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Where Is The Initiative?


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I'm not one given to such scenarios, until they're actually, you know, proven.


Yet the advice and admonition is frequently offered, here upon the BFF. I was simply preempting the inevitable warning.

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What Incorrible is referring to is the retaliation to aggression and that simply doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. The argument will go something like this.......

You shoot bf 1

Bf number 2 gets mad and attacks you by ripping you limb to limb.

In reality, survival will be the first instinct to kick in (unless bf 1 is a juvenile). Bf number 2 is going to most likely going to put as much distance between you and him/her as fast as possible. This is just my opinion and we really know very little about how they would react, but what Incorrible is referring to is almost guaranteed to be posted somewhere in this thread.

If I am wrong about this Inc, it was not intentional.

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BFF Patron

I was rereading Bear Attacks by Herrerro last night.  Some black and grizzly will run from warning shots that kick up dirt in their face when charging......   others look at you like is that all you got!


To say anyone knows what the response of an individual Sasquatch would be to being actively hunted and attacked is pure speculation......  grizzlies charging to discharged weapons to actively mug a kill by a hunter is another example of conditioning gone awry.  


I think both examples are interesting.   There is also a thing called secondary aggression.  Pick on a Sasquatch that got it's butt kicked in a fight earlier in the day and you may have a match on your hands without being the aggressor. 

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I was rereading Bear Attacks by Herrerro last night. Some black and grizzly will run from warning shots that kick up dirt in their face when charging...... others look at you like is that all you got!

To say anyone knows what the response of an individual Sasquatch would be to being actively hunted and attacked is pure speculation...... grizzlies charging to discharged weapons to actively mug a kill by a hunter is another example of conditioning gone awry.

I think both examples are interesting. There is also a thing called secondary aggression. Pick on a Sasquatch that got it's butt kicked in a fight earlier in the day and you may have a match on your hands without being the aggressor.

Yes but this only happens in the lower 48 where the are protected. Coming to a gunshot like a dinner bell.

I wish it was that easy with a squatch!

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We also have to remember that the media will report only the "shocking" or unusual encounters such as bear attacks. Who wants to read about a bear that ran away from you.....there is no story in that. Of all the bear encounters that I have had, one male stood up to me and the rest ran quickly away. Not far from my cabin a man was walking his dogs on a dirt road and a black bear did attack him unprovoked. The dogs ended up taking turns nipping at the bear and the man got away with just bites and scratches, but this is just one of a thousand encounters and if we only relied on the media, the woods would be empty. I also apply this to the theory behind missing 411 cases. These can happen but are not common behaviors. That being said, if you do get ripped limb from limb, get it on film. :-)

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Hello UPs,


Thanks for the reminder. If a Sasquatch does reach down and grab my "elephant" gun and I DO have the good sense to let go of it so as not to be whipped into the woods then remembering in that split second to pick up my camera and start filming should be the next logical step. Of course I'm just joking here I hope you know. What everyone has said WRT potential outcomes shows that considering ALL scenarios in necessary to include in a long list of precautions at each step of an expedition. This is always predicated on whether or not the creature even exists but that part of it isn't news to anyone. Thanks for the input everyone. 

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