AaronD Posted July 2, 2012 Author Posted July 2, 2012 If that were true I'd like to think our people friendly government would have shared the info with us so we could relax our minds and assimilate it into our textbooks and such. Strong, but primative ? Hmmm, sounds like a great candidate for a supersoldier program
Guest Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 For someone such as myself who have personally seen a BF and therefore know them to exist, I then go further and conclude that the government is well aware of BF. My sighting was as a soldier on a military installation. We didn't notify high enough I guess. We informed our platoon sergeant, because that's viewed as high enough for sold\iers I guess, and he gave us the "yeah right, were you drinking" look and that was that. I informed the fish and wildlife and they took the event details and informed me that THEY WERE QUITE FAMILIAR with BF, that it is called "Wildman" and that they won't harm you. Now this was back in '96 in Alaska. I'm amazed at how little faith some have in our government. Our government, make no mistake about it, is the best and most organized on this planet! If they want to keep a secret, believe me they can keep a secret. They can make an entire town disappear if they wish...I believe. Also when you say government, you have to realize that our government isn't one body. It's composed of many different agencies. i believe there is a agency, that may not even have a name, that handles BF. I've said before and I'll say again: I believe our governmen is WELL aware of BF. I'm not prepared to say it's a actual cover-up. It may just be a matter of them ignoring the situation. Take into account where I mention our government has many different agencies. So while the Forestry or Cia or whoever, may ignore and deny knowledge of BF, it would be because another agency handles that and doesn't divulge their information with these other agencies. Our government which is constantly looking for a edge or national security risks, wouldn't be interested in a 8-12 foot hominid who may possibly possess human intelligence. Who also happens to spend a lot of time on military installations? Come on you guys are smarter than that! It doesn't take a genius to deduct that the BF phenom has been investigated and concluded A LONGGGGG time ago. I predict that eventually, we will find that BF are much more common than we think. They live in every state and they aren't as restricted to isolated areas as we think. I believe they are even on the edges of cities and towns and even venture into them frequently! I believe there isn't any rush to discover BF for the reason that they are INTELLIGENT and what secrets or knowledge they may be able to share with everyday people if we ever created a relationship with our wild kin? There might be something pretty damaging that they may have kept as part of their history? Imagine if the existence of BF is confirmed....and people begin socializing with them. Talking too them? What might they tell us...about our own history? Our history is NOT what many have been programmed to except.
Guest OntarioSquatch Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 I think you have really good points there. If Bigfoot hang around on military installations then they are guaranteed to be discovered eventually. I think there's either a coverup or they just don't exist.
Branco Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 When the U.S. Air Force shows a painting of one and says there are "many sasquatch sightings" on their survival training maps for their areas in Washington, I'm pretty sure the government knows. What the retired National Forest Ranger said on TV is absolutely right, and he not the first one to say they know about them. What can they do but try to provide safe havens for them when they can? Remember, the U.S.Government is not in the business of discovering and making classifications of new species. But you can bet your backside that world class animal DNA lab in Oregon has their DNA on file as a reference standard if they would turn it loose. 1
Guest poignant Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 Bigfoot supersoldiers. Now that's something to think about.
