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Is There A Video That Could End The Speculation?

Guest Nalajr

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Guest Nalajr

Hey all,


I've wondered about this from time to time and I thought I'd ask you all and see what you thought.


Since there are so many encounters being had, and probably been having over the years, and a lot of them go unreported for fear of ridicule or whatever, I thought that there might also be videos out there that have never been seen.


Do you think there is a video(s) out there that if made public would pretty much end the speculation that SASSY exists?  I mean a video that is worlds apart from Patty.  A CLEAR video that NO ONE would have to guess at?


I know there are NO VIDEOS by themselves that will PROVE SASSY to everyone, it'll take a specimen for that to happen.  I'm talking about a video that the SASSY Community has LONG begged for, something that would vindicate what everyone has been claiming they have seen and experienced and one that is obvious that it isn't a fraud?  That would have to be one **** awesome video of a SASSY or a Family of SASS's.


That's what I'm talking about.  Do you  think there are people out there that have such videos in their possession that for whatever reason are just refusing to let it out?


What's your thoughts on it?


Thanks for the time.



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Guest OntarioSquatch

I suspect that due to the lack of a specimen, a good video of Bigfoot would create speculation rather than end it (kind of like the PGF). Maybe there is a clear video of a Bigfoot out there, but it seems to be just as rare as the animal itself.

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SSR Team

If there is, there isn't any public at the moment.

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I can't say that there is a video such as this out there, but I can say that there could be. I have heard of several of them from direct communication with members of this forum and from researchers.


I realize that this isn't conclusive. I can tell anyone anything, and others can do likewise. Yet it appears that there are those that make such a claim, but choose not to present it for whatever reason. While I believe that some of them could be telling the truth, I think that until the video is put into the Bigfoot arena it's just not viable evidence.


Personally, I believe that it's possible that such video evidence exists.

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about 5-7% believe in BF. Why invite the whole stupid, idiotic human race to the party? BF wants to hide from us.


If you had a FEW videos, National Geographic style, that would be acceptable to a high % of people, and general public I suppose, but why would you even want that?

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What has been referred to as the grooming video is allegedly out there somewhere. Some who have reportedly seen it consider it to be genuine.

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It is kind of odd that the best film was gathered a generation ago. Nowadays, hordes of people enter the mountains and forests each year and most have some kind of picture taking or video recording device. Yet, we never really get anything clear or tangible.

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Is that a surprise?   I mean, when has this interest of ours not been odd, not thrown us counter-intuitive monkey wrenches?   If something someday goes as planned in this search for bigfoot, I'll be stunned. 



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is there a video? ... perhaps, you never know what someone may be sitting on.....but would it end speculation? imo, no....another 40 yrs later , unless the proverbial "type specimen" is discovered also   , the debate will carry on much like it has with the pgf.

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Guest JiggyPotamus

There are definitely more great videos out there than many people would imagine, videos that have never been released online for the viewing public. I would say that some of these videos are better than the PGF, in that they are likely close to the purported sasquatch, and the subject is quite clear. But, there are probably even more videos out there that aren't any better than the majority of what one can find perusing the internet.


With all that said, I am not sure that there is a video that could vindicate believers. Like you said, video cannot prove anything, and there will always be those who claim a video is hoaxed, no matter how great it is. They are not always right in making these claims, but nevertheless, they will be made. But I think you might also be right that there are videos that could convince some of the fence-sitters. But then again, there are probably people who would be convinced by the crappiest video evidence there is. So it really has to do with personal opinion and beliefs I suppose.


So to give you a definitive answer, I think that there are videos out there in private hands that are of excellent quality and content, and that these videos would likely convince many people, some scientists included, at least convince them to look into the subject more thoroughly, but there are also going to be people who will never believe a video proves anything. Therefore, for a proponent of sasquatch to feel vindicated, it will depend on their personal definition of the word in my opinion. It is sort of a hard question that you asked, at least in a way, but I am confident that there is not really one answer that is more correct than another.

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Good points.


I would go further and say there are some people who will not be convinced that a body is real and not a hoax.   There simply is nothing that absolutely everyone will accept as definitive proof of the existence of sasquatch.  There will always be some scoffers left. 


So the question is ...  how many do we have to convince to feel vindicated?   Where's your personal line in that sandbox?



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If these "proof" videos exist, why are they being kept from the public?  Are they filmed for personal satisfaction?  If there are convincing videos, why haven't any surfaced?  I would think at least one person would spill the beans.


The same applies to habitation.  I would think at least one person would cross the line and release credible evidence.  I guess Bigfoot mind control is preventing them from doing so.


If the government is covering all of this up and trying to eradicate Bigfoot, wouldn't they confiscate film and shut down habitation sites?  I haven't heard of either occurring.



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I'm 99.9% sure there is a video out there that surpasses the PGF film. Why hide it? Put yourself in the position of the owner of the video. What could you gain by releasing? What could you lose? Who could you trust? I think we are more likely to see a video or videos surface once the existence of bigfoot has already been proven. If possessed such a video I wouldn't publicize it. No matter how good it is you will still be accused of hoaxing. Far too much to loose with very little to gain.

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