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Posted (edited)

Yeah, ditto on the foxes. Took me a year or more to realize the *screams* and other strange sounds were coming from foxes.

Edited by HRPuffnstuff
Posted (edited)

Why do you think it's okay to have contact with someone at the expense of their comfort?


There are two sides to everything ... that included.    Lets take a moment to look at it from the other side.    The BFs seem to be studying us, spying on us, peeking in windows, creeping around camp, messing with our stuff, flinging cones and pebbles, etc.  In what double standard way is it then not ok for us to try to study them, spy on them, etc?  


Something feels very wrong about what you're saying.   You've become habituated.   I understand wanting a relationship, but what you're suggesting is an unhealthy one with all the power in one set of hands, none in the other.  I want a relationship with them, but on even terms, give and take.   What is fair for them to do has to be fair for me to do.  If it can't be done in a fair, balanced, mature way, I don't want any part of it.



Edited by MIB
  • Upvote 1

OMG ! HRPuffnstuff, I thought I was the only person on the planet that used to watch that show. Its back on again early Sunday morning.

If I'm home I still watch it. Then Land of the lost is on right after.

My kids love it aswel !....Sorry for the rambling :)


There are two sides to everything ... that included.    Lets take a moment to look at it from the other side.    The BFs seem to be studying us, spying on us, peeking in windows, creeping around camp, messing with our stuff, flinging cones and pebbles, etc.  In what double standard way is it then not ok for us to try to study them, spy on them, etc?  


Something feels very wrong about what you're saying.   You've become habituated.   I understand wanting a relationship, but what you're suggesting is an unhealthy one with all the power in one set of hands, none in the other.  I want a relationship with them, but on even terms, give and take.   What is fair for them to do has to be fair for me to do.  If it can't be done in a fair, balanced, mature way, I don't want any part of it.




This is not a "power" issue. Neither party to a BF-human relationship has more power than the other. The BF are sovereign beings with free will, and so are we. They have every right to dictate the terms of the relationship, just like we have every right to either accept or reject those terms. And if you choose to reject them, fine. But then it's your responsibility to withdraw, as quietly and gracefully as possible -- just as you would want somebody to accept your "no", if you told them no. You don't get to whine to them about what they should or shouldn't ask for. They can ask for whatever they want.

Of course, if you're not interested in a relationship, a friendship, then do whatever you want. Harrass them, whine about them, kick and scream. And have fun doing it, if it amuses you to do those things. But don't delude yourself into thinking that the kicking and screaming will melt their hearts and make them come running into your arms. Would you run into the arms of somebody having a tantrum about being treated "unfairly" by you? Didn't think so. 
Try to have less ego, less defiance about this -- fewer hurt feelings -- and you might actually begin to have a more rewarding connection with them. 
Posted (edited)

 They can ask for whatever they want.




Have you ever had an actual conversation with BF? If so, request a hair sample that can be studied for DNA.


Doing so would probably mean that it will not take a *body on a slab* to prove their existence.


And NIGHTWATCHER I used to *live for Saturday mornings to watch HRPuffnstuff and Land of the Lost.


Always wanted to rock on Witcheypoo's broom and as a kid had the *hots* for the girl on Land of the Lost.


Not Marcia Brady or Laurie Partridge *hots* mind you but I dug her. :lol:

Edited by HRPuffnstuff
BFF Patron

MIB has a valid point about wanting any encounter to be with myself having as much control over the situation as I can. As a human we have very little. The woods are their place not ours. That is the main reason I do not do night research. With their superior night vision, ability to stay stealthy, move with little or no noise, and natural camouflage all of the advantages at night are on their side. What good does it do me to have a close encounter with something I can barely or cannot see at all. Day time is harder in that they have to feel like no human is close, or can see them before they move around. But if they do slip up and show themselves, at least in the day they are observable and can be video taped. My eyesight has to be as good or better than theirs in the daytime. For the solo researcher daylight is safer. If a bear or cougar is out there I want to be able to see it too.



This is not a "power" issue. Neither party to a BF-human relationship has more power than the other. The BF are sovereign beings with free will, and so are we. They have every right to dictate the terms of the relationship, just like we have every right to either accept or reject those terms. And if you choose to reject them, fine. But then it's your responsibility to withdraw, as quietly and gracefully as possible -- just as you would want somebody to accept your "no", if you told them no. You don't get to whine to them about what they should or shouldn't ask for. They can ask for whatever they want.

Of course, if you're not interested in a relationship, a friendship, then do whatever you want. Harrass them, whine about them, kick and scream. And have fun doing it, if it amuses you to do those things. But don't delude yourself into thinking that the kicking and screaming will melt their hearts and make them come running into your arms. Would you run into the arms of somebody having a tantrum about being treated "unfairly" by you? Didn't think so. 
Try to have less ego, less defiance about this -- fewer hurt feelings -- and you might actually begin to have a more rewarding connection with them. 



You missed the point.   Look at your response.   Everywhere you put "you", put "they", and re-read it that way.   Everywhere you put "they", put "you", and reread it.   If both versions are not true, neither one is.   If both versions are not true, you have set up a double standard.


