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It is weird indeed.

And good point you make about chimps and gorillas. If anything they are warier than sasquatch.

Until somebody plunks down in the middle of a bunch of them. And stays there. Day after day, week after week.

Which is how practically everything we know about chimps and gorillas got known. They turn into bush tucker because people know and accept that they are real; track them until they find them (amazing what one can do when hunger is driving one); and share information, which is generally accepted, about them.

That simple.

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Somehow, it's been decided by some that witness accounts are worthless. I can't think of any field of study where that's the case.

I can think of one.

All witness accounts where a Bigfoot comes out of a UFO.

why are witness accounts of a physical Bigfoot any better than those?

Both involve a giant, hairy, unclassified beast, one set of stories is that they beamed down out of spaceships, and the other, is that it's some highly evasive, bush master, that can outwit a group of heavily armed civilians intent on killing it. Which one do you think is more likely? explain your work.

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What do you have? One of those UFO reports? Two? Anything you would go to a scientist with?

Good, don't need to bother with them.

See how easy science is? Just requires some thinking. Some people really do make stuff up in their heads.

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What do you have? One of those UFO reports? Two?

This. It's part of the industrial skeptical complex to make it sound like there are a vast number of totally looney-tune reports out there when there aren't. Look at our website:


Find me the weird ones. The ones with mental powers and UFOs. Go ahead...I'll wait...

You're *again* using the tiny minority to throw out the vast majority. As if it's only wood ape research that has fringes and useless data. As if that doesn't happen to any other field of interest. Because, of course, you're the sensible serious person who couldn't be bothered with all this bigfoot nonsense...

You'll need to do better than that, Drew.

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This is the only field in which the kind of sussing that scientists do all the time, as a routine part of their jobs, isn't permitted.

Toss one, gotta toss 'em all. Ketchum? That's bigfoot research. "Finding Bigfoot" means it isn't real.

The biggest problem bigfoot skeptics have is either their inability or their refusal to turn on their inner BS detectors. Easier to just say it's all fake. Your reasoning, sir? "Um...clouds in my coffee."

Got it. Thank you for your [lack of] time.

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Do not spend time on Giant creatures, somehow surviving in trailer park septic field right of ways, which lie prostrate in highways, and howl like Coyotes, in all 49 continental United States. There are perfectly valid existing animals which will require your time.

Your head is so deeply buried in the sand. Or something. Your attitude is distinctly unscientific.

So true.

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Your website isn't going to publish those sightings.

You think they are kooky, you throw them out.

But because your sightings are 'flesh and blood' then I can't throw them out?

Why should I toss the UFO Bigfoot sightings, but not your wood-ape sightings? You have the same amount of evidence. Just because you and BFRO don't publish UFO Bigfoot sightings, doesn't mean they aren't out there. Beckjord and Burgstahler had a whole network of Bigfoot UFO people.

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Your website isn't going to publish those sightings.

You think they are kooky, you throw them out.

I will swear on a stack of whatever religious tome you hold dear that we receive essentially zero reports that involved UFOs, ghosts, mental telepathy, or any other supernatural element. It's not that we just don't publish them. We don't get them. Period.

Show me the reports that bother you, regardless of source. Show me the large number of UFO-related bigfoot reports. Please. Let's debate the substance of your argument rather than the cloud of dust that's created when you throw it up in the air and hope nobody notices there's nothing to it.

But because your sightings are 'flesh and blood' then I can't throw them out?

If you can't figure out all on your own why a report that purports the behavior of a regular old animal shouldn't be thrown out along side those reports that purport supernatural abilities, then you're beyond my powers of assistance.

Beckjord and Burgstahler had a whole network of Bigfoot UFO people.

And again, you conflate the ridiculous with the mundane for no other reason except it advances your flawed position.

Admit it, Drew. You got nothing. You point to a few four-leaf clovers and say all clovers have four leaves. It's farcical.

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And yes, the mind truly boggles. As a wise man once said, it's amazing what somebody won't see when they think it's in their best interest not to see it.

Strength to your arm, bipto. It's daunting to see what you're dealing with.

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Quick question, Drew. Because of the vast number of links that come up with I search "reports of animals doing supernatural things" on Google, should I doubt any reported behavior of dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, goldfish, and parakeets? Just because there's a fraction of people out there who say things like this, should I dismiss any and all reports of these animals activities? I expect I should, based on your logic. Help me out here. Please, as you say, show your work.

Also, please don't forget I'd like you to show me the large number of troubling UFO-related bigfoot reports that bother you. We need to get to the bottom of this.

Edited by bipto
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RED FLAG! bipto, you don't know how this works.

YOU need to show your work, YOU need to show the proof. Any violations of logic, brain burps, flights away from reality, or other strange-thoughtness committed by "skeptics" as they swallow whole whatever makes them feel comfortable is allowed by the rules.

Back to the mat; no hitting below the belt.

And "skeptics": when you toss crap at a wall, stand closer; make the crap up into a tighter ball; use fixative on the ball; whatever it takes.


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BITTER!?!?!?!? Excuse much?

I am the most content with the state of things of practically anyone I read here. Particularly somebody who thinks it's all bunkum, and comes back and comes back and comes back and comes back and comes back and comes back ...to score zero points in the discussion.

Frustrated much?

No proof? Weakest sauce out there, as proven by the International Sauce Chefs association. Care to wait until the proof's in? Impatient much?

So you think Drew is right on. Not going to get your scientist merit badge that way, I'm affeered.

One thing I love about you guys: your inability to tell when you are being toyed with. Clue much?

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There is currently not enough conclusive evidence to prove BF exists. It's that simple.

I'm not arguing that. The key point of differentiation is between "proof" and "evidence."

There's only one thing that will prove to people who have not seen them that this animal exists, IMO.

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Bipto, you are claiming that these Bigfoot-is-an-Alien reports are not happening.

You must have forgotten that Erik Beckjord had an entire following of people that believed bigfoot was an alien, it 'bzzt' in and out of our dimension at will.

You mock these reports, and say you don't ever get them. I understand why you say that. It does not look good for someone who is claiming Bigfoot is a real, giant hairy beast with superhuman abilities, to say that people that claim Bigfoot is an Alien have no basis to say such things.

Why is your sighting of a creature that can live in populated areas of America, detect cameras, dodge bullets, and outsmart the tactically minded humans, any more viable than someone who claims Bigfoot is a monitored space alien drone?

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