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The Deed Is Done

Guest Twilight Fan

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That's what I meant. I think governments attempts to manage the situation would fail as there is no real historical example to follow. It might take awhile to get it right, if it could be done at all.

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I'd imagine a variety of things would happen. Laws would be passed etc, but the human reaction would be interesting to see.

While I reckon a lot of people would be excited, I actually think it would scare a lot of people, particularly in North America. Legends and myths, whilst they remain legends and myths, can be easily dismissed in many people's minds. However, if they became (officially) real, then I think it would make certain people think twice about venturing into the woods etc.

I mean, it shouldn't, but I think it would.

I'd love to see some documentaries where they were studied in great detail, but as someone pointed out, that's probably a long way off. Depending on just how close to "human" they might be, to capture one and keep it in captivity could be close to torture for something so used to roaming the wilds.

Let me put it this way, I don't want to see one being stared at inside a zoo any time soon... :(

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I would like to see a global apology from the folks who have ridiculed and downed the folks who tried to prove it true. I don't see how some detractors can call themselves a scientist.

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I would like to see a global apology from the folks who have ridiculed and downed the folks who tried to prove it true. I don't see how some detractors can call themselves a scientist.

Spot. On. :)

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Cotter- I don't think the goernment(s) nessesarily have an obligation to reveal or explain anything to the public. Usually on matters like(?) this they just say "national security" and leave it as such. Then if you come up with proof of anything they don't want revealed you better have undisputable proof and after that the government(s) still don't have any obligation to inform the public unless it is public safety, just saying IMO ya see.

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Leave them alone! So that they can thrive in peace.

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So I am reading this and I am getting this visual of Dead Heads replacing their dancing Bears on their VW buses with dancing Bigfoots and traveling around the country en mass setting up Bigfoot concerts in the wilderness, selling Big foot hemp necklesses, having herbal Bigfoot experiences,...wait. Maybe this is happening all ready?

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