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Why Don't Bigfoot Witnesses Stand Together?

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Does Bigfoot exist? Perhaps it does or doesn't.

Many people out there have seen one...or claim to.

Many prefer to keep it quiet...many go public with their stories.

Some who see fleeting glimpses may not be sure...then there are those with face to face encounters who should definitely know what it was they saw.

Why hasn't those 100% positive, not afraid to go public people, banned together to form a group or organization, or hold a press conference and say...

We 10, 100, 500 strong are standing before you today ready to tell you our stories. We doctors, military, soccer moms, construction workers, bag boys, etc. etc. are here to say we have encountered Bigfoot. It is a real animal. It is there...and the world needs to accept it.

Sure a handful here and there are sprinkled amongst the bigfoot documentaries on TV.

But imagine a hundred people or more on one of these shows standing together to say...hey the debate is over...we are here to tell you they are real, we've encountered them and we are positive about that.

That would be impressive...so why has it not happened?

SSR Team

We are, in the " it's over " thread..;)

And did someone say " soccer moms " ?

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

Well I really guess we are just too busy having other people tell us what we saw instead of simply accepting what it is that we saw (those of us that have done some banding together on the forum), to really have much of a care in the world for lumpers and splitters any longer...... final answer. :thumbsu:

Edited by bipedalist

It's just really not that important to me anymore whether the world believes us or not. People that need to know do, or will eventually, & people that don't, never will.

Final answer. :)

Posted (edited)

You mean like this?


Autumn's website is no longer public, though. If you read her last posts, you'll understand why. I wish it was still an open, active forum. She has a lot of good things to say.

Edited by madison5716
Posted (edited)

Honestly, where would they stand and who would care? If you mean stand together figuratively, then throw together a website and invite all those with experiences to share to come there and do so. Wait, that has been done many, many times already. If you actually mean some sort of live, in person event then that is just not very realistic at all. You could put some sort of petition together and Congress will consider it...I mean they considered one to build a Death Star recently, so why not Bigfoot? But doing something like that will just invite ridicule in my opinion.And contrary to what you might think, 50, 500, 1000, 10, 000 people standing together will NOT mean the debate is over. Not by a long shot.

Edited by dmaker

Seems to me the world's pretty comfortable believing that they don't, or doubting that they do exist.

Aside from social and scientific inertial complacency, the public recognition of bigfoot opens a Pandora's Box of problematic issues, so anyone who has a vested interest in the status quo will be reluctant to accept their existence, or even the possibility of their existence.

The crux for objective science is simply proof. But it isn't just about objective science. Subjective agendas are involved that span all aspects of our society.

Think about it. An objective, open-minded person will withhold judgement until proof is irrefutable and recognizes that lack of irrefutable proof does not mean they don't exist.

But there are those who climb the highest hill to declare that bigfoot don't exist. This is neither objective or in keeping with good science. What motivates these people? Are they simply seeking attention? Do they enjoy slapping down witnesses and researchers? Or do they somehow, perhaps irrationally, feel threatened by the existence of bigfoot? What do they fear? What do they have to lose?

Sure there are thousands of us who have seen them, including law enforcement officers, military, engineers, and scientists. A thousand voices can speak pretty loudly. But there are far more people for whom bigfoot could be a problem, because they change the status quo. And those people also have voices and use them.

For us bigfoot is a reality, and we'd like the world to accept that, but bigfoot is not a cause demanding that we expose ourselves to public ridicule and character assassination. Denying their existence, however, may well be a cause for any institution that has something to fear, or something to lose when they are proven to exist.

Better to wait for the science.


I spent years as a skeptic and if my bro and sis mentioned anything about that hairy guy that jumped over their car, I would roll my eyes and try not to bust a rib laughing at them. It was somewhat cruel, I'll admit, but it was the National Enquirer in my living room and I had to leave for work.....


I agree it would not matter...we already know that eyewitnesses can be mistaken. 100 eyewitnesses standing in solidarity provide no greater "proof" than 10,000 standing seperately. Why worry too much about it? If just one of the many people on this forum alone who claim close and near constant success in being around the creatures would rent or accept the offer to use a high end camera or thermal imager we could settle this in a month. The lack of such evidence being available makes eyewitness testimony LESS believable not more believable.


How does BF threaten the staus quo in any meaningful way? I really don't get that argument at all. I don't believe in BF, but that has nothing to do with my desire to swaddle myself in the cushy, warm comfort of the staus quo. I don't think society is going to crumble if BF turns out to be real. I just don't happen to be compelled enough by the evidence to date to believe.

Sorry for the minor thread derail.


ncbfsearch because there is simply no upside to it. Who in their ''right mind'' wants to risk future employment, trespassers, and the hundreds of inane questions aside from being your localities laughingstock? Pretty much no one. As it stands now the people who know, already do, them that don't, don't apparently need to, they just WANT to.


dmaker, we can't talk about religion or politics, for example. I also doubt society would crumble, but there are a lot of people out there whose world views would be threatened, and they can be vocal. Heck, you see this in science as well. There are scientists and professional skeptics who have taken the position that bigfoot does not exist, and they are now forced to defend that position. Pre-emptive dismissal of any legitimate effort is a frequent tactic.


It's just really not that important to me anymore whether the world believes us or not. People that need to know do, or will eventually, & people that don't, never will.

Final answer. :)

Yep. About the last thing us witnesses really want to do is try to convince the public that BF is real. We tried that at the time with our close friends and family and for most of us that did not go well. We may love the subject, are interested in it, and are happy to talk to those who are also truly interested in the subject (skeptic to believer sides - but interested either way). But the whole is it or is it not, or is this evidence compelling or not, does this prove it or not stuff is, well, we are just kind of past that.


Yup, sounds believable as the primary reason for not providing a decent video of the creatures.

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