they were called "Wildman". That they were peaceful and usually avoided us. He stated this matter-of-factly which gave me the inclination that certain agencies are WELL aware of BF.

I'm sure they are well aware...but I'd say their perception is a bit warped. There are a LOT of reports about very aggressive BFand BF-like creatures coming out of AL and neighboring parts of Canada.

Guest MikeG

Yebbut, Mulder, if you are the size of Jack-the-Giant, then just standing staring can seem very aggressive. When there are credible reports of attacks, injuries and deaths then I think we can start taking aggression seriously.



I was thinking more along the lines of long distance hikers/campers, farmers, loggers, field biologist, ect I frequent some of the hiking, camping fourms and it's effectively laughed out of the room when it's brought up, people with lifetimes of remote camping and hiking with hardly any reports.

One would think if Bigfoot where to ever see a kindered spirit in the woods, it would be this group of people.

Hi Cervelo:

I think the situations you describe aren't necessarily conducive for a BF experience, definitely not a 'stumble upon one' type scenario. Hikers and overnight back country folks are taught to make noise while walking so as not to startle 'dangerous' wildlife. Most experienced hikers will strap noise makers to their gear (bear bells, tin cups, etc), talk or even sing loudly, and in general make noise while hiking.

Farmers and loggers are inherently noise makers.

Additionally, they aren't specifically looking for BF, and most I would surmise have no idea WHAT to look for either (if they laugh you out of a forum, I think it speaks loudly for their research into the subject).

Field biologists may stand a better chance, but if they're in bush, and know the first thing about back country dwelling, they indeed are making noise and their presence known as well.

Now, at night, who knows how many BF could have potentially been observing them? Again, they're not looking for sign, probably have no idea what to listen/look for.

Doesn't surprise me that the majority of these types of folks do not have experiences as they are letting the BF decide to make contact and from what I understand, it takes a while for them to make contact after they feel comfortable with the subject.

I liken it to the Finding Bigfoot crew going out in the woods, parade in tow, and expecting to have one come walking up to shake hands.


Thx Cervelo.

Guest Cervelo
Posted (edited)

Well all I can tell you is based on my limited experince which includes contact with numerous thru hikers on the AT, which zero to my recollection have made a single sound other than hello when we passed.

Three diffrent rangers backcountry in yellowstone NP no bells, no yelling, just hello and good conversation.

Two people on horseback with mules backcountry in yellowstone no bells, no yelling just hello.

Now I will say I am very quiet and dress to be invisible on purpose.

The only people I every see when I'm out, with bells and yelling are within the first three miles of a trail head, if you get my drift.

From what I've read and been told bells are worthless, other than having a backcountry NP ranger jokingly refer to them as dinner bells!

As far as biggie avoiding noise I don't buy it, apparently he likes trains....

As far as the whole Bigfoot buddy in my backyard, I think most know where I stand on that malarkey IMO, not trying to start a big thing either.

You got to have two things for a report of anything the subject and the observer.

My thoughts are if if biggie is real and as smart as we assume the group of people I've described would seem to be the least/most threatening, therefore worth a looksy.

I believe if Bigfoot is out there he's got other things to do than wait around for his human to enter his research area and then play cat and mouse with ones imagination ;)

Edited by Cervelo

Hi Cervelo,

I see your points, and do catch your drift on your one statement. However, I think our backcountry experiences may vary a bit as typically I've found anyone going in for overnights are not the most stealthy carrying packs with 40-60 lbs of gear.

Additionally, who's really to say that BF's weren't in the area/observing? I think these hikers aren't looking for partial views peeking out from behind trees, y'know?

And I'm not so sure that a BF would necessarily vacate an area b/c of noise, but rather would take precautions to remain hidden until the situation is assessed, most of the time I would guess the situation diffuses itself as the hiker/logger/farmer vacate the area on their own. Most contact (again, guessing) would come from stationary folks, people at camps, breaking for lunch, etc, however, without the trust, no visual or even close audible encounters may not occur.

Speculation at best on my part - with limited experience in some pretty remote areas, but ultimately, I really don't know, but wanted to share my thoughts.......

Thx for your response Cervelo.


In 1974, at the lake where I sighted the pregnant female we at least heard vocalizations every day we were there and woodknocking most days. Then a group of noisy hippies showed up (you could hear their volkswagon van laboring up the mountain for half an hour before they arrived). They started giving all the other campers resentful looks and from the comments we were meant to overhear, our presence was an unwelcome blight on nature. The noise level in the area went from subdued and respectful of other campers to raucous. That night it was loud music, dancing with abandon, and a bonfire. I don't know if the bigfoot cleared out, but we didn't see or hear anything more of them for the next day and half before we decided to cut our trip short.

BFF Patron

How about smells? Any burning leaves? :tease:

Posted (edited)

Plenty of odd-smelling smoke. It was kind of comical to watch them try to hide it.

Edited by JDL

I get the professional in a position of authority angle for sure.

I was thinking more along the lines of long distance hikers/campers, farmers, loggers, field biologist, ect I frequent some of the hiking, camping fourms and it's effectively laughed out of the room when it's brought up, people with lifetimes of remote camping and hiking with hardly any reports.

One would think if Bigfoot where to ever see a kindered spirit in the woods, it would be this group of people.

Yeah, but once it happens, they become a member of this forum, then you feel that they are trying to pull something on you..

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