Xion Comrade Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 (edited) You are in the zone brother. I just went to another BF convention of sorts and had to endure 3 hours of torture of people that not only know very little about the subject but announced that they have formed a non profit, and want to take donations, build a museum, and lecture hall. What I seem to see is at some point researchers realize what they are doing is expensive and start looking for ways to get other people to fund it. They are not researchers at that point they are whores. The list of such people is building day by day. No wonder BF research is getting no where. When people realize they can use this to quit their day jobs then the pursuit of the dollars get very much more important than BF research. Yup! But I don't think it is really expensive, for some it doesn't cost anything at all, but it certainly can be very very time consuming! I guess I spend about 30 bucks on gas and food that I put out a week, driving about 3 hours total per week, spending 16-8 hours in the field. One thing I can say from the research I have done this winter is that they are NOT like bears, they are just as active in the brutal cold as they are in spring and summer, or atleast close to being as active. Most of the more noticeable and popular researchers like you mention are total garbage, if they have had any experience at all it was usually a sighting eons ago or saw a footprint, big whoop! The really good ones that are out getting their hands dirty and doing the good work are mostly super silent, often to the point of being lurkers even. There are tons of conmen in bigfoot, no doubt about that! Edited February 16, 2015 by Xion Comrade
SWWASAS Posted February 16, 2015 BFF Patron Posted February 16, 2015 (edited) For those that do not know what we are talking about, when BF moves from tree to tree peeking, I can pick up their heavy footsteps right at the bottom limit of my hearing. My female hiking partner could not hear them. But she has hearing issues anyway due to ear infections when she was a kid. So some people can hear these deep thuds and some cannot. In his defense the speaker yesterday mentioned using military grade personnel movement detectors. They are an electronic gadget on a spike you drive in the ground. You deploy then in lines of 3 or 4 and can determine approximate location and pick up movement. If they work on a human they would work well for a heavy BF. Would be a good tool in a static or campground situation. I would not go so far as call them con men but opportunists seems to be a better word. The speakers yesterday trashed BFRO's money making right before they announced they had formed a new non profit and would be seeking donations. I just sat their scratching my head wondering what the difference is. That is sort of thing is not my thing. When you get tied up in organizations, meetings, tax forms, etc at that point you have to devote too much time to that and too little time in the field. Edited February 16, 2015 by SWWASASQUATCHPROJECT
JKH Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 XionC and SW, out of plusses, but your last few posts deserve them. Thanks for your insights. I haven't heard the thumping sounds, but many report these. I think they might just whale on the ground with their fists or feet, for whatever reason. That's awful, R. The impulse to organize and monetize is one that puzzles me, also. Some people mean well, but don't realize that they're becoming lumped in with the ones I'd politely term exploiters.
Guest Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 Doc raises a good point. I admit that burn happens. And I can see it entering conversations here. That is to be expected with people passionate about something that has been the focal point of so many hoaxers, con artists and nutjobs over the years. If I didn't know better I'd almost think a campaign of disinformation had been conducted... In my career you find that many people regularly lie, and a whole bunch of people are world class pathological liars that couldn't find the truth if it was stuck to their behinds using both hands an a mirror. They lie about the most trivial stuff, and they lie so often that their lies become their life. When you finally do get to a point where the truth begins to come to the surface it is like pealing back an onion, and it takes time and a ton of energy and focus on the part of the interviewer to run through the process. When I went into specialized investigations we got access to training in neurolinguistic skills, I got to spend a week at a training program put on by the man who broke Richard Ramirez, dubbed the "Night Stalker" by the media, he was a serial killer in the LA area. This was some of the best training I ever received, and ultimately some of the most useful...and it made me a bit jaded, because it became clear how some people live in an alternative universe they create out of their lies. Yes. I got burned out and had to find ways to re-energize. When it come to the study of BF we have a sea of BS to wade through, its true. If you are truly driven to research BF don't let the burn out ruin it. If you feel it coming do something about it. Take a break now and then. Walk away, and take your mind and do something else with it. No different than needing a vacation from work every now and then... you can get so intensely involved in this field that your defenses are set on max to avoid getting bamboozled by another false piece of info. It is a fine line we walk; we don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water but you can only turn the other cheek so many times. For those who have experienced the real deal first hand I can only imagine the reaction to being called a liar, and having to deal with the crap you get. This, in part, is why I started the "Encounters Never Reported Thread". I'd be furious with the lies. Furious with the whole process of making the field into a circus. The Real deal folks also have to separate the honest disagreement, which is out there and not aimed at making you out to be a nut, from the disingenuous circus barker, (a group the honest disbelievers AND the Real Deal folks should working together to identify and and "out") and the plain old liars and attention seekers. Getting through all of that to have honest discussion is going to create some burn-out. Getting through all of that and having those discussions appears to me to be the forte of most of the people who are on here, and why I am here as well. Rant over.
