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Rick Dyer Again

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Just listened to the first video, Musky sounds pretty genuine to me. He doesn't sound like he's trying to keep to any script or hit certain talking points, he just sounds like he's talking about something he saw. As far as the head wound from the shot, aren't there ways of closing the wound back up at least good enough to see facial features? It might not be good enough for an open-casket funeral, but it should be good enough for examination.

Anyways, this is intriguing. If it's real, then they need to do whatever is necessary to complete the documentary portion of it so that they can a biologist in there to examine the body and describe the species once and for all. I understand that there is a financial end to this for whoever is the one to finally get a type specimen, and if it's Dyer it's Dyer; I have no problem with that if he's got the goods. However, this thing needs to move quickly.

Secure whatever rights you need, get a scientist in there, and get it out to the public. This should NOT stay a mystery if they have a body.

Posted (edited)

I think it's funny too with all the new people chiming in over there. "Did somebody shoot bigfoot?" "Is Musky that skeptic guy?" "So some guy named **** filmed the tent video?"

Come on people get with the program. I mean y'all have a lot of catching up to do, lol. Come on over to BFF and spend 12 hours reading 93 pages of this stuff.

I did, but in the last 12 hours, theres another 6 pages. I'll check in when I get caght up again!

Edited by Arrowhead

At the risk of someone pointing out that a .30-06 that they used made a huge hole, I will state that the exit wound will vary quite a bit.

Depending upon whether the bullet impacted bone or soft tissue only, and the type of bullet used, the bullet may not expand a great deal, especially in a short trip through tissue. It may have gone through soft tissue, severed an artery in the neck, and hit something hard when it exited at the mouth, not leaving much damage.

For an example, see:


Graphic images at the bottom, but showing that the wound need not blow off half of a face.

Personally, I think this is a hoax. But exit wound size may not be a great way to determine the authenticity of this story.

Posted (edited)

Sounds real.

Thanks Musky for following through.

Dyer, I am not happy with you, for killing one, and in the back of the head using bait.

But, you have to live with that. It might be comfortable to you. So, I hope we as citizens can make that uncomfortable for you and future killers.

However, I do hope this puts an end to the race to prove/kill.

Edited by apehuman
Posted (edited)

Am I suppose to be shocked that Musky confirmed this dead body?

I'm not so easily moved. When I see a body, then I'll eat crow.

On a lighter note, Jacki your ceramics are quite lovely.

Edited by simplyskyla

Still no proof?

Didn't think so.


Words and more words. When the video and pics start rolling in along with a scientific review.. Then we will have a good discussion. At this point it's still just story time.


Not impressed at all! This was all part of RD's master plan folks. Its all orchestrated! about the supposed wound, I know a little about ballistics having graduated from several sniper schools and a sniper instructor for over 12 years. A 30.06 at close range (under 50 yards) will do massive damage to any animal. As was already stated by RD it went through the head. People half the face would be missing in such a scenario. Its a hoax plain and simple.



Yes, this means nothing. Someone, other than a Footer hopefully, needs to see, touch, get samples, photograph and examine and report. Until then, you can show me all the pictures of RD and Musky standing in the sunshine in Vegas and it don't mean squadoosh.

Just listened to the interview. Don't believe a word of it. He doesn't sound like he's being honest, it sounds like he's making stuff up as he goes. I'm sorry, I know that is very subjective, but just my gut reaction. And no mention of massive head trauma? Really? The mouth was closed and he could see lots of small detail on the head? But didn't think to mention a gaping gunshot wound? The jaw is square, heavy brow ridge, etc. Several times to mention the head trauma and it didn't occur to him to do so? Please...


Yeah, I am still listening and feel differently as I listen to tape two, as nothing is different than many BF witness accounts, so nothing really new.......it could be a giant film maker hoax with a model of a BF, or a paid off Musky? Is that kind of thing conceivable? Duh. I do think that many features of the BF that might be difficult to replicate were not available to inspect and pretty easy to stage a facility which he doesn't reveal......

So, show us...and it says at a film festival...so, at least it can't be a five year story....March 13 is not so far...no more time on this! i did my time on the Ketchum/Sierra Kills!


Not impressed at all! This was all part of RD's master plan folks. Its all orchestrated! about the supposed wound, I know a little about ballistics having graduated from several sniper schools and a sniper instructor for over 12 years. A 30.06 at close range (under 50 yards) will do massive damage to any animal. As was already stated by RD it went through the head. People half the face would be missing in such a scenario. Its a hoax plain and simple.


Hi Adam, not that I doubt your sniper background, but I've shot several deer multiple times in the head at close range with a 30.06, 150 gr, ballistic tip and the worse that's ever happened is I peeled the top portion of the cranium off with shot #2. About a section 2" x 2". I will respectfully disagree that all rounds from a 30.06 will do what you describe.

I've got a Coyote hunt coming up. I will run some tests.


I listen to Part 1 but I ain't got the time to listen to Part 2, did Musky mentioned anything about its smell?

Its always possible they sent it to a local pet groomer in the Las Vegas area before Musky arrived.

Guest wudewasa


Still no body, but we gotta believe anyway!



I listen to Part 1 but I ain't got the time to listen to Part 2, did Musky mentioned anything about its smell?

Its always possible they sent it to a local pet groomer in the Las Vegas area before Musky arrived.

He mentioned that it had a chemical smell from the embalming.
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