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'Evidence' of what? Specificty please.

I think he means about the dead people in the incident. what you seem to be avoiding. Just bringing more to this does not help with the existence of these creatures.


I firmly hold the position that expert disinformation was in play


 What do you mean by this?


This has little to do with detective work and more to do with a jury weighing the evidence that is presented.


Juries have been known to give people the death penalty, only to have them later proven to be innocent.....

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And people who should have been convicted have also gone free because they had a good defense team.  Just saying...  It works both ways.


@ Shadow Born -  Well I feel as though something occurred and that we (me included) do not know what. On my part it is more than a hunch. After examining and looking at all that was presented both known and unknown there are still plenty question not answered for. Relying on less on what commenters say on more on my personal intuition I see tells, hints and indicators that drive my natural curiosity and suspicion.  Thanks for the question I hope that helps explains it a little bit more.  


@ Coffee2 Go – No, no I welcome the discussion.  I understand thanks for the comment. 

Juries have been known to give people the death penalty, only to have them later proven to be innocent.....


Welcome and thanks Sassy, I know that is a true statement.

And people who should have been convicted have also gone free because they had a good defense team.  Just saying...  It works both ways.


As I acknowledged with Sassy’s comment, that is correct as well and very compatible with my beliefs.  

Guest diana swampbooger


Interesting story to me.

Guess it's not to some.


Brilliant answer, Diana.


And it's interesting to me, too, Diana. You are not alone. 


Shadowborn, I may be misunderstanding what you're saying, but this doesn't do the damage I think you're saying it does. It doesn't take anything away from the BF to say that sometimes they might exhibit the same temper we do when we have been mistreated. Some humans have been known to kill others, too. They are in the minority. We do not make sweeping judgments about the whole of humanity based on what a few bad humans do (although I know it can be tempting). In the same way, there is no reason to suppress information about possible BF misbehavior. There is only a continuing obligation on the parts of people who know better to keep speaking up for the BF, and pointing out that this is not the norm, and that there are plenty of ways, plenty of opportunities, to create better relationships with them. 

Guest ChasingRabbits

Gum, Thanks for the 411 stories.  They are puzzling, to say the least.  That Portluk (sp?) Alaska story is wild.  There's a neat write up about it on a ghost town website.


Chasing Rabbits, the FBI is charged with investigating major crimes on many federal lands, but the SHNF is vast and encompasses many counties and towns.  They would not be first responders to a call.  Federal investigative agencies are rarely first responders to anything.  Any 911 call placed around there would go to a sheriff's department or, as in the one case you linked, to the city of Huntsville PD.  Ultimately, the FBI may end up investigating the crime after the fact.


I would pretty much lay money on there being no negligence here.  If the call was truly placed stating there was possible loss of life, there would have been a swift and overwhelming response.  OTOH, if it was called in as an abandoned camp, or just a camp in shambles, then I could see how that would be held until the next day and forwarded to the NFS for clean up.  It's a huge forest with homeless people living in tents in places, tons of campsites, and just piles where people dump garbage as well.  The authorities there deal with all sorts of stuff on a daily basis and, if all that's told to them is that it looks like there's a torn up or abandoned camp, that's probably nothing unusual.  I've been there and have seen crap dumped in piles and strewn about in primitive campsites.  That could explain a lack of response if a call was placed.  I'll add that all 911 calls are logged and recorded.



I understand that the Feds aren't typically the first responders (I live in an area where the middle of a street is under the jurisdiction of one law enforcement agency, the side walks are the under the jurisdiction of an other law enforcement agency and the building is under, yet, another one.)  And if you read my previous posts, I am very clear stating that if Garrett called 9-11 and no one showed up,  it's negligent of law enforcement not to respond and I can totally see people becoming very upset at the exposure of their incompetence.

Posted (edited)

@ Chasing Rabbits - Many jurisdictions have city charters mirroring state laws or reciprocal agreements that speaks specifically to anomalies you described, authorizing LEOs to act in the performance of their duty 1,000 feet or so inside the neighboring jurisdictional boundaries of another and so on and so forth.  

Edited by Gumshoeye
Guest Divergent1


'Evidence' of what? Specificty please.

A dead body stuck up in the tree. If you have access to the original video for us to look at, that would be nice


I'm still not sure where the dead body in the tree came from? Garret never mentioned seeing it and nobody on SC mentioned it either. I would assume that Bob Garret would have seen it, documented it and would have brought it to the attention of the SC listening audience.


I've looked at the video, frozen the frames of the tree, have magnified them and I see nothing that could be a dead body.

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Guest Divergent1

Well neither did I, but Diana saw one in the video that she claimed was edited after she had posted all the time stamps for where we should look.

Guest Divergent1

I think if you reread the majority of these posts you will find that there are a whole lot of leaders here and not followers who take whatever some podcast says to be the truth.  And, I don't feel that people are "jumping on the bandwagon" because they disagree with someone's point of view regarding a sighting or video.  This has little to do with detective work and more to do with a jury weighing the evidence that is presented.

And so far that evidence is lacking for such dramatic claims.


Thanks Divergent; Just to make sure I'm not going crazy and start accusing Bob Garret and Wes of adding more color to the story...


Neither Bob or Wes said anything about a body in a tree? Diana thinks she may have seen one and made that observation?


There are so many components of the story that have been discussed, it's sometimes hard to keep up.


We've had a dry spell in the Bigfoot world because we've tossed unwound this story as far as it will go.

Guest Divergent1

Good morning people,


Out of courtesy I wanted to share something that has given me cause to reconsider what I believed plausible specific to the Garrett incident and wanted you guys to know. As many of you know I retired in 2012. In the course of my tenure I met a lot of people and networked some and still know a few well sourced people highly respected and well thought of and I should reach out and ask them as well. There is no doubt they monitor Bigfoot happenings and news and probably read Gumshoeye’s comments too, Lol.  


Moving on now, this Garrett event has indeed generated a lot of discussion and thought. Typically whenever I would investigate something I would read it, turn it and look at it from different angles, leave it sit come back to it with a fresh mind and knead as it were pizza dough. When I latch onto to something, I will not let it go.


My intent and goal is to solve things, resolve things if I can without leaving things undone.  I want to be sure as I am certain about matters that I defend or state. To me personally honesty and clarity are the most valued virtues a person can attain and friendships are way up high that list as well and that is why I thought you guys should be the first to know. 


Just to be clear, this does not in any shape or form change my opinion of Bigfootery or my positions of the thing.  I might receive some rubbing for it but I trust and respect the source and in the most humanly way possible lay it out in this manner.  Therefore, Sunday, (Mother’s Day) before doing what I do on Sunday morning I sent a quick a message off asking for some objective opinion on the Garrett event and a few hours later I received this:


 [My name redacted]


  Thanks for the support, much appreciated!!


 â€œWe did look at the Garrett video and believe it's either a hoax or its absolutely nothing. If the sheriff's office or local police departments thought the information was valuable, or, had a local missing person case, or, a family of a missing person was from the area or heard about the story, we'd hear about it. There isn't one agency in the area that has an ounce of interest. News agencies in the area of no interest. Thanks allot for reaching out!!†



Well then what was this all about if you don't trust your sources?

Thanks Divergent; Just to make sure I'm not going crazy and start accusing Bob Garret and Wes of adding more color to the story...


Neither Bob or Wes said