Xion Comrade Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 (edited) XionC and SW, out of plusses, but your last few posts deserve them. Thanks for your insights. I haven't heard the thumping sounds, but many report these. I think they might just whale on the ground with their fists or feet, for whatever reason. That's awful, R. The impulse to organize and monetize is one that puzzles me, also. Some people mean well, but don't realize that they're becoming lumped in with the ones I'd politely term exploiters. I think from a distance of 300+ feet it will usually sound like a plain old wood knock, or like trees popping in the cold(That bang sound you hear when it is 20 or so degrees and the wind is blowing hard through big trees, Bang bang bang! Like gunshots, would be easy for some people to mistake it for bigfoot for sure, things that help to differentiate are 1. No wind is blowing where the sounds come from, 2. It occurs right after you do your own knocks, 3. It is coming from a place where there just aren't any trees big enough to pop, 4. The pops are evenly spaced, rhythmic, or occur in a way that is not usual or even possible for tree pops to do) Just so happened that this time I was close enough to be able to hear the impact, even almost feel it when it got real close! I think it was just playing with me, getting my attention and what not, I think they use the knocks to do that alot Story about the tree pops. About a month ago I stayed the night alone in my spot as I often do, about 10F all night and day with blistering wind so the trees were a'poppin! Every time the wind would blow you would hear them cracking and popping, as I said, it sounds about the same as when a bigfoot does a woodknock. Then just a hour or two before sundown, after a hard days walk and I put alot of pictures of bigfoot up in trees I finally got activity. It was loud, evenly spaced wood knocks coming from just beyond the treeline only a few feet of cover keeping me from seeing what was doing it, no trees in that spot. I took my gun off and went to it, about 300 feet from where I was standing. As I approached it moved away still knocking, back and up over a hill, so I went back to what I was doing and it returned to the same very spot knocking but this time I looked and saw the bushes moving right where the knocks were coming from, something big moving around, I went back to the line and it moved back over the hill out of sight. No wind was blowing and there was a game trail that moved through the cover. I think it wanted me to follow it but I knew I wouldn't have a very good time getting back to the car(About 4 mile hike) if I wasted energy doing that, and it would have required me to crawl abit under the brush/cover and as a general rule I don't like crawling at all in the woods, just feel to vulnerable. Edited February 17, 2015 by Xion Comrade
LeafTalker Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Fabulous story about how to learn by doing.
SWWASAS Posted February 18, 2015 BFF Patron Posted February 18, 2015 Xion it sounds almost like it was trying to draw you out someplace where you were more vulnerable. Perhaps it was good that you did not follow.
