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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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Guest openminded skeptic

This may seem like a cruel hunting method but....


Has anyone considered using attack dogs?  Could you just point at something seen or heard in the woods and say "go get 'im,?" Would they be effective at night against something unseen in the woods throwing rocks? 

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Nah, not a good idea in my opinion.


Dogs have typically not fared well against BF. A significant number of times they wind up injured or dead, that is when they would attack at all. I would think you might need on the order of 1-2 dozen Mastiffs or Rottweilers (or attack dogs of that nature) at least, to really stand a chance.


Me, I love dogs so I would never send one (or many) against a BF. I can probably count on one hand the number of reports I have seen where BF and dogs have interacted in a peaceful manner.

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For the time being, yes. We worked through an intermediary getting it to Sykes in the first place. In retrospect, perhaps that was a mistake. Seemed like a responsible course of action at the time.

You suspect it didn't reach Sykes? Or it reached him but with issues or damaged / contaminated in some way?

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You suspect it didn't reach Sykes? Or it reached him but with issues or damaged / contaminated in some way?


No, we know it was delivered to his lab. We expect (hope) we'll learn of its disposition once his paper is released. 

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You mean you worked through an intermediary as in UPS or FEDEX? or do you mean an intermediary, like a Footer who volunteered to make sure it got to Dr. Sykes?

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It was delivered by a carrier to the lab (which is why we know it was delivered). The sample was brought to Sykes' attention by a third party who coordinated the submission. 

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Just a FYI? Meldrum does not support the pro kill mission.

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I think Meldrum's focus has always been to the north and west as opposed to the south and east. I can't speak to his association with Standing (though my personal opinion is it's ill-advised in the extreme), but he's always been supportive of our research from a distance.


Regarding his stance on the collection of a specimen, he's made several statements that are easily read as supportive of positions like ours though he's not always as direct about is as some would prefer. 

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Candidly, how disappointed is the NAWAC crew with the fact that Dr. Meldrum apparently sees more promise in working with Todd Standing than in spending time at Area X?

Todd Standing.


Not to get off track, but I would love to know Dr. Maldrum's opinion on the Todd Standing videos, especially after reading the link you provided and what they have to say about the videos Jerrywayne.

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I think Meldrum's focus has always been to the north and west as opposed to the south and east. I can't speak to his association with Standing (though my personal opinion is it's ill-advised in the extreme), but he's always been supportive of our research from a distance.

Regarding his stance on the collection of a specimen, he's made several statements that are easily read as supportive of positions like ours though he's not always as direct about is as some would prefer.

He was direct enough with me through email, he in no way supports taking a type specimen. I have the direct quote on Grendel.

If he supports you guys that's great, he may have his reasons as to why he told me what he did.

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If he supports you guys that's great, he may have his reasons as to why he told me what he did.


I would speculate that is b/c HE doesn't need a specimen to know they're real.



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