The rest of your reply is a personal attack I'm not going to dignify with a response..



Posted (edited)

Humans are the hyper dominate species on the planet..........that's not ego just fact.


We do not respect others of our own species that have not adopted a modern lifestyle, let alone a yet unknown species of primate different from our own. It's easy to root for Sasquatch as the under dog, and I understand that.


But from a scientific perspective we need a type specimen to prove this species real. 


Before Jane Goodall there was Henry Morton Stanley and others who brought out bones and hides of animals they had shot and categorized while in the Congo.

Edited by norseman

There are two sides to everything ... that included.    Lets take a moment to look at it from the other side.    The BFs seem to be studying us, spying on us, peeking in windows, creeping around camp, messing with our stuff, flinging cones and pebbles, etc.  In what double standard way is it then not ok for us to try to study them, spy on them, etc?  


Something feels very wrong about what you're saying.   You've become habituated.   I understand wanting a relationship, but what you're suggesting is an unhealthy one with all the power in one set of hands, none in the other.  I want a relationship with them, but on even terms, give and take.   What is fair for them to do has to be fair for me to do.  If it can't be done in a fair, balanced, mature way, I don't want any part of it.



Sorry, but thats the way its going to be. You'd be lucky to even have that type of relationship. BF are not soft and cuddly, they are alpha-animals, who have EVERYTHING to loose by associating with humans, (as Nathan has pointed out at the beginning of this post, become their friends, then expose them to the world)

Yes, they may do the 'habituation' at their leisure. Its very dangerous for them to be too involved with stupid humans. Of course they hold the cards. Or the E-ticket.


Good lord, reality check time. Oh, yea, right, forgot.


MIB has a valid point about wanting any encounter to be with myself having as much control over the situation as I can. As a human we have very little. The woods are their place not ours. That is the main reason I do not do night research. With their superior night vision, ability to stay stealthy, move with little or no noise, and natural camouflage all of the advantages at night are on their side. What good does it do me to have a close encounter with something I can barely or cannot see at all. Day time is harder in that they have to feel like no human is close, or can see them before they move around. But if they do slip up and show themselves, at least in the day they are observable and can be video taped. My eyesight has to be as good or better than theirs in the daytime. For the solo researcher daylight is safer. If a bear or cougar is out there I want to be able to see it too.


Yes, most people like the illusion of having control over other people and other beings. But it's just that: an illusion. The only thing we have control over is ourselves and our responses to things. As Wag says, of course they hold the cards, if you're talking about physical strength. They're bigger than we are. But the great thing about dealing with the vast majority of BF people is that they have no interest in using their superior strength to hurt us. So this is actually a very safe arena in which to practice facing the truth of our existence: that we have no control.


It's hard to learn how to relax, knowing you don't have control, but it's the best thing a person can ever learn how to do. A BF-aware LEO I know used to go into the woods to meditate. He wanted to get control over himself, over his mind. He was a very brave person to do that -- it's a scary thing to do -- but the good news is, he lived. And became even braver than before. 


The advantages the BF have at night -- the ability to get closer to you -- seems like a matter of celebration, to me. When they get closer to you, you can learn more about them (although that's not the only way to learn or get to know them). Again, they don't wish to hurt you; they just want to observe you. But as they observe you, they're also getting more comfortable with you, and you with them. You can hear them better. They're not always dead silent at night (although they obviously can be if they want to be). They often shuffle around and make noise. They break sticks underfoot. They breathe. They vocalize. These are all opportunities for us to address them, to show awareness of their presence, if we choose. And how great is it when you get an acknowledgment back? It's the best feeling in the world. And things can evolve from there.


But I can understand not wanting to do night investigations if bear and cougar are in the area, or if getting a photo or video is your ultimate goal. 




Humans are the hyper dominate species on the planet..........that's not ego just fact.


We do not respect others of our own species that have not adopted a modern lifestyle, let alone a yet unknown species of primate different from our own. It's easy to root for Sasquatch as the under dog, and I understand that.


But from a scientific perspective we need a type specimen to prove this species real. 


Before Jane Goodall there was Henry Morton Stanley and others who brought out bones and hides of animals they had shot and categorized while in the Congo.


I can't agree, Norseman. We are not the hyper dominate species on the planet. If we were, we could snap our fingers and have that Sasquatch body everybody is so desperate to get. 


The Sasquatch people are not underdogs (but I agree with you, we are terrible at showing respect for others). 


We don't "need" to prove they're real, much less a "type specimen" to prove something there's no need to prove. That's a story we tell ourselves, just like the story about how we have control. There are plenty of people who know plenty of things about Sasquatch. We can just ask them, if we want information. Trying to kill something to get information that's readily available from other sources is a barbarous act, in my opinion. 


And I think you have the chronology exactly right: first (at least, in recent memory), there were destroyers. Then came those who did not believe in destruction. That is true progress, in my view. 


So we'll just never agree, Norseman. But agreement about such things is less important than finding a way to talk about things civilly, which you do, and which I appreciate.  