LeafTalker Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Sounds like that to me, too, that the BF wanted XC to follow him, but I don't think it was for a nefarious purpose. XC was a 4-mile hike from his car at the time. That's plenty vulnerable, right there. For what they can do (if they want to), that affords plenty of opportunity. I was just reading about the exact same scenario in Chris Noel's "Sasquatch Rising 2013". One of his interviewees, Jerry, had the same kind of interaction with some BF (they wanted him to follow them) and lived to tell the tale (altho I haven't finished rereading that section yet). Just checked, it's page 151, and it all turns out fine. I'm not advocating doing things you're not comfortable doing; just advocating caution when imputing bad motives to them for actions that are not openly hostile. When they're pissed, you'll know. Edited February 18, 2015 by LeafTalker
Xion Comrade Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Xion it sounds almost like it was trying to draw you out someplace where you were more vulnerable. Perhaps it was good that you did not follow. I agree that it was trying to lure me but very strongly disagree that it was doing so so it could kill me. I was just fast asleep the night before right in that same area, if it wanted to kill me it could have done so without me knowing I was dead. The first real experience I ever had with one it was within arms reach of me but did nothing, I think 99% of the time when people describe "Aggressive" or "Dangerous" behavior(Like charging, roaring, trying to grab at you, actually even grabbing you, throwing things, stalking, etc..) from a bigfoot they are friggin full of it/super ignorant, it's not aggressive at all, it is just how something that doesn't speak our language communicates or even a very bored creature entertaining itself. Aggressive behavior from a Bigfoot is it squeezed your guts out, punched you in the face, or bashed your brains in with a rock the size of your fist from 50-60 feet away, pretty easy things to do for them it seems to me. Not that many people really go missing or die in the woods statistically speaking, so I wouldn't worry about crap like that at all so long as you don't act like a butthole in the woods. If one of them wants you dead, you are going to die, pretty much guaranteed. My advice to fear mongering cowards that think everything that a bigfoot does is mean and scary is to simply grow a pair, seriously...Everyone else should just ignore such BS. There are alot of these nasty little fear mongerers doing their dirty work in the community, and some of them are very popular/even make money at this stuff. Fear mongerers and people twisting every experience they have into a reason to kill a bigfoot/proof that they are not human or were some sort of wicked monster was one of the main things that drove me into the woods in the first place to get my own experiences, to find out the truth because I will never know if other people are telling the truth, but I will always know I am telling the truth, no matter how fantastic it is...especially when one of these big furry mythical things runs off with a chewbacca toy. Still the most remarkable experience I have had! So in short...people say they have short fuses and are deadly because they can be very "in your face"(I have never experienced this personally), but I know that they are just very good communicators. Start walking into people's back yards and lets see how long it is before one pumps you full of lead, you want to see short fuses? Then what you want to see is us. A person's own nature will always pollute their perceptions, always. I think when you try to interact with them the way I do they are going to be doing just as much research as you/me are, just wanted to see what I would do and maybe have a little fun in the process, I really believe they get a kick out of screwing with our heads. We are probably blind, deaf, and dumb in the woods compared to them. Sounds like that to me, too, that the BF wanted XC to follow him, but I don't think it was for a nefarious purpose. XC was a 4-mile hike from his car at the time. That's plenty vulnerable, right there. For what they can do (if they want to), that affords plenty of opportunity. I was just reading about the exact same scenario in Chris Noel's "Sasquatch Rising 2013". One of his interviewees, Jerry, had the same kind of interaction with some BF and lived to tell the tale (altho I haven't finished rereading that section yet). Just checked, it's page 151, and it all turns out fine. I'm not advocating doing things you're not comfortable doing; just advocating caution when imputing bad motives to them. When they're pissed, you'll know. They are insanely fast and quiet. I wasn't worried the bigfoot was going to stomp my guts out while I was crawling around, I was really mostly sure I would wear myself out for nothing, they usually just run away when I follow them(Or hide, can't tell the difference o.o, never hear them run but sometimes see the evidence, like a near 4 inch wide heel track in the mud or 14+ inch long track, and a pretty dang good one at that) and I have NO clue if they find me following them like that to be a negative or a positive thing, usually I will have a opinion or assumption on matters like that but I don't even have that much! The area it was in was one I had always wanted to get to, but I wanted a really good safe way of crossing the brush and creek to get into those hills, I always believed they spent alot of time there as there are simply NO humans that enter that 1 sqmi and heavily watered area. When I finally did figure out how to get into this hilly area a few weeks ago I finally got my first sighting after a pretty solid year of trying(Big red one, from behindish, decent sighting) and found enough deer poop there to fill a house...sheesh... Edited February 18, 2015 by Xion Comrade 1
