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2012 Bigfoot Researcher Of The Year


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Guest wudewasa

Matt Moneymaker hands down! He can find squatches EVERYWHERE! He's been doing this for a very long time and is an expert...

Dave Shealy is bullet proof too. No one else has a skunk ape research headquarters and has written an informative book on the subject.

These guys are badasses!

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Usually I don't participate in these type threads but I'm making an exception, so my vote is

Dr Melba Ketchum DVM

for having guts and gumption these last few years.

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BFF Patron

I vote Nathanfooter, best up and coming, Young Bigfooter of the Year!

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Why not have two awards each year here, with the winners voted through a poll thread on BFF?

One award for the Researcher of the Year!

The other award (akin to the Hollywood Razzies, for worst public BF hoax) Musky Rat Award! ............. (named derived from Musky Allen and Rick (Rat) Dyer) :)

How about Musky scat award. I think that about sums it up.
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Guest feverdreams

Ranae Holland, I guess.

Whether indirectly, "Finding Bigfoot" is probably doing more to help get to an answer to all of this than anything else... and Ranae and Matt are the two people on the show who seem to me to make the most insightful contributions (and Matt strikes me as the kind of guy who starts from his belief and forces the facts to fit in with it, which is really the wrong way around...)

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Guest SquatchinNY

I'll nominate Cliff Barackman. He does good, honest research.

@Bipto: You TBRC guys do a great job. Keep it up!

Perhaps we should have two polls. A worldwide researcher, and a BFF researcher.

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"...the BFF Award for people that have ultimately made no progress in this subject whatsoever where species verification is concerned goes to...................."


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That's every year with Skeptics, adam...

The Ketchum Study is what it is, and it's one more piece of evidence (frankly it's PROOF) that Skeptics refuse to engage.

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