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Posted (edited)

Yes.  But there is evidence supporting me...and none supporting you.

Edited by DWA
removed attacking the arguer quote
Posted (edited)

^^ Uh, you got that backwards. But I expected that.  


There is no evidence for bigfoot that stands up to scientific testing. Every time it fails to produce results that can be used to support the bigfoot hypothesis.  This is why you love to point out the ever growing pile of anecdotes. Great. You think they are impressive. I do not obviously. They cannot be scientifically tested so they have little value in proving a species existence. They make for great reading and for spooky campfire stories.




Edited to add that I started a thread about this in the Tar Pit. I do not wish the bore the general forum with this age old argument again. But I will happily engage in the Tar Pit anyone who wishes to discuss this.

Edited by dmaker

^^^And the continued inability to understand that


1) there has been no scientific testing (other than by serious scientific proponents who are just getting met with the Wall Of Denial), which yes can be done, because yes it has been, and I have copiously pointed out how right here on the BFF; and

2) that is just another way (are we up to the 4,000th yet?) to say "no proof...yet."  Which affects the status of untested evidence not one single iota.


There is no evidence that anyone - anyone - can test and say:  based on this test, 100% of this is bunkum.  Other than reviewing and debunking them; which no one does.


I'm wondering how many posts this is gonna take.  It is already well beyond way too many.


(Your impression of the impressiveness of something is not something I find impressive.)



They probably didn't want to 'see' Bigfoot. Which is why they get upset about it and hesitate to report what they've seen or what they thought they saw.

It surprises me just how little you understand human nature.

No, I understand it; and I don't change that understanding to make it fit what I want to think.


PEOPLE DON'T DO THAT.  Do you?  Does anyone you know?  Anyone they know?  How many reports have you read?  Do you honestly think that is going on with any of them?  That somebody is going to see a bear; transmogrify it into something they don't want to see; then file a report that they really don't want to file?  In other words...they're all crazy, because that is crazy?


Oh, I get human nature.  Believe that.  I know what kind of world it would be if a significant number of folks like that inhabited it.  Human nature is the one thing I think bigfoot skeptics get least.

Posted (edited)

1) Dr. Sykes just to name one off the top of my head


2) Correct, there is no proof. After this much time and given the reports indicate that bigfoot is everywhere, then it is not unreasonable to question why there is no proof. It would have been expected to arrive a few centuries ago if, indeed, bigfoot was a real animal.  Untested evidence you say? One cannot scientifically test an anecdote.  

Edited by dmaker

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But some have claimed that all bigfoot witnesses are mistaken all of the time. 

If Bigfoot is not real then all bigfoot reports are false is not the same as all witnesses are mistaken. Victims of hoaxes are not reporting falsely or mistakenly. They reported what they saw. Liars are not mistaken, they report what they want you to hear. Mistakes however, are natural and human. No one should be surprised that witnesses make mistakes.


If the sheer quantity of anecdotal evidence without any forensic evidence to back it up is all that is necessary to determine the truth of a claim then UFOs are abducting people and satanic cults are killing babies all around us.

I don't doubt that misidentifications do happen particularly when it comes to bears [ or maybe even coke machines if there are tourists knocking about as described by Simplyskyla] but I did start this topic off referring to close sightings.


Im not being facetious but how many bigfoot reports do you get from visitors to the bear enclosure at the local zoo ? Or how many visitors complain that the zoo is trying to pass monkeys/apes off as bears or vice versa. 


As an experiment show your young kids pictures of various bears, monkeys and apes. I'm pretty sure they'd be able to tell the difference because those images are ubiquitous so a real-life encounter isn't necessary. If kids can do it then an adult would have no problem.


I'd think that misidentification is due to a poor sighting.


Talking of bears and bearing in mind Oxford Yeti DNA analysis pointing to species of bear, I assume consideration has been given to similar in US. I was watching one of those megafauna documentaries which reconstructed the short-faced bear. I guess it was a scientific reconstruction and it appeared to have less of a snout and longer legs. Any takers ?



I like the short-faced bear angle. I've often chalked most bigfoot reports to bears anyway. But a bear that looks like an ape might be interesting. Much like the yeti being a bear related to the polar bear now.


If. However, what you say in your first paragraph above would be true whether BF exists or not.


BTW and FWIW, my sighting defeated the methods you mentioned about identifying hallucinations. There have been many times that I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye or the like, only on second inspection (double take) proved to just be my mind filling in the blanks. The experience I had with BF though was nothing like that. It was not fleeting or a matter of my mind creating something from visual persistence or anything like that. The subjects were quite firmly planted in the middle of my lane and in plain view- when I looked away and looked back (looked at my harness bag just behind the passenger seat), they were still in evidence and just as real as ever.


I do buy the mididentification argument, just not hook line and sinker.


^okay, at least you consider some alternate methods of looking at things. But if there really is no such thing as bigfoot, then just what do you think you saw (within the no such thing as bigfoot scenario)?

Guest LarryP



If the sheer quantity of anecdotal evidence without any forensic evidence to back it up is all that is necessary to determine the truth of a claim then UFOs are abducting people


Interview with John Mack

Psychiatrist, Harvard University




^If you thought you had been abducted by a UFO, you would feel every single thing the exact same way you would feel if you really had been abducted by a UFO. Same with bigfoot sightings and loch ness monster sightings. With UFOs, most of the stories "sound" similar but that's largely due to common elements that are bandied about in the media. Most of these stories are quite different from one another if you read them in their entirety. There is a tendency to focus on where the stories are the same and to ignore the portions that contradict each other.


With bigfoot stories there are common points that most Americans who've never had an encounter could mention and there are points that differ wildly. A man-like ape or ape-like man is self explanatory to most people.

Guest LarryP


If you thought you had been abducted by a UFO, you would feel every single thing the exact same way you would feel if you really had been abducted by a UFO


Are you speaking from experience?

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