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When Existence Is Proven, Then What?


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Not really, once discovered then it's pretty much over. A lot of people will have to find real jobs or create a new myth.

"There's always Lock Ness".
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One photo is the Jacobs incident. I purposely put up the one bending from the hips in a way impossible for a bear. Also a roundish head sitting on shoulders with no neck. I have taxidermied hundreds of bears over 30 years and do seminars for other taxidermists on bear anatomy. Not a bear. The other photo I took from an Alberta hunting forum of an odd photo from a trail cam. It appears to be an elbow and a thigh. The texture of the hair is not in line with bear and the hunter who took it along the Pembina river says he has never seen bear sign in that area. The Pembina is well known amongst Squatchers here as a travel route.post-1151-0-56134200-1405350639_thumb.jp Here is another photo from the same camera that should give you an idea of scale. 

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Great picture Skywalker. You can see where the elbow bends and how much taller it had to be than the dear. While we were out walking trails. One of my granddaughters was ahead of us and as i was walking up to her she almost knocked me down trying to run. I had to grab her and asked what was wrong. She said there was something out there and was pointing. I asked her what it was. She said she didn't know. That it was sitting there looking at her and  it had it's hands up to it's face as though it was eating something. I didn't see it. Well one day I had just brought up the bfro sight when they had Jacobs photo on the front page, she walked into the room and she started yelling, that is what she saw. Jacobs photo does not look like a bear. It looks like a chimps body. just bent over.

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BFF Patron

Makes one wonder how many who say "looks like a bear" have ever seen one in the wild.     The fur is wrong too.    Notice what looks like a hairy wispy fringe on what looks to be an arm.    A bear would not double over like that either.     

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The other thing interesting is that witnesses describe longer fur on the forearms in the case of males being seen. You can see something similar starting in the photo. As far as the skeptics, I get it. I was one too and I actually saw one and refused to believe it was anything but a man. The key word is "refused". A whole bunch of things about that sighting didn't make sense though. Who would run across a logging road in the middle of nowhere dressed in dark, dark brown in the spring bear season. Why acting terrified at 400 yards, and last of all, who runs up a long steep hill without remotely slowing down? Since then I have learned that particular area has a high incidence of sightings. It will take remains that are verified to solve the mystery. The biggest problem though is they look like human remains to the untrained eye and the authorities are notified. After which time they "vanish".

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I assume you are talking about bones, bc reains with flesh shouldn't be hard to identify.

Wouldn't the bones be much larger than a human? I'm guessing the skull at the very least wouldn't look like a normal human head.

But even if the remains are being confused for humans, I'm still not buying the black ops theories.

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BFF Patron

If the reports about the skeletons taken to the Smithsonian are correct, the skull sutures are different than human.    If you are looking for bones it would be best to know what is normal for humans so that abnormal skull sutures would be obvious.       Several of the old reports also talk about double rows of teeth.      I have asked several close witnesses about that and none recall seeing double teeth.   But the teeth are probably the last thing you want to look at if you have an encounter.   If you see teeth you are probably in big trouble.   Certainly mortality could occur at all different ages so size might not be much of an indicator.     What I think were juvenile BF footprints I found with larger more likely BF footprints looked very human to me.   If so, the foot bones might be so close that only an expert could tell the difference.    Certainly anything other than strange skull sutures and double teeth would probably beyond my ability to differentiate unless everything was very large.   


And you are quite right about authorities.     If a skeleton looks anything like a human the first people called will be law enforcement.   They might not be able to tell the difference and assume it is a human skeleton and off it goes to a pathologist to determine the cause of death.    What happens at that point when the pathologist realizes that it is not human would be either to call in local university anthropologists,  or worse yet the Smithsonian.     The Kennewick Man was a good example of what can happen.    The skeleton was found washing out of the banks of the Columbia river.    Law enforcement was called as it was uncertain if the skeleton was Native American  or  a more recent murder.     Only when a stone arrow point was found embedded in the hip of the victim was it determined it was ancient.    The skull features were more Asian than Native American which got science interested.     The US Government tried to have the skeleton reburied rather than let it be studied by scientists and only a last minute court order prevented immediate reburial.    This happened to an obvious human that was different than the Governments notion of history.    Imagine what they would do with a BF skeleton in their hands. 

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double row of teeth

I thought that was associated with giant skeletons reported in the past. Are those thought to have been BF remains?

I suppose it's difficult to even speculate on how easy or hard it would be to identify BF remains due to the lack of knowledge about their anatomy. Every post in the PGF board seems to indicate abnormal proportions ofthe limbs. The size of an adult skeleton would be significant if he estimations on height/weight are accurate. Then you have the cone shape head...

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Uhhh.....the Kennewick man court case had nothing to do with the government wanting to remove an artifact from study because it didn't match up with existing dogma.




Unless the "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act" is part of the cloaking device.


Wouldn't the "cone head" show up as a large crest or ridge running down the center of the skull? I don't think a double row of teeth is going to be present in an ape.

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BFF Patron

The Native Graves and Repatriation act is a convenient tool to allow anything the government finds including BF to be immediately reburied.   Without independent study the large skeletons found and taken to the Smithsonian could indeed be BF.   And since they cannot "find" them they have probably been buried using the Act.    The fact that several skeletons have "disappeared" is very suspicious to me.      A newspaper at the time reported on the double rows of teeth and the large skulls with strange sutures.    Either of those rule out normal modern humans.  If they are not human, what are they?    So while there is no proof either way,   without the skeletons to study,  they could just as likely be BF because of the reported skeletal and tooth anomalies.    The BF cone head has been reported by varying witnesses to be a crest of hair more like a Mohawk than an actual feature of the skull.     Without a subject BF or lot better photographs no one really knows for sure. 

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Unless the "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act" is part of the cloaking device.



All it would take is for a small sampling of DNA that said "human" and they'd be covered.  ;)

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