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How Will "it" Happen?


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BFF Patron

Dmaker I am working hard to make that happen and yes I need a great deal of luck.     I might get it tomorrow or never, but not for lack of trying.   Some proponents of BF say that it cannot be photographed but I know that is not true.    Certainly if those proponents never have a camera handy they will never get good photography and their prediction is self fulfilling in their own case.    Watch them jump on me for saying that.   Proponents are not all in the same camp like skeptics are. 

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Not all skeptics are in the same camp either. Here you have a range that is easily discerned. There are those that allow for the possibility of bigfoot, but acknowledge that the evidence is lacking and not sufficient to compel scientific inquiry. There are others who are quite skeptical, but believe the pgf portrays a real animal. One that has possibly gone extinct since the film event. There are others that believe that bigfoot does not,  and never did, exist and that the answer to the "bigfoot question" has been answered. It is an imaginary creature of folklore, nothing more. 


Not all in the same camp by any means.

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Fairies and garden-variety anthropoids like sasquatch are kinda two different things.  One's an animal, and real.  (Guess.)


And I don't think it does the discussion any good to say that one knows plentyaplentyascientists willing to state their sasquatch advocacy on the record...although basic human decency forbids one to reveal their names.  There is not a person frequenting these forums, no matter what they say to the contrary, who doesn't know the reason they're not on the record.

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^^ So wrong. The only reason they are not on record is a lack of proof of their existence.  This is basic. No one can argue that proof for bigfoot exists. From either skeptic or proponent. This is a simple fact. If there was proof, they would be on the record. Any one can understand that simple fact. Any other reason falls into the category of conspiracy theory and other nonsense. 


Advocacy is great, proof, however, trumps advocacy any day. Get some proof, you get on the record. Simple as that. 

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