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"is Squatch Eating Our Kids" This Makes Me See Bf Differently, It's Scary!

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Im reading the MIssing 411 Eastern US right now and there are really a couple of cases that could be BF related. But most of them are just wierd/unexplainable! I don´t think the majority of cases can be explained by "hikers wandering off the trail, animals dragging away people and bodies, murder and kidnap". Im not going to get into the why I have that opinion because im about halfway through the book right now. I think you need to read it, or at least listen to some radio shows or research some of the cases online.

Thats the strangeness about the disappearances, some seem more like alien abductions than anything "logical". Im befuddled as to what is going on. The book is well worth the money for me... But that my opinion

I agree that some of the cases are BF related like the Dennis Martin case, and the behavior of the tracking dogs is absolutely bizzare :o . There was one case I researched a case that Paulides mentioned on C2C about a hunter from the Yukon, this guy (can't remember his name) was an experienced outdoors-man and hunter, so when he didn't return from a hunting trip on schedule his friends grew worried and went searching for him. They find his campsite empty and they eventually find the guys remains, very thoroughly eaten. The guys are perplexed, the investigators are perplexed, the biologists are perplexed, they say they don't know what could have done this since the guys flesh was gnawed right down to the bone and there were no scats around, so it becomes a mysterious dissapearance untill a D.N.A test is done on the remains and they are covered in Grizzly D.N.A. Mystery solved, the tests were done after the book was published.

So yeah, I think BF was responsible in some cases, but the majority no. I don't really care what the perpetrator is this is a horrifying phenomenon that warrants more attention, and I'm not a fan of the whole BF conspiracy theory but the parks service doesn't keep records of missing people? bull **** something is being covered up here


Wow, so it was a grizzly? I will do more research when im done reading the book. It´s good there are cases being solved to this day. But there are sooo many. Something is going on and im glad someone wrote about it and is alerting people.

There are a couple of cases that are similar to the Dennis Martin case. If we all use our brains and research a little maybe we can find out whats out there "stealing" people from right under our noses with NO traces left what so ever! I would love to see more DNA testing done on clothing that has been found.

What up with the swamps and Kids being found miles and miles away without any harm done to them? A bear wouldnt cuddle with kids and keep them warm in the winter, or feed them berries. Or people being found later in areas that have been thoroughly searched previously. Questions!?

@ Georgerm Thats what I thought. Since I have read a lot about what the NA tell about BF. LIke I sayd, I do believe there is a connection. Since primates have a habit of kidnaping babies too. But why would BF return the Kids after a while? Why do some never return?


BF is smart and cunning, and a BF abduction would be slick and fast. One theory is deep in the woods, BF considers some areas sacred. These areas are where BFs keep their permanent homes; possibly high on cliffs. If humans hike in and wander into these areas, then BF provides some sort of punishment that can't be directly attributed to them. This is where cluster abductions comes to light since others wander into this land of no return.

In the case of the Martin boy, BF waits for the chance to grab him without being detected. This is where cunning comes to play. This way, BF does not have to worry about small bands of humans coming after them. Just a theory...............

I agree completely. I also believe in the case of the Martin boy, the BF killed him immediately as opposed to abduction for play. I believe this because there is probably no other way it could have kept him silent.


Wow, so it was a grizzly? I will do more research when im done reading the book. It´s good there are cases being solved to this day. But there are sooo many. Something is going on and im glad someone wrote about it and is alerting people.

There are a couple of cases that are similar to the Dennis Martin case. If we all use our brains and research a little maybe we can find out whats out there "stealing" people from right under our noses with NO traces left what so ever! I would love to see more DNA testing done on clothing that has been found.

What up with the swamps and Kids being found miles and miles away without any harm done to them? A bear wouldnt cuddle with kids and keep them warm in the winter, or feed them berries. Or people being found later in areas that have been thoroughly searched previously. Questions!?

@ Georgerm Thats what I thought. Since I have read a lot about what the NA tell about BF. LIke I sayd, I do believe there is a connection. Since primates have a habit of kidnaping babies too. But why would BF return the Kids after a while? Why do some never return?

Bart Schlyer was the guys name there's an article online that says D.N.A from the remains as well as Bart's D.N.A in grizzly scat found later on shows a bear at least ate him, but his friends are suspicious, they say the bear may not have killed him but merely scavenged him, but I side with the bear explanation personally.

Just listened to Dave P on C2C and holy hell there is some strange stuff going down in the states, the story about the woman who was thrown down a waterfall and then violated was just horrific, and those stories from kids of 'bears' carrying them off and cuddling with them overnight, even feeding them berries! Either we've all been judging bears too harshly or holy **** Bigfoot is a child-snatcher!! This stuff is horrible but fascinating and I will be purchasing both books ASAP.