Explorer Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 I have read over 10,000 reports, listened to weeks worth of blogtalk radio, gotten to know dozens of researchers, and spent thousands of hours out in the field. The best I get is having activity about 1/5 times I get into the woods where I am at, it took me over a dozen other locations before I found this one and I regret none of the blood and sweat spent to get where I am now, it is by far the most exciting and rewarding undertaking I have ever done. XC, I am impressed that with your pro-active approach/strategy, you have already had a BF sighting and have on-going interactions (in 1 out of 5 of your on-going visits). I am curious on what is your current objective on your continued interaction or visits to your target location? Are you planning to wear go-pro cameras and film your interactions or record the sounds? Or are you more interested in your personal experiences and not documentation? You seem to have a lot of free time to go to field and search. What drives you? What state or province are you investigating? Just curious and interested. Please keep us informed of your discoveries and thanks for sharing. 1
Xion Comrade Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 XC, I am impressed that with your pro-active approach/strategy, you have already had a BF sighting and have on-going interactions (in 1 out of 5 of your on-going visits). I am curious on what is your current objective on your continued interaction or visits to your target location? Are you planning to wear go-pro cameras and film your interactions or record the sounds? Or are you more interested in your personal experiences and not documentation? You seem to have a lot of free time to go to field and search. What drives you? What state or province are you investigating? Just curious and interested. Please keep us informed of your discoveries and thanks for sharing. Well I don't see how I can make a short post here...I am notorious for long winded rants, so here is a good example of one! 1.The current objective is a face to face, eyeball to eyeball, sighting with a bigfoot. I guess you could say I want to "Meet" one of these creatures I have been interacting with. Once that is done I will join the military, I am holding that off until I have had this sighting. Either during that time with the military(During leave) or whenever, I do very much so want to video one, even if just for the fun of doing it. I guess part of the drive right this moment is that I believe I need the military to move ahead in life, for my future, and want to get it on as soon as possible, but I know if I start that before I have resolved my goal with bigfoot after I have put so much effort in and been so very fortunate that I will feel like the world's biggest fool the whole time I am in the military. I have had so many experiences but the whole thing is just bunk until I can put a face on it all I guess...That is the perfect ending to this chapter of my life and research. I would like to drop a good 2k+ on a camera in a couple of years. I think maybe the best method is in person, just a macho thing I guess...or atleast the most exciting way to do it. I will over time brain-storm ideas about how to do this and not be seen as a intruder or unwelcomed thing in the woods(This stems from my own beliefs, I just think it may irritate them), like maybe only do it for a short time then set the camera aside, because personal experience is the most important thing I figure. Never let your quest for proof/documentation corrupt or get in the way of your own personal experiences. Of course always make sure your documentation is spot on accurate and honest, never blow things out of proportion or lie, it gets a ton of people in some boiling hot water in this field VERY fast, and once you have slipped up, you are done! Don't worry so much about getting evidence or proving things to others, it will dull your senses and make you boring out there I believe. If you are not having fun out there you WILL burn out, don't burn out! Honest personal experience comes first. Honesty and integrity is everything. Trail Cams just don't seem to cut it...and lets face it that trail camera crap is boring anyway, I look at it that if someone was trying to film me in person I would respect them alot more than some doosh putting cameras up all around my yard and house trying to do it, I would see him as being a coward! I will typically video things I find in the woods(Like the prints, camera isn't that good but it is better than nothing, about 13 megapixels with garbage microphones in it) i figure interesting, sometimes I try to get knocks and what not on video, and I have been successful only once, I need much better equipment(Especially audio) than what I have now is the main problem I have, in the future I do want to get audio and video recording of what goes on out there, I think that will help alot of researchers, I think most researchers don't recognize the sounds the bigfoot make and this totally cripples their success in the field. PAY ATTENTION when you are out there! What is going on around you sound-wise is so, so important, and never be afraid to assume such and such a thing is a bigfoot and follow through accordingly...just be sure to keep those thoughts to yourself unless you are totally sure. otherwise you will quickly end up falling into the common trap of looking like a romantic idiot running around the woods saying everything you hear and see is bigfoot, this is a huge fear of mine personally. A big trap alot of researchers fall into though is writing everything off as NOT bigfoot, that is even worse I figure, as it will hurt actual progress. Here is my Youtube channel...http://youtu.be/Qp6tli_Qmp0 Video of a treebreak I found, I really believe this is the doing of a bigfoot. 