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When Existence Is Proven, Then What?


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You know, I expect that when they are "discovered", people will begin "seeing" them everywhere.  I also expect that we'll find out there are actually more of them than most people believe.

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Guest Darrell

Yep. Spent the weekend up north of Priest Lake, ID. Sas must have been on vacation. Saw lots of deer and a lone black bear.

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Well, for me It would be that sick feeling you get with negative g when I realise that the people and organisations that relentlessly push themselves into the media/public awareness are now the foremost experts on the subject. Dr Meldrum might get a look in but everything else would be dominated by you-know-who.

Also, as already said above, everyone only their granny will have them habituating in their spare room. I can almost guarantee that more humans dressed as bigfoot would be shoot in the year after than bigfoot dressed as bigfoot.

Not to mention the outcry from concerned parents etc to have them exterminated for fear of their kids being eaten.

On the positive, all of the cretinous scoftics (no one on here that I've seen) would either slip from existence, eat humble pie or try and dance their way around the issue.


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Guest Darrell

^ill eat pie, but I don't think I will. Who wants to bet $100 nobody finds bigfoot in the next 5 yrs?

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BFF Patron

I know several supposed experts on BF that do not know what they are talking about.    At least when some serious study is done their expertise will plainly show as lacking.   They will have a brief flash in the pan after discovery and be forgotten when their theories and methods are proven wrong.         


I have a new policy.    I am not going to debate entrenched skeptics, especially those that feel like they can levy tasks on me.    I know that will spoil their fun but I have better things to do.    I know what I know and could care less what they believe, especially when they don't believe or pay attention to anything I say anyway.                      

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Prove  One and I will:


-Eat collective crow on the forum and apologize for my stance.


-Donate $1000 US to the BFF in member donations.


- I will pay for the PMP premium of every Proponent Member who responds to this thread.


This is my word.


All you have to do is Prove One.


Just One.


But you can't though.


It can't be an errant circus ape. It has to be absolutely unclassified of its own bipedalness. Unkown to both scientists and Carnies alike.


It should look and move like the PGF and it has to be Very Squatchy.


That day that OP speaks of won't happen though.

The day will come, and the entire world, including you my friend, will realize that we believers and witnesses were correct, and that Sasquatch Lives! Grin, I look forward to my free premium membership:)

It would be over for me, I could finally move on to something else.

It would be awesome going to the zoo to see it. I'm sure our National zoo in DC would be the first to get one. Can't wait!

I sincerely doubt that the BF will ever be displayed in a zoo. They would be impossible to catch, or to keep in a zoo IMHO.

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All I can say is:


The evidence persuades me; WSA and I heard what may well have been a woodknock on our April backpack in AL;...and we both slept pretty soundly.


There's risks in the woods, always will be.  They're probably less than those on the highway or a city street.

DWA, Where in Alabama were you? I grew up in what is now called Hoover, it used to be called Bluff Park. We were surrounded by woodlands back then, and I suspect we kids encountered a couple of BF without realizing exactly what was throwing rocks and pine-cones at us:( I had no clue back then about anything to do with BF:(

What does that say about primate evolution in NA?  (You'll see redoubled efforts to find primate fossils.  And they'll start getting found.)


Susi says:

I have it on excellent authority that major museums already have the bones of BF, but refuse to acknowledge what they are, nor will they show them. The curators know about the bones, and keep them hidden in storage.


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Not in Washington, but an interesting article.




"Total, utter desolation can be found in many spots around the world: Antarctica, many deserts, Siberia, Pacific islands. Yet even in the United States, you can find some very remote spots, far from the gas stations, Walmarts, and interstate highways that dot the landscape. Here are the top 10 most remote places in the contiguous United States, based on U.S. Census reports, anecdotal evidence, published reports, maps and my own personal travels. While it would be almost impossible to pick the exact GPS coordinates of the most remote spot within these areas, these general regions provide plenty of opportunity to get away from it all. You can visit all of these no-man’s lands, but be forewarned — if something goes wrong, you are on your own, with help hours or even days away."

Take a hike in the Davy Crockett National Forest, off of route 5 where there is a long stretch of nothing but forest, no homes, nor any traffic, but be well armed, and don't go alone!! I saw "my" Dogman there, off on the side of the road. He was huge and I don't think anything smaller than a rocket launcher would kill the one I saw. I am not kidding, nor an I exaggerating!  