Wow, so it was a grizzly? I will do more research when im done reading the book. It´s good there are cases being solved to this day. But there are sooo many. Something is going on and im glad someone wrote about it and is alerting people.

There are a couple of cases that are similar to the Dennis Martin case. If we all use our brains and research a little maybe we can find out whats out there "stealing" people from right under our noses with NO traces left what so ever! I would love to see more DNA testing done on clothing that has been found.

What up with the swamps and Kids being found miles and miles away without any harm done to them? A bear wouldnt cuddle with kids and keep them warm in the winter, or feed them berries. Or people being found later in areas that have been thoroughly searched previously. Questions!?

@ Georgerm Thats what I thought. Since I have read a lot about what the NA tell about BF. LIke I sayd, I do believe there is a connection. Since primates have a habit of kidnaping babies too. But why would BF return the Kids after a while? Why do some never return?

Depends on the individual bigfoot, I would think (in the case of bigfoot-related abductions).

Bigfoot 1 may realize that the cute kid it swiped is completely helpless, needs its parents, and returns it to a place nearby.

Bigfoot 2 may decide that the kid's a pain in the ass, but decide to simply release it at that point assuming it'll find some of its own people.

Bigfoot 3 may simply dispose of the kid when it is no longer interesting.

Bigfoot 4 may simply be hungry.

We don't have a lot of anecdotes to reliably indicate how empathic they are with regard to us. Most of what we hear is either sheer romanticism or is agenda-driven.


I just checked Amazon to see if these books were available in Kindle format and they are not. Regardless, I was shocked by the price of the books! They are selling new for over $200 and more, in some cases. I don't understand this as they can be purchased new from Paulides website for a whole lot less. Am I missing something?


@ bigteddy

Interesting, im still on the fence with that. I need to read about the case and then decide. But either way, there are going to be cases that turn out to have been animals. Thanks for the heads up on that case did you let Paulides know?

Thats what I mean, those cases are just too sick. The poor woman in Yosemity is one of the most chilling cases I have ever read about. Im starting to think most of the cases are commited by either BF or Wildmen.


Yep, that makes sence, after reading both books I will get into reading more sightings on the BFF or BFRO. In one of the newer finding BF shows, Matt Moneymaker said BF sometimes have the habit of laying things out neatly, like feathers of a stolen chicken. Reminded me of the neatly folded clothing.


I couldnt believe you so I check on amazon. com. Holy ****!! 200$ Thats insane! I got my copy for 23,50 Euros thats about 30 dollars! :D Would it be cheaper for you to order via europe including shipping?

I think I will order the westcoast edition after seeing those prices!


Go to Paulides website where they are under $30.

1928 - Vancouver, British Columbia. A trapper named Muchalat Harry also claimed to have been kidnapped by Bigfoot. The powerfully built Indian of the Nootka tribe was plying his trade in one of his favorite hunting grounds around the Conuma River that autumn. Like Ostman, Harry was picked up in his sleep, bedding and all, and carried for about three miles by a large Sasquatch. When set down, he found himself surrounded by about 20 of the creatures, both male and female, which he at first thought planned to eat him, as their campsite was littered with large bones. The creatures poked and prodded Harry, seemingly puzzled by his clothing. After a while, they appeared to grow tired of the human curiosity, and many left the camp. Seeing his chance, Harry made a run for it - running right past his own camp to his canoe on the river. He never went trapping in the woods again.



The story of Joshua Leflore is a good read and it relates to this topic. When I first read it I was convinced there was nothing truthful in the story, but if you type 'Joshua Leflore' into Google, an article comes up not only confirming that Leflore was real, but also that he died in Choctaw territory, like the story describes. It does not go into detail about how he met his fate.


Perhaps they are like people....some of us will eat monkey and some won't. Some BF will eat people and perhaps some won't?

I'm really confused as to what sort of reality some people live in? Someone who states all those disappearances can be explained away easily............................I just don't know what to say!

I agree that some of the cases are BF related like the Dennis Martin case, and the behavior of the tracking dogs is absolutely bizzare :o . There was one case I researched a case that Paulides mentioned on C2C about a hunter from the Yukon, this guy (can't remember his name) was an experienced outdoors-man and hunter, so when he didn't return from a hunting trip on schedule his friends grew worried and went searching for him. They find his campsite empty and they eventually find the guys remains, very thoroughly eaten. The guys are perplexed, the investigators are perplexed, the biologists are perplexed, they say they don't know what could have done this since the guys flesh was gnawed right down to the bone and there were no scats around, so it becomes a mysterious dissapearance untill a D.N.A test is done on the remains and they are covered in Grizzly D.N.A. Mystery solved, the tests were done after the book was published.

