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The Story Of "fox" Death


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The bag of tobacco was opened and Fox put the pouches entire contents in its mouth he never bothered to spit and ate the peanut butter while having the tobacco in his mouth.

Well, no wonder he died.

I **** near died just trying to imagine what that tasted like!

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I know at certain high profile celebrity weddings they take away all cell phones and cameras, did a Bigfoot provide security at the funeral?

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I think it was Blackie she didn't trust. Lindsay also had it wrong about Fox knocking Janice off the horse, that was Sheba, as the story goes.

Yep that's right. My mistake. There are so many - it's hard to keep track of who is who, and who did what.. Thank you.

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Yes, I was being dead serious. Life is much stranger than we imagine, until I was given a glimpse of just HOW strange it can really be. I remember getting killed in two of my past lives, but I do not remember actual death (both shooting deaths), and they are really just like a snapshots or a moment or two in time, rather than movies. Glimpses, like I said, not novels.

Edited by madison5716
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The story of Fox ' death left me with tears welling up in my eyes . Then all out crying......................................

with laughter. :sarcastic:

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As the story goes............."There was Sally Ramy, myself and a few other people. I was invited because I work in the environmental field and was open minded about the existence of Sasquatch. I had never seen one until that day but heard many stories about them in the area. The goal of my being included was part of a larger goal, that goal to get as many “credible†in the field to believe in the creatures..............bla ....blah................."

...................and as the story goes which is great fiction or startling nonfiction. Going cold to a "BF Dying Gathering" would cause me to shake too...................then BF swats his mate for getting too close and says, "Chatkut or Chutack.......................if I was there, I would think it was not happening .............................and my stomach would be jumping.


I'm having trouble swallowing this story......................but the Carter Farm story seems somewhat truthful.

Where is this gathering taking place?

Did the Carter farm have enough dense cover to keep a group of BFs well hidden in the farming community?

Can someone post a google map image of the old Carter Farm?

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Guest Scout1959

Yes, I was being dead serious. Life is much stranger than we imagine, until I was given a glimpse of just HOW strange it can really be. I remember getting killed in two of my past lives, but I do not remember actual death (both shooting deaths), and they are really just like a snapshots or a moment or two in time, rather than movies. Glimpses, like I said, not novels.

Hypnosis? Or do you have actual conscious memories?

You can pm me the answers if you'd rather.

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Guest WldHrtRnch

Did the Carter farm have enough dense cover to keep a group of BFs well hidden in the farming community?

Can someone post a google map image of the old Carter Farm?

Not according to this report: http://www.prairieghosts.com/carter_farm.html Again very long, and very detailed, of the farm itself, the landscape, the neighbors, the history of the neighborhood and town and the Carters.

The address is 507 Reynolds Road, Madisonville, TN, google mapped, it really appears to be open farmland with very few trees/woods at all.

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Thanks WldHrtRnch for the address.

The farm land looks too open to support a BF clan. Also the reports of caves in the area proved to be false.

See the attached aerial photo. The red letter A is close to the Carter Farm.

It;s a mystery how this story could be so long with many details.................it's either interesting fiction or astounding nonfiction.


Edited by georgerm
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Well, I see a few small ponds, and, what looks like a small creek. However, your point about a lack of concealment looks to be quite valid. There is precious little of that in the general area of the map. If I were a large primate that covets concealment, I wouldn't go anywhere near that area. Waaayyy too much open ground.

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.............it's either interesting fiction or astounding nonfiction.

It's nonfiction. They can hide in plain sight, with virtually nothing to conceal them. When they're in the open, they stay low & blend in.

Anybody that might be looking at them will see a log, a bush, a cow, a dog, or nothing at all. And that's in the daytime. At night they can go wherever they want & almost never be seen.

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