2. I don't specifically know what drives me, I am just driven by the subject itself I guess tbph. I enjoy interacting with them, and the thought of there being potential for it is enough to get me going. There is the excitement of checking on food I have left out to see how it got gone(If at all), the excitement of potentially getting to see a bigfoot, the excitement of being graced with the opportunity to participate in some small way in one of the greatest discoveries in centuries, the excitement of possibly being able to act in a way that will improve and even in a way defend the lives of a species that may just be at a crucial turning point in it's history, the point where it becomes totally known to ours. I can dream up alot of things that get me going into the woods I guess, knowing that the area I do research in is a pretty good spot for activity(Historically and from personal experience now) is a HUGE morale booster though, easy to burn out on it if you don't believe they are even there, took me several tries to finally get it right. This area is known by SOME of the people who live in and around it to have always had bigfoot activity. There are people I know of locally(And some personally) that just so happen to have had bigfoot experiences(One guy a straight up face off with one to my understanding, while he was hunting). 3. I will say that States I have been to are North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Georgia. I believe there are bigfoot that live in each of these areas for sure, but only in one of them have I ever had experiences(Granted I didn't try real hard in the other places lol). The area I do research in is big and wild, lots of big deer, several black bear...it's a very lively place, much more so than anywhere else I have ever been! Could be a thing to keep a eye out for too when you go to pick a research area, how many other animals live around there within say a 5 sqmi range? Alot? Spend some time there. The area I am in is pretty solid wilderness that is over 7 miles long and 5 miles wide. Over a hour drive from my house. I will never give out the specific location but would be more than happy to lie about it and give out false information to mislead someone, especially over the internet lol. But if you use this information you could probably find it or a very similar area to do research tbh, I'm not that clever. 4. I work a basic and decent paying full time job, and am off 2 days a week with no family obligations whatsoever, with fantastic cold weather camping gear. I figure I can go down to 0F before I even really get cold out in the field. http://www.amazon.com/Danner-Pronghorn-Snake-Boots-Multicoloured/dp/B007L4DRV2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1424232081&sr=8-2&keywords=danner+snake+boots These boots are probably my favorite piece of equipment, besides my headlamp! 5. As far as videoing goes I am a fan of Timbergiant, I think his fear will stop him from being totally successful unless he drops it, but I think his best video is the only time one has been clearly filmed, with out question...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vM_oVOg3hBk It shows it can be done, it also shows a good video is worthless in about all senses of the word. What I saw was very similar to this, but with broader shoulders, it was closer to me than this(mine was about 70 feet if I remember, his is about 150), and mine was redder, similar to the squiggles that appear when you misspell things. 2
Guest Crowlogic Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) Ambition is it's own reason for being. Edited February 18, 2015 by Crowlogic
LeafTalker Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 (edited) XC, your attitude is really refreshing! And I'm philosophically right with ya, only difference being a dislike of cameras in these situations. Glad you're having so much fun, and so much contact! You're doing everything right, and if there's an occasional goof up, you'll adjust, as you've been doing all along. Thanks for your clear-headedness and your open heart, and for sharing those with us. Rock on. Edited February 18, 2015 by LeafTalker 2
Guest DWA Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 No burn. Only deliberate curiosity. If you take this approach, and keep your expectations in check, you do not make yourself vulnerable at all. I keep my eyeballs peeled when I am out of doors anyway, always. If I spot something that fits my understanding of what this animal is, I will have chalked up another experience of the kind I hope to have plenty of by the time I croak. If I don't, I'll still have lots to reflect on that is pretty special too. I think we call this outcome a "win-win", am I right? No timetable. Low expectations. Look for consistencies in the evidence and follow it. Do that, and you're playing the long, smart game, I believe. I"m astounded at all the mind-blowing discoveries that have been made in my short life. None (Repeat: NONE) of those were my due, or anyone else's. They could just have easily not happened. I'm just grateful to my fellow humans that they expended the calories to make them, or were paying attention when those were dropped in their laps, and had the presence to document them when they did. I'm thankful for all those adults and teachers who steered me right as a kid to pay attention to that kind of knowledge, and who stoked my energy to stay curious, to this day. Life would be a pretty grim undertaking without that... for me at least. I try to find a down-side to this field of inquiry, and I'm frankly unable to ever see any. Just wanted to quote this again, because it bears repeating many more times than necessary.
LeafTalker Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 I agree with you, DWA. I love this post of WSA's, too.
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