So yeah, I think BF was responsible in some cases, but the majority no. I don't really care what the perpetrator is this is a horrifying phenomenon that warrants more attention, and I'm not a fan of the whole BF conspiracy theory but the parks service doesn't keep records of missing people? bull **** something is being covered up here

If I'm not mistaken, in this account it's said that bear scat was found all over the place, but none of it contained the guy who disappeared dna. This brings to mind the Smeja shooting also. Are BF's so sly that they will attempt to use bears as a cover of their activity? I've read accounts where the witnesses state the BF they spotted attempted to act in a bear-like manner. Are they aware that too many people they will most resemble a bear?


Depends on the individual bigfoot, I would think (in the case of bigfoot-related abductions).

Bigfoot 1 may realize that the cute kid it swiped is completely helpless, needs its parents, and returns it to a place nearby.

Bigfoot 2 may decide that the kid's a pain in the ass, but decide to simply release it at that point assuming it'll find some of its own people.

Bigfoot 3 may simply dispose of the kid when it is no longer interesting.

Bigfoot 4 may simply be hungry.

We don't have a lot of anecdotes to reliably indicate how empathic they are with regard to us. Most of what we hear is either sheer romanticism or is agenda-driven.

I think it falls into more behavior expected of different sexes of a primate species.

Children being stolen and later found dead or returned:

I feel this is something a female Squatch would do, because she is seeking a surrogate child. Either because she has failed to conceive or she has lost an offspring. It's also interesting that among the Indian tribes around me, it was known that female squatches stole children.

The human child dies because it cannot withstand the exposure and rigors of the wilderness with no clothes. It's also odd that a squatch doesn't like clothes on the child it abducts. Obviously they do not have much concept of the amount of protection their "fur" provides them.

It also brings to mind the story of Zana..........in which after giving birth to her hybrid child she immediately dunks it in a ice cold river..........ultimately killing it.

The children that are returned could be something to the effect of the squatch getting scared or possibly cold feet about the child, if observing hundreds of humans searching for it.

People who are never found or found dead, and also females who also have been raped:

To me this is more of the actions of a younger male squatch or possible male squatches in general as well as female squatches on occasion. Most of these cases could be simply predatory actions, but some could be seeking copulation. With again the human in question not being able to withstand the abuse to tell the tale. Other possible scenarios could include seeing the human as a threat to it's domain or self or family. Or curiosity that turns dark. There could also be a few cases of mistaken identity. I.e. Elk hunter chirping on a elk cow call while walking down the trail.

Cliff Barackman stated that in almost all cases reported by people, Sasquatch is reported as docile. My immediate thought was........well if the Sasquatch was hostile? Would you be around to make a report?

SSR Team

Cliff Barackman stated that in almost all cases reported by people, Sasquatch is reported as docile. My immediate thought was........well if the Sasquatch was hostile? Would you be around to make a report?


You might become part of a book about mysterious disappearing people though.


I received the Missing 411 books for Christmas, and have read the western one, and am about half way through the eastern one now. For the critics on here, if you have not read them, then you should not criticize. Paullides does not imply Bigfoot, or UFO's or anything like that. All he does is the leg work on the cases, then cross reference cases with the similar circumstance as the reference. He is simply pointing out, how far out of the norm many of these cases go. Distance traveled, direction taken, etc.

Yes the removal of clothing in cases of hypothermia does occur, although calling it "typical" might be a bit of stretch. Something else to remember is after this stage, people will seek to hide, to die, to get in,or under something, and that could explain some of the missing. However,there is much more strangeness to a lot of this, than just the removal of clothing. If you are experiencing hypothermia are you going to remove just one shoe? How about the kids found dry after heavy rains?

There is so much more to reading the books, than the narrow examples presented here, rather than criticize I really recommend reading them, then discussing it all. There sure is a lot to go "hmmm" about in these books.

I would like to know more about some of the behavior patterns in the victims, their disorientation, etc. Anyone with info on that feel free to post it, some of these people seemed to be acting in very prolonged states of panic, and that interests me.

I will probably reread these books several times, in an attempt to get a better understanding of it all. As for the authors efforts, I think he did a great job of putting it all together and presenting it.

Bi-Pedalist, you are one of the members I have high respect for, and I strongly recommend you read these books, I think you will find them causing some deep thinking. There are several cases, and trends I would very much like to discuss with some of the more experienced researchers on here.



You might become part of a book about mysterious disappearing people though.

^Bingo! I have read about this BF sighting by a young Girl and her brother. They where out walking on a trail when something threw rocks on the little Girl. First she thought it was her brother that was walking behind her. After a while she heard a noise, turned to her side and saw a Juv BF following them through the brush on the side of the trail. The BF could have easily grabed one of the kids, but this time it didnt. I think they even featured this on finding BF? There are so many sightings that a similar.

If BF really does have something to do with a lot of these cases it must be an extremly intelligent skilled hunter.


Good points Norseman.

I figure disappearances of folks in winter to more likely be predation. Food is more scarce at these times and it seems unlikely that a bigfoot would take on another mouth to feed.

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