Guest Coonbo Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 Delta Zu: VERY good points you make. And several other posters on this thread, also. Having held a Top Secret clearance for nearly 30 years, I can assure you that when it wants to, our Gov't is usually VERY good at keeping a secret. Back during the Cold War, I was amazed at some of the secrets that we managed to keep from the Soviet Union in spite of very intensive spying, espionage, and even infiltration attempts. There were people literally dying to get ahold of some of our technology. And our Gov't was willing to do about anything to get ahold of some of THEIR secrets. Much of this is still highly classified material even after all these years have passed. But back to the subject of Bigfoot: As mentioned earlier, there are quite a few reports of them on military installations. To the reports mentioned earlier, I'll reiterate Edwards AFB, and add Eglin AFB, Ft. Bragg, Redstone Arsenal, Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Hunter Liggett, Ft. Bliss, the White Sands Missile Range vicinity, Ft. A.P. Hill, and Ft. Lewis, that I can think of off the top of my head that I've personally heard sighting reports from. Here are a few things that I've seen happen during my years of field research in and around my active research areas that lead me to believe various branches of the Gov't know and actively try to conceal or protect the existence of BF: A picnic and park area in a National Park was suddenly closed and gated off when we heard reports coming from folks using the area and we went there and encountered the BF ourselves. A few months later, the very first time I went to another nearby park area in the same National Park, I had JUST encountered BF a few minutes earlier, and I had a ranger come in behind me, close the gate behind us and come directly to me and told me I had to leave the area IMMEDIATELY, he then escorted me out, told me not to come back, and closed and locked the gate. In the same National Park, I had figured out that the BF were somehow crossing a busy highway at all hours of the night and day, but were not being seen by folks traveling up and down the highway for some reason. I had talked to an old gentleman who had worked in that area decades before and said that they used to see the "wildmen" crossing the highway fairly regularly. I went back to him and asked some more questions, and he said that ever since they did a big project on the highway about 20 years ago, they never saw them again on the highway. I asked him to show me where they used to see them crossing. He showed me three places in about a five mile stretch of this highway. I came back a few days later and parked back in the woods off of this highway, at one of the places he'd shown me, and started searching along the right-of-way, back in the woods. I soon found a couple of huge square cross-section culverts that went under the highway. These culverts were around 8 feet tall and 8 feet wide and the ends were hidden back in the woods, out of sight of vehicles traveling the highway. There were definite signs of a lot of travel through one of them. No clear footprints that I found, but lots of what I call "pug marks" from them walking quadrupedally. A few days later, I was down at the second location poking around in the woods and had just found another big square culvert under the highway. Before I could get down to it to check for tracks, a girl came riding up on a dirt bike (motorcycle) from behind me, looked at me for a few seconds, and when I started to turn towards her to ask her what she wanted, she took off. A couple minutes later, I heard a jeep come up to where I had my truck parked and they pulled up beside it and one guy got out and started walking around my truck. I went over there to see what they were up to and was told that I was trespassing. The guy was dressed like one of the locals. I informed him that it would be hard for me to be trespassing on National Park property when I hadn't crossed any barricades or anything. He said that area was private property. I had a park map with me and I knew better. I knew exactly where the park boundaries were in that area and informed him. I also knew who owned the nearest private property to that area and I had written permission to be on their property. He glared at me and got back in the jeep and they took off, slinging gravel. A couple weeks later, a fellow researcher and I had a very up close encounter with a BF at the other end of that particular culvert. When I went back there the next weekend, there was a gate closed and locked across the access road that we had used to get back into the woods there. A few days later, I took off of work one afternoon and drove to the third crossing area the old gentleman had shown me. I had pre-scouted the area and had figured out how to get into the area without using the main highway. I had not seen any other vehicles as I came into this area on a dirt access road, off of a gravel road that passed thru the vicinity. I hiked through the woods about 50 to 60 yards into the woods off the side of the highway and soon found another one of those big, square culverts going under the highway. I was walking through the culvert, going under the highway to the other side and suddenly something dropped down in front of me at the end of the culvert. It was a video camera on the end of a rope. It turned and looked right at me. Then it was quickly followed by a guy that scrambled down into the culvert from up above. He wanted to know what I was doing. I told him I was just hiking around exploring. I asked him what HE was doing and he said that he was surveying and inspecting bridges and culverts along