Enthusiasts cannot go out and start a Grizzly study. It will be the same with the Sasquatch. However, those with experience and knowledge will be recruited to get the new studies on track. Any "cause" will make it profitable to kill them. It will takes years of study to understand and estimate populations. Hopefully there will be a moratorium on "causes" in the meantime.

Skywalker, Enthusiasts have been researching and documenting this species for years. Nothing will really change except that many more people will be aware that this species does exist, and some people may stop camping or hiking for a while, or forever....

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Guest lightheart

I agree JDL . The blinders will be off when they are officially acknowledged. Society will have given us permission to see them.LOL

Also I too believe there are way more than even the average researcher would think. I have said before and I firmly believe that there are a large number of them in Fl and they are not swamp apes. There may be some of those too but I believe the majority are Eastern Bigfoot. Just my two cents......

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I  have a new policy.    I am not going to debate entrenched skeptics, especially those that feel like they can levy tasks on me.    I know that will spoil their fun but I have better things to do.    I know what I know and could care less what they believe, especially when they don't believe or pay attention to anything I say anyway.                      


I tried to plus you.  I'm out.  This is .. "just yes".    Now if I can just manage the self control to back it up.   :)



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Just b/c a road cuts through a wilderness area doesn't mean that it is teeming with people.




Where do you get this from?

The statement was that from his plane, he could show me HUNDREDS of square miles untouched by humans.


I said he could not.


Now you say 'that doesn't mean it's teeming with people', I understand this, but that is now changing what we are talking about to something completely unrelated to clear cuts, national forest roads and trails, hiker cabins and things like this.  If you look at the satellite photo on the link I gave you, there are large clear cuts in various stages of regrowth throughout the forested areas of the county.  Nothing approaching 100 square miles in un touched wilderness.



I have a new policy.    I am not going to debate entrenched skeptics, especially those that feel like they can levy tasks on me.    I know that will spoil their fun but I have better things to do.    I know what I know and could care less what they believe, especially when they don't believe or pay attention to anything I say anyway.                      


That is fine, are you admitting that you exaggerated the 'untouched' nature of the area then?


It's not a debate, I caught you telling stories about an area that is clearly not untouched by human hand, and now you are saying that you won't debate the claim you made?  Simply because I'm a skeptic?  What if a Bigfooter called you on your claim? would you be willing to debate it then?

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I see Drew.


I apologize for the convolution.


Please disregard.

Yep. Spent the weekend up north of Priest Lake, ID. Sas must have been on vacation. Saw lots of deer and a lone black bear.


Did you see any grizzlies or moose up there?

Perhaps they don't exist either.


Did you spend this weekend in the backcountry looking for BF?  

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BFF Patron

MIB were you at the Sasquatch Summit last November?     I wonder if we have met.     It is frustrating not to respond to the perpetual skeptics but if someone else wants a dialogue on anything I post, happy to do that.    


Those skeptics establishing bets better be very clear in your language or it could be very expensive.     Darrell yours is the bet I was talking about.      "Finding" and proving existence are two different things and I think you are equating the two because you apparently do not think BF exists.      I could make the bet along with a bunch of other witnesses who are comfortable making the bet,   establish a panel of judges who are also witnesses,  show my evidence,  and I think they would probably say you owe us each $100 if we can show evidence we "found" BF.    All I need to prove is that I "found" a BF because you did not specify proof of existence.    "Found" and the evidence required for proof of existence are very different things.     I would hate to see people take advantage of you.      Would you care to restate the terms of your bet?     Randy    

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BFF Patron

Speaking of bets the McSquatch bet is pretty safe for him.      Notice he requires the person making the bet to prove existence, not someone else.    The likelihood of any BFF member establishing proof of existence is pretty small due to the rigorous scientific nature of that proof.      As a researcher that does frequent field work,  the likelihood that I could ever get the required proof of existence (that is a body on a lab table) is pretty small.    BF are not real cooperative in that aspect of research.   I cannot say I blame them.   Randy

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DWA, Where in Alabama were you? I grew up in what is now called Hoover, it used to be called Bluff Park. We were surrounded by woodlands back then, and I suspect we kids encountered a couple of BF without realizing exactly what was throwing rocks and pine-cones at us:( I had no clue back then about anything to do with BF:(





We were up in Lawrence/Winston Counties...Sipsey Wilderness of the Bankhead, N.F.  I've been tramping up there off and on for the last 30 years or so. It is an amazing piece of topography that DWA had never seen, so he came on down. He is like that, willing to go to extreme measures (like driving all night) to see some new piece of the natural world. I don't think he was dissapointed either. 

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