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Why Do Bigfoots Not Harm Humans More Often?

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Wow. That's serious business, Great Apes don't mess around. 


Hello ForestTone,


No they don't. If the hairy One exists then imagine something twice the size of the Gorilla and just as fast. The reports indicate that they're pretty shy though and I've been trying to piece together the nature of why they don't just decimate everyone who runs across them.


Definitely a force to be reckoned with. But "killing everything that moves" doesnt really fit into the modus operandi of most animals. Luckily for us! xP


Well, not to get all conspiracy theory on you guys.....But how do we even know there hasn't been "harm" to humans. If a bigfoot wanted you ( as in to kill you ) you wouldn't be around to tell anyone. Just a thought. I am by no means saying with certainty that bigfoot kills people. I'm just saying it's possible that it might have happened and we just don't know about it. ( dead people don't talk )


^Because there is no evidence to even suggest it as a possibility. It would be more plausible to say they were killed by rabid woodpeckers.

SSR Team

^Because there is no evidence to even suggest it as a possibility. It would be more plausible to say they were killed by rabid woodpeckers.

This is the bottom line.

Bottom line is as it stands, this animal doesn't even exist so questioning it's diet etc is, like it or not, is barely even up for debate as the comeback argument for the naysayers against these types of OP questions are so easy, as seen above.

It's why really there's little to no point to even contributing to a large number of threads on the forum any more as what is said and debated in the name of possibility and possibility only, is just dismissed so easily, like it can be as seen above.


^Because there is no evidence to even suggest it as a possibility. It would be more plausible to say they were killed by rabid woodpeckers.


According to some Native American tribes, bigfoot could be a violent creature at times. 

An example would be the bigfoot wars in Oklahoma. 

I'm only saying bigfoot killing a human sometime in the history of our co-existence is entirely possible. 


Well, not to get all conspiracy theory on you guys.....But how do we even know there hasn't been "harm" to humans. If a bigfoot wanted you ( as in to kill you ) you wouldn't be around to tell anyone. Just a thought. I am by no means saying with certainty that bigfoot kills people. I'm just saying it's possible that it might have happened and we just don't know about it. ( dead people don't talk )


Good point. My thoughts are most BFs don't want to hurt us. However, are there rogue BFs that take out people, and did some of the missing hikers go this way? Are bigfoot smart enough to leave no evidence or witnesses?

Hello All,

I've mentioned this in a thread somewhere else but I'll be DANGED if I can find it. I postulated that the reason Sasquatch doesn't seem to cause us harm is because they first see us as them. Or a form of them. They know we're smaller than elks, bears, and possibly some deer so they MAY view us at first sight as Juveniles. Also (as a bit of attempted humor which will probably fail miserably) imagine if they wonder why none of them have ever seen a Human "adult". Most of us are small in comparison to the adult creatures after all, so maybe the simple thing is they only see the Human "juveniles" and that could mean hands off?




Sounds logical and comforting. They definately seem to have a 'hands off' policy.

Posted (edited)

Hello Georgerm,

If it happens I would think they would NOT be at all concious of any intent to not leave evidence for Human discovery. It would make sense though that little if any trace of the event left behind is a result of them normally hiding their spoils to guard against other unwanted predators or scavengers. Less energy burned in defending their successes. It's why I'm not entirely convinced every half-eaten deer can be attributed a Sasquatch kill except in the case of eyewitness reports. Since their existence, and therefore the size of any populations is speculatory (again except for eyewitness reports) then the incident of kills may be much higher than what is found by hunters and such.

Edited by hiflier
Posted (edited)

Hello dmaker,


Maybe someone (you?) should ask the NC's of BC? They has spoken of two different "tribes" of Sasquatch that have battled each other on occasion. I'll even grease the skids for you :) 


@ BC Witness,


Can you tell us of any history of Sasquatch groups toughing it out with each other for whatever reason?

Edited by hiflier

In all of the reports that I have read, I would say Bigfoot is more of a curious nature as opposed being portrayed as a violent creature. Way more reports point to curiosity. Like the man and son who went hunting and forgot the tent poles at home, so the weather permitted sleeping under the stars. The father was awakened by a Squatch touching the man's beard.

I would venture to believe that a Squatch would associate a tent or camp with humans, and so many reports of tents being touched or stroked by an apparent hand. I think if Bigfoot had a mean streak, it would just rip through the tent and get to the goodies inside.

Guest Urkelbot

Anything that is based upon kidnapped kids by bigfoot, or anyother beast/monster,  stealing kids should be chalked up to stories told to kids to keep them in line.  Which is more or less what the bigfoot wars story involves.

Posted (edited)

Hello All,

Native Canadians tell of the legend of the Saskahaua "men" which were/are two "tribes" living in the mountains. The story speaks of the NC's as being somewhat relieved that the two "tribes" keep each other's population down so that apparently there isn't much for Humans to worry about.

Edited by hiflier



I'm not familiar with the "war" stories or "2 tribes of sasquatch" that you mention, but there are a couple of our group's members who have talked with the local natives extensively, so I'll pick their brains when we next get together. I had lunch with Thomas Steenburg (In Search of Giants) yesterday, but didn't get into those types of stories, as we were making plans for this year's outings. Many of our "hot" locations are adjacent to native reserves, so I'll certainly look for opportunities to raise the subject whenever possible.

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