the highway. He said I had to get out of there. When I came out the end of the culvert and he escorted me up the side of the hill to the edge of the highway right-of-way clearing, there were five plain white vehicles parked there. No markings on them at all, BUT, all the vehicles had U.S. Government tags on them. The people that I saw in and around the vehicles were dressed in jeans and sport shirts and leather outdoors-type shoes, as far as I could tell. They sure didn't look like any surveyor/inspectors that I had ever seen. None of them had clipboards, drawing pads, or note pads that I saw, and there were no surveying or measuring instruments, and only one had a camera and he took a couple of pictures of me, and the guy with the video camera shot some more video of me. I was asked to leave and was told to stay away from and out of culverts going under the highway. A couple of days after that last incident, my boss called me into his office and asked me to shut the door behind me. I was informed that my bigfoot research was going to have to stop if I had any aspirations of ever getting a raise or a promotion, that if I continued my research and poking around that my career would be ruined. I was also told to stay away from that area of that Park. I was told to stop talking to a couple of my coworkers about bigfoot while at work. I was told to stop talking to the locals about bigfoot, wildmen, apemen, hairy-men, boogers, and anything else that I called them. I tried to argue with him some that what I did on my own time and at lunch wasn't any of their business, but he made it clear that I was pushing the envelope and things wouldn't go good for me if I didn't back off. I decided that I had better do what he said. Also, about then, I heard of an opening at another facility several states away and I applied for it, was offered a promotion to go there, and I was there two weeks later. As a parting shot just before I left, my old boss told me again to back off of the bigfoot research if I wanted to succeed at that new facility. I heeded his advice and was VERY discreet after that. In a state park in Texas, where we had a widely publicized encounter with multiple BF, fellow researchers who came back there a week or so later, found footprints that were left from our earlier encounter had been filled in with dirt. BUT the dirt had been brought in from somewhere else and you could easily distinguish it from the native dirt in the area. In addition, most of the "X" formations, twists and other markers we had found in the area had been removed. Another state park campground in Alabama, where we had had a very successful research outing was closed when we went back later. I've run into other "survey crews", oddly dressed "ranch hands", and other out-of-place folks while researching hot activity areas in and around other National Parks, National Forests and State parks around the country. I've had closed and locked gates suddenly appear across roads into areas where we've recently had successful encounters with BF. And one REALLY disturbing trend that we discovered and verified after talking to several other very successful researchers - in MANY hot areas where we've had multiple encounters over a period of months, suddenly the whole area has been clear-cut logged, thereby destroying all the bigfoot habitat, forcing the local BF population to move on to other areas. The result is that those bigfoot are thereby removed from the scrutiny of researchers. When Watch1, Branco, Shasta, Bear, Georgia Tracker, DanR, several others, and I got to discussing this and tallying up a lot of our past major research areas, we were absolutely astounded how many of those areas had been destroyed by logging. WAY TOO MANY destroyed hot research areas to be coincidence. I could go on, but these are just SOME of the reasons that I'm totally positive that our Government is very familiar with bigfoot and intends on keeping them from being scientifically proven to exist.
AaronD Posted July 2, 2012 Author Posted July 2, 2012 There might be something pretty damaging that they may have kept as part of their history? Imagine if the existence of BF is confirmed....and people begin socializing with them. Talking too them? What might they tell us...about our own history? Our history is NOT what many have been programmed to except. I suspect you could be right, care to elaborate more? I think you have really good points there. If Bigfoot hang around on military installations then they are guaranteed to be discovered eventually. I think there's either a coverup or they just don't exist. Those were the two main possibilities I was considering as well. Coonbo, very fascinating reading, your post! I tried to give you a vote up but it said I reached my quota for the day (??) I haven't given anyone a green arrow up in 3 days! Sheesh, oh well, the thought counts right? Very informative post. Your story and thousands like it is what lets us know there is something more to the BF phenomenon than peoples' imaginations, hoaxes and mistaken identities. And as Branco and Delta Zu alluded, the government can be very efficient and successful when they have a motive (and quite the opposite when motive is absent), so it isn't beyond reason to say A) they know something about BF and there is an agenda to keep the general public out of the know....Logging may be one reason to keep squatches in the realm of myth, after all money is the bottom line, yes? But I'm suspecting there is much more to it than that even. Being consistently chased off public park land, and then a place of employment has even been infiltrated with orders to cease and disist is a bit of overkill for a simple hiker tresspassing IMO.
