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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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Looks alot like what we are told a cave man of proto human would look like but also ape like. Stuck in the middle I am so carry on with the quest.

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Guest DWA

One thing we are stuck with when all we can rely on is eyewitness descriptions to artists is, well, the descriptions.  But they're consistent enough.

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I think I found the knife he left. Seriously, I carried a pocketknife for years I found stuck in a log on the bank of that river, in that general area.in the Fall of 1981. The first love of my life was a Reisterstown girl, and we would picnic all around that area.  Makes me wonder what I would have seen had I kept my eyeballs peeled. OTOH, makes me wonder what the Sykesville Monster saw of us! :o   

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It's OK WSA, I'm sure we can all understand that you had your mind...well....elsewhere.

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To stop the yahoos from shooting and harassing squatch?

We need a type specimen

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The question of what can and cannot be legally hunted has been hashed and rehashed and digested and hashed again. We are talking about an animal that does not legally exist. Can we be cited for hunting unicorns, too? How about dragons? When, exactly, is bigfoot season in Oklahoma?


Those in the group who are willing to do so have also willingly taken on the risk of doing it. Nothing anyone says will be something we haven't already talked about ourselves many times over. If it's the choice between discovering an animal so it and its habitat can be protected for all time versus getting a ticket, we'll take the damned ticket (or whatever legal ramifications develop). 


I admire your resolve with accepting the liabilities of your operation and possible results.


The question (should you be successful in killing one) is how are they to be protected?


Does NAWAC have an official position on that?

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Yuchi1...I appreciate your experiences in the field, and I really hope you'll continue to share those with us. 


[i'm leaving it to you to just do some more research into the differences between what is defined as a "game" animal, and how that defintion does/doesn't overlap with the definition of "wildlife." These two are not mutually exclusive categories...but I think for the purposes of this discussion, we've beaten it to (past) death]


First, if you go to the Oklahoma Statutes that deal with the OWDC regs, it states that "all wildlife belongs to the state".


Game animals are further regulated as available to he hunted, trapped, etc. but only per the prescribed seasons, bag limits, etc. for a given year.


So, a feral hog (currently) is designated as wildlife but not necessarily a "game" animal as because of the destruction they are causing to the environment and agribusiness, they have been designated a nuisance animal by ODWC (as many other states have also done) and may be hunted (on private land) year round. The caveat is, this change in the status of feral hogs is only ~2 years in effect as prior to then there was a process of identification (to determine if the hog was indeed feral or an escapee from a commercial opertaion) hence, the regulations (when DC shot the "whatever") were more restrictive at that point in time.


With that in mind, where does UHS/BF fall into the mix?


Per the regs, it would be under the wildlife definition however, as it has not been officially recognized to even exist, therein lies the conundrum.


As Bipto stated, how can they be held accountable (game laws) when they're hunting a mythical entity?


First, LE would probably want to know why you are armed to the teeth in the woods with no hunting season (feral hogs excepted) in effect, for the ammo (buckshot/slugs) chambered in the weapon(s).


Second, as you obviously shot a mythical entity...that just happened to bleed real blood, the issue becomes just what did you wound?


With the two above points in mind, my country boy logic indicates it would possibly be quite the legal briarpatch to navigate.


Not to mention say the DNA analysis came back as homo_____ and then, the local DA gets involved.


Aside from the moral aspect, the above is another of the reason(s) why I decided pursuing a pro-kill agenda was a fool's errand and running headlong into a judicial and possibly criminal justice system quagmire that I wanted no part of whatsoever.


Therefore, anyone that wants to play with that kind of fire, more power to them as it's still somewhat a free country however, I wonder how much of the motivation is driven by ego versus altruism.

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^^^For my part, *I* wonder why we should care, as the result is the key.


As in the Mantic Mind wherein the ends justifies the means?

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Guest DWA

^^^As in, could we figure out what this is, and stop all this arguing over chimeras?


As in, that.

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^Except, anyone on private or public lands can carry a variety of firearms for self defense (unless otherwise posted legally prohibiting firearms on the property).


Again, that little thing called the 2nd amendment.


In Oklahoma, handguns allowed to be carried (CWL) on your person have certain restrictions, do you know what they are?



Additionally, question for you Yuchi - what can you offer as far as insight on population, distribution, and required habitat?


Good question however, it's anyone's guess and I pray the one wounded wasn't number 1 of 500.   

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If I'm not mistaken, handguns carried on your person, on private property (not within a city limit), in any state have no restrictions - so long as the firearm is legal (not fully auto or otherwise federally restricted), no?


I'm not up to snuff on OK open carry laws in public, but I'm confident on my assessment of private land carry use.


Please correct me if I am wrong.

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I should just know better, but... 


Yuchi1: Hogs are "wildlife", huh?  You need to read page 14 of the hunting regs you posted, s-l-o-w-l-y and carefully. I'll wait.


Listen, you don't want to burn your credibility with some of the very well informed forum members on such a piddling point. They, and I,  look forward to seeing your contributions in the future. First rule of "holes" my friend. You know it? Good.

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