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Survivorman Bigfoot A-Z

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perhaps it all depends on approach for stroud. 


keeping TS at a distance would be a plus, but there is , imo, at least some   bandwagon jumping going on.. again BF is  a fairly hot tv topic for now and its all about ratings for these shows.


plenty of outdoors folks are at least curious about BF , even if only as a campfire story so there is a ratings boost right there...... cant blame a guy for making a $ , as long as its an honest $.... i'm curious to see how his BF related shows go.

  • 2 weeks later...
BFF Patron

Heads up! Survivorman Bigfoot 2015 premieres April 3 on Science Channel. 7PM Eastern so check your local listings. The title is "Legend of Klemtu Hill" Someplace in Canada with lots of sightings. No mention of TS.


Did anyone catch the new Survivorman show last night?


It was OK.  I do not think he stayed more than a three days at the one spot which is a bit disappointing, but did research another area or 2.  I like the way he presents his material.  It is almost like he is teaching, explaining how it is thought these creatures if real behave, and I get the feeling he is trying to understand for himself if they are real. Taking a skeptical approach, not just downright shrugging it off as make believe, hoax, mis-ID.


He found 2 possible partial prints, which he made casts of.


The funniest part was when a tree fell over and he got freaked out.  He explained how in the past he always shrugged it off as just a tree falling over, but now he was thinking it could be something else.  He then did a couple of wood knocks after the tree incident and said he was not sure he would stay another night if he got a response.  I wander if that was just for the camera or if he really was skittish and how would that affect him in the future time in the woods?

Guest ewashguy56

I got to rewatch the two part program called "Nordegg" and "Radium" yesterday afternoon. Both were interesting. I saw the clip of what appeared to be BF in the first segment. What kind of caught my attention, was that I noticed there was never any eye blinking by the alleged bigfoot. I don't know how long the clip lasted on that pic but that stood out. It didn't look to much to me like any other picture of an alleged BF looked like IMO. On the second part where once again TS offered some of his video of another rendezvous with BF, there was an awful lot of grunting and goaning, and the entire time the camera was all over th eplace, unfortunately. I would like think that he could have at least maybe caught a brief look at the alleged BF? I too love Stroud, and I hope he has more programs like this and related to BF. I have been very close to that area and at Radium Hot Springs. It is just a GORGEOUS area as came off in the program. Very very cold in winter though. Bone chillingly cold.


I think Les said at one point (and I'm paraphrasing) he was freaking himself out. That could easily happen when you are in a secluded area and thinking non-stop about a possible huge predator around you. I liked the first nation people discussing sightings and stories. It is good to see a strictly serious look into the subject which has been missing on some of these "Mountain/Alaska/Finding BF" shows. Did I mention I miss Monsterquest?


I am with you Beerhunter on missing Monsterquest.  That was a good show

  • Upvote 1
BFF Patron

I just happened to stumble in it and did watch it. I hope my posting did not lead people astray. This was on Discovery channel. The tree falling thing did scare him. He said it did not sound like a normal tree fall to him. Also he put out a camera observing an apple and sandwich. The camera captured a crow getting the apple, but malfunctioned and did not show what got the sandwich. He was not very far out, only a mile from town at one end of the lake from what he said. I wish I could talk to him about tree knocking. He knocked tree times, each time he did it. He was told about knocking by some "expert", probably Todd Standing. From my own experience more than one initial knock is interpreted as a warning by a BF to other BF to stay away. I do not knock or howl when I really do not know what their meaning is. If it is done, I want to hear how BF use it between themselves. When humans do it, it messes up the only communication context we have between them. His two footprint finds in his first solo show are pretty good. I think that is the sum total of all the finds in all of the seasons of FB. He called in John Bindernagel to look at the footprints who said they looked authentic because the big toe was sticking out quite prominently.

He also found a nest that he had never seen anything like before. Said it was too large to be a bear. An intact sea lion spine was right at the edge of the nest. The lake has a history of a missing boy. Never found after an extensive search. Some caves were found during the search that supposedly stunk so bad the searchers could not stand to be in them. He said the tree fall sounded more like it was thrown and that he was going to pay more attention to them when he is in the woods. He ended the show with he feels like he is climbing down into the rabbit hole, looking for answers. Welcome to the world of BF research!

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He also mentioned later it could have been a large rock thrown, not a tree falling. He just heard the crash. It was a bit odd that there was absolutely no wind, that lake was like glass, not even a ripple.


That "nest" with the supposed sea lion bones was odd, almost like a marker. I have seen "nests" like that before here in east texas many times, and have always thought it was where deer had bedded down, or maybe coyotes.


I think between the "nest" and the possible foot prints he was already getting a little edgy, then the tree crash/rock throw freaked him out.


A good show, I'm looking forward to more.


At least no Toddster this time.


The new episode actuall aired last night on the Discovery channel, it will air on the science channel on April 3rd. He seemed to try and distance himself from standing right off the bat. He kept referring to hoaxes and made several comments about being in control of his experience this time.

It was a pretty good show. I can't wait to see what he comes up with. Its pretty refreshing to watch a Bigfoot show where not every little noise is instantly a Sasquatch. Also though not everything is dismissed as a fluke. He takes an objective look at the subject without jumping to conclusions either way.


I believe that airs here in the Midwest tomorrow Friday. If I have some time I will make an effort to tune in myself.


It airs tonight in my neck of the woods, and I'm really looking forward to it! I've heard the area is beautiful. Glad to hear he's alone for this one, too.

Guest ewashguy56

thanks! will be checking to see if Discovery U.S. is going to carry this, since I saw the TS/Stroud 2 parter the other day on Discovery. I don't get Science Channel. Would love to but too $$$$$$$.Thanks to Comcast.


Joe Rogan did a 2 1/2 hour podcast with Les Stroud today, April 3 podcast #632. He gets into everything in it, pretty good, funny, if you're not into Joe Rogan's humor you might not be into it 

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