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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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Couldn't resist... Yeah I thought the 'researcher of the year' thing was stupid too, plus the fact that the fbfb guy was constantly trying to prove his own theories. Other than that I thought it was quite an impressive interview. Interesting information about the morphology; from the description it looks like some sort of giant hairy Neanderthal.

Still.. I keep saying: this interview will not be accepted as proof for most people. If there's no BBC broadcast, no Minnow films documentary, no real scientists to validate then this has no real value.

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Guest miller44

It was kind of an interesting moment when they all talked for a second about them collectively knowing more about the shooting incident than they were able to reveal. Both parties were clearly acknowledging there was more to it than is known about by the general public. Massive under currents, yet again.

I agree about the FB/FB agenda, that really detracted from the interview, but it's understandable. Anyone of us would have put our own spin on it over the course of 90 minutes to one degree or another.

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Come on guys, salvage what little dignity you have left.

Dyer is and always will be a hoaxer.

Edited by roguefooter
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IMHO, this is all viral marketing for a film. Common place marketing strategy for films - creates internet buzz on an upcoming release.

Also ... fool me once Mr. Dyer, shame on you, fool me twice ...

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Movie for Ricky.....new book for Jack Barnes (backing Ricky) and new Book for Robert Lindsay (backing Ricky).....and both of these guys are no kill dudes----but don't seem to be bothered.....by the dead bigfoot.......

if Texas knows about the dead BF it's not getting across the state lines.....that's some big tourist revenue right there....

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IMHO, this is all viral marketing for a film. Common place marketing strategy for films - creates internet buzz on an upcoming release.

Also ... fool me once Mr. Dyer, shame on you, fool me twice ...

If Spike TV is involved then it would probably be for their upcoming TV show.

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I've listened to 40 mins or so and need to go bleach my ears or something... Anyone who's listened to it all - do they ask about/he talk about the bullet wound?

Odd that so far (40 mins) in and they're talking about hair length on the forearms... but not a peep about cause of death?

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I've listened to 40 mins or so and need to go bleach my ears or something... Anyone who's listened to it all - do they ask about/he talk about the bullet wound?

Odd that so far (40 mins) in and they're talking about hair length on the forearms... but not a peep about cause of death?

I didn't hear boo about the bullet holes err cavernous exit wounds....but 30.06 that close would blow half the face off brains would be everywhere.....

now Musky did say that the eyes were closed....no intimation of facial disfigurement....

I didn't hear boo about the bullet holes err cavernous exit wounds....but 30.06 that close would blow half the face off brains would be everywhere.....

now Musky did say that the eyes were closed....no intimation of facial disfigurement....

Does anyone know any alleged details like were the authorities called and specifically who, local, state, federal? how they moved 600-800 pounds of dead weight? what did they transport BF in to get to Las Vegas?

Sharon Lee said Ricky asked her come out to Vegas to look at BF but she felt that she didn't give strong enough assurances of positive affirmation to Rickys liking....

So Team Tazer backed Justin Smeja and FB/FB is backing Rick Dyer.... the bloods and crips err....Jets and the Sharks from West Snide Story....

Edited by clubbedfoot
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Yup, that was underwhelming.

Odd that so far (40 mins) in and they're talking about hair length on the forearms... but not a peep about cause of death?

I got to 50 mins (not including the 11 or whatever of the early interview). "let's talk about the knees." ... really?

Does anyone know any alleged details like were the authorities called and specifically who, local, state, federal? how they moved 600-800 pounds of dead weight? what did they transport BF in to get to Las Vegas?

No. There are rumors of authorities being called by Minnow after the BF was shot but nothing has been verified.

Any discrepancies between RDs and Musky's stories will be explained by saying that RD was joking. Missing pinky? He was joking! Shot with a 30.06 in the back of the head? Joking! 4-hour blindfolded car ride? Joke! It was a joke. But we are expected to believe that he actually does have a BF body. Remember him in 2008 saying 'well we told 10 different stories' and laughing that people actually believed him. Hey, you know the secret to preserving a body for 5 months in a cool room? Parasitic powder.

Edited by Belmar
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^^^^ 'the faciltities told me that the people they had there really knew what they were doing'.....unlike Musket head....good job asking the experts questions Musky!!!!!

he's a member my bad....

Wow Wow Wow! I cant say anymore than that.

that's about right....

Edited by clubbedfoot
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I wonder how much Musky is willing to wager that he saw a real sasquatch that will be authenticated by scientific authorities thus becoming a unequivocably recognized North American species....

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Well folks. Time to say adios to this thread for me now. Good luck with your hoax theories which I am pretty convinced will be not only futile but really rather silly.

Thank you for drilling me so hard (the ones who did) it is good to be kept on ones toes.

Good bye and nice knowing you.

Welcome to an new era in the world of Bigfoot. No more hoaxes from now on yeah cos it is unnecessary. Bigfoot is now on the map of the real and not the fantasy. And we will try our damned best to look after your best interests big fella from now on - WONT WE?????


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