Guest watch1 Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 I could go on, but these are just SOME of the reasons that I'm totally positive that our Government is very familiar with bigfoot and intends on keeping them from being scientifically proven to exist. Coonbo is absolutely right about this. One of the reasons we stopped posting recent sighting reports was because of the unusual activity in the areas we mentioned in the reports. We were doing the ground work for them and decided to stop giving them any info that they could use. We had an outing in an area near my home a few years back and the area we had activity in was soon clear cut. I have never been warned about talking about Bigfoot by my employer but I do know some that work in the timber industry that have. It happens. I have talked with a lot of folks from all over the state and from all over the country. There are things going on that would surprise many and if I told any of it, most would say i was just crazy and many would think that I am just a conspiracy nut. I give warning to those that might be called what many call habituaters. Please be careful who you share info with. Do not be swayed by the story that the truth will finally be revealed and you think that you can now share your story with others because now protection for the Bigfoot is coming soon. Many Bigfoot researchers run on "hope". We hope the truth will finally come and we will be "justified" at last. This hope led to the Georgia Hoax and that was just a test to see how far it could go. If you remember, the game was played all the way to the end and even when things went to far, it was continued past the point of no return. I don't know what will come out of the Melba Ketchem DNA study but you can be assured that if there is any way for that report to fail, it will. But during the mean time, you have everyone running on "hopeium" and sharing info that they would not be sharing if they did not believe the truth was going to be revealed soon. There are those that are using others names in ways to gain info. They are calling others and telling them that "persons name" told me to call you and using that person as a way to get info. The person they are saying that told them to call does not know anything about it. I suggest that if someone calls you, tell them to give you their number and you will call them back. Then call the person that they said that told them to call you before you tell them anything. This is happening folks so be on the watch for it. Is there a conspiracy to hide the truth from the general public? You bet there is but at the same time they are getting as much info as possible about where the Bigfoot are located and who knows what about them. Mike (watch1) 1
Drew Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 And one REALLY disturbing trend that we discovered and verified after talking to several other very successful researchers - in MANY hot areas where we've had multiple encounters over a period of months, suddenly the whole area has been clear-cut logged, thereby destroying all the bigfoot habitat, forcing the local BF population to move on to other areas. The result is that those bigfoot are thereby removed from the scrutiny of researchers. When Watch1, Branco, Shasta, Bear, Georgia Tracker, DanR, several others, and I got to discussing this and tallying up a lot of our past major research areas, we were absolutely astounded how many of those areas had been destroyed by logging. WAY TOO MANY destroyed hot research areas to be coincidence. Because loggers tend to go areas that aren't full of trees to log? What is it that both loggers and bigfooters have in common? Bigfooters think bigfoot lives in heavily wooded areas, and Timber companies like to log heavily wooded areas. My hockey team went to an ice rink to play hockey, and there were a bunch of figure skaters out there, they obviously didn't want us to set up our nets there.
southernyahoo Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 IF there were a conspiracy to stop 'mankind' from knowing about or learning about or understanding BF, they'd have to shut down the entire "outdoors" and keep people out of it. Since that ain't happening, and isn't going to ever happen, I'd relax. It's all good. I'd like to just go with this above, but I've seen a bit of this below as well. "We had an outing in an area near my home a few years back and the area we had activity in was soon clear cut." I don't share exactly where the neatest stuff has happened either, that stuff is very close to the vest, I just keep a push pin on google earth where certain outings took place with a date. Sure enough though, it's like the push pin knocked the trees down. I have the power to clear cut. LOL
Guest Coonbo Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 (edited) Drew: The clear cutting of our research areas has happened WAY too many times and too consistently to be coincidence. The common denominator of these clear cut areas is that they have all been places that we've 1): encountered a large amount of BF activity there, 2): taken other researchers into, 3): posted reports about and our findings somewhere on the internet, and 4): the clear cutting has taken place within a few weeks or months of us posting those reports. And this is not just me that this has happened to, but at least a dozen other researchers that I know. I would really like to know how many other researcher's areas this has happened to under these same circumstances. Edited July 2, 2012 by Coonbo
Drew Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 Drew: The clear cutting of our research areas has happened WAY too many times and too consistently to be coincidence. The common denominator of these clear cut areas is that they have all been places that we've 1): encountered a large amount of BF activity there, 2): taken other researchers into, 3): posted reports about and our findings somewhere on the internet, and 4): the clear cutting has taken place within a few weeks or months of us posting those reports. And this is not just me that this has happened to, but at least a dozen other researchers that I know. I would really like to know how many other researcher's areas this has happened to under these same circumstances. It happens to people who just hike in the woods. You find a nice spot, it is clear cut, it happens all the time in Northern Michigan. Even more if you spend your time on public land, most states lease their public forests to loggers, so every so many years it is going to get logged. If you were hiking in places with prairie scrub, or 5 year old trees, it wouldn't get logged. All the hikers whose forests get logged don't think the government is out to deprive them of prime old-growth hiking areas. I'll bet it happens to hikers far more often than bigfooters, because there are a lot more of them.
Guest Posted July 2, 2012 Posted July 2, 2012 Indeed, I suspect that the government conspiracy to keep me from enjoying Magnolia Warblers in the woods is far more extensive than its conspiracy to keep bigfoot from being discovered. Funny thing though, the government is even more effective with this strategy in exurban areas on private land.
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