....BF are not soft and cuddly, they are alpha-animals, who have EVERYTHING to loose by associating with humans, (as Nathan has pointed out at the beginning of this post, become their friends, then expose them to the world)

Yes, they may do the 'habituation' at their leisure. Its very dangerous for them to be too involved with stupid humans. Of course they hold the cards. Or the E-ticket.


I agree. Well, except for the part about them not being soft and cuddly. Sometimes they are exactly that. The mindless aggression we humans seem so prone to seems much rarer with them. But otherwise, I agree strongly.  :) 



I can't agree, Norseman. We are not the hyper dominate species on the planet. If we were, we could snap our fingers and have that Sasquatch body everybody is so desperate to get. 


The Sasquatch people are not underdogs (but I agree with you, we are terrible at showing respect for others). 


We don't "need" to prove they're real, much less a "type specimen" to prove something there's no need to prove. That's a story we tell ourselves, just like the story about how we have control. There are plenty of people who know plenty of things about Sasquatch. We can just ask them, if we want information. Trying to kill something to get information that's readily available from other sources is a barbarous act, in my opinion. 


And I think you have the chronology exactly right: first (at least, in recent memory), there were destroyers. Then came those who did not believe in destruction. That is true progress, in my view. 


So we'll just never agree, Norseman. But agreement about such things is less important than finding a way to talk about things civilly, which you do, and which I appreciate.  


So let me ask you this........ just like a tribe of Amazonian Indians? Every time we bulldoze a patch of black berries or dam a river, denying Salmon access to vital spawning grounds? Does a Sasquatch have any say in that process? Do they form up a Sasquatch army to fight us for vital resources? If it's a real animal, and reportedly a big one at that, they obviously need food resources. 


Dominance is not represented by snapping our fingers to produce a body. It's about the allocation of earth's resources, which we always win. To the detriment of other species, which if Sasquatch is a real animal? It desperately needs......


A body is needed for us to recognize it as a species, and recognize it's needs and thus set aside resources in order for it to survive. Unfortunately this is how conservation works. As the hyper dominate species on the planet that takes what it wants? If confronted with something like Sasquatch I think measures would be taken to ensure it's future. Other wise the bulldozing will continue.


Wow, SweetPolly! I somehow missed seeing your post when it first appeared, but just wanted to say I couldn't agree with you more. And I can't explain it, either. But knowing and being able to explain are two different things.


Rock on!

Hi Leaftalker

I don't think I have spoken directly with you before, I hope you're well.

Can I ask - from your post above replying to SweetPolly which I have quoted - is it correct to say:

You know that the 'Sasquatch people' are invisible-at-will, non-flesh-and-blood manifestations, with therefore no DNA, who hence do not require food and are unaffected by any man made changes made to the environment?

Also, could I please ask:

Do you know where they are when they are not manifested in 'our world'?

Do you know why they sometimes choose to leave footprints?

Why would you classify them as 'people', as 'human people' cannot make themselves invisible, are flesh and blood, do have DNA, do require food and are affected by man made changes to the environment?

How do you know this information - did you discover it from direct experience, did a Sasquatch person communicate it to you or did another human communicate it to you?

Many thanks in advance.


I have neither the experience nor the scientific knowledge to intelligently join this conversation.

I'm just a bonehead that sets out in the woods at night with no high tech gadgetry, usually no shelter trying to make right in my mind what I seen that day.

Im going to share something with you all that ive kept to myself simply because of the nature of it, but here it is...

I was sitting in my normal spot which is a hollowed out area in the bottom of a still alive massive river maple tree. It was a typical beautiful cold stary night.

My mind was completely clear of all thoughts, even bf. When this strange feeling came over me and a thought came to me, almost in vision form.

Could bf be a metamorphosis of humans ?

Meaning, could bf actually be a humans that can transform into a bf ? Like that of a werewolf ?

Yes, very "out there" thinking, but...???

Another reason I ask this off the wall question is this. Around the same time I started going to the bottoms hoping for a reencounter of what I seen, ive been oddly running into this gentleman that ive never seen before.

I mean everywhere ! The bank, walmart, my outdoor supply store. Even seen him by himself at my sons football game. I live in a mid sized city of around 85k people, so bumping into someone more than once is very possible.

But this is way to often to be coincidence. I have asked other people about him and no one knows him. I can never find what he is driving or where he goes. I asked my wife to snap a picture of him at the game and oddly enough his face is blurred out as if it was edited.

Malfunction of the camera ? Very possible, but the people sitting around him came through fine.

No, I don't have/had any mental illness, not on any meds period (thank God).

Is it possible that we are actually in the presence of bf everyday and don't even know it ?

Please comment on this, good or bad I will accept whatever gets thrown at me. Thank You !


NightWatcher. I do not believe humans or Sasquatch can transform into anything else in a physical form. The transforming physically would require  the ability to control nearly every molecular atom in the body.There have been for lack of better words "energy beings" described throughout mans history being able to assume the physical form of what ever they wanted to appear as. They have been described as good and not so good  at times. The best way to answer your question would be the next time you seen this person, walk up to them look them in the eye and start a conversation.

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