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It Will Not Make Any Difference

Midnight Owl

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I check in now and then to see which thread is currently hosting the DWA/dmaker grudge match. I think it will come down to a matter of who has the greater stamina!

Which of the two seems the most self-congratulatory?


(Hint: He's picking his teeth.)

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How many bigfeets have you encountered in these dark and remote places? I believe the answer to that question is zero. Besides, don't look now but bigfoot is reported everywhere, and plenty of those places hardly qualify as dark and remote. But thanks for the awesome display of myth building. Complete, even, with the dark and scary elements no less. 

There's quite a few on here that have encountered them in dark remote places, you believe they aren't telling the truth or have seen something else, correct?

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I know, You've said this over and over, you're so confident in you thinking. That brings up another issue, its the same as DWA saying science has dropped the ball when it comes to this issue. 

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Not at all. You're equating a signature, again after again posting by DWA, in multiple threads, many of which have nothing to do with his point, with the fact dmaker doesn't believe in the creature, and thinks all sightings are false.


My issue with DWA is that he continues to make the same posting in thread after thread. It doesn't matter to him whether the thread he's posting in is remotely related to the same old, tired point he's making. Far be it from me to prevent DWA being able to post a cogent point: Where my issue lies is the fact he continues to make the same point, time after time, and it is rarely even germane to the thread upon which he posts the same old posting.


We get it, DWA. You somehow believe that because you've read thousands of bigfoot reports that somehow mainstream "Science" is to blame because they don't come to the same conclusion about the bigfoot creature as yourself. Fine!@!!! I appreciate your point. I really do.


But you make the same point (and posting) time after time. Okay, we get it! You've made your point. It's your signature series. Quit, already!

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One espouses a point, the other posts the same old posting time after time after time after time after time, whether it's germane to the thread or not.

BTW, Will. How many postings have you made in the General Forum? I'm not able to gather much of your beliefs from your postings. Are you a follower of DWA? Is that your forte? Are you a lumberjack? And that's okay. Monte Python reference.

Edited by Incorrigible1
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. Are you a follower of DWA? Is that your forte? Are you a lumberjack? And that's okay. Monte Python reference.



Not a follower, he just makes some good points as do you and dmaker. But its comical that you two complain about him when you do exactly the same thing.

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I'm okay with the single point DWA makes. My issue is that he continues to make the same point, time after time, in thread after thread, whether it's germane or not.


At some point, yes, we get it. Time after time.

Edited by chelefoot
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One thing about DWA is that he has never changed, In which case you have been in a denial of this creatures existence. Beside not believing a word that i have to say which is your right by the way. But I truly and do not care since the truth will prove i am right.

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Moderator Statement:


I am reopening this thread.


From this point forward, everyone needs to stay on topic.  The topic is NOT one members posting style.  If you have an issue with a post someone has made, REPORT IT.   I have spent 2 hours this morning - before work - making edits and sending notifications out because of the mess in this thread.


Back on topic or you will receive warning points (or additional warning points).


Now, I need coffee (Maybe I should have had coffee first!).

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As to myth building, I'd just say if one were to discount something as myth, one might want to acquaint oneself with what happens in those locations, and what doesn't, and that requires a degree of personal risk. Absent that investment, the credibility of that person, despite numerous affirmations to the contrary, is essentially of small interest on this topic.


I take my evidence, or not, from those like DWA who have logged thousands of hours on the ground in N.A. woods, and others like him who have done the same.  You might as well try to explain a bicycle to a fish than try to be coherent with somebody who lacks that essential experience. There is a barrier to understanding that you will hit each and every time.   


What I have experience personally in my time outdoors in my life is not explainable to somebody who hasn't shared that experience. The more people we breed on this planet who lack that experience, the harder it becomes for any similar experiences to be shared on any meaningful level about a wood dwelling, ultra secretive primate. Here, just the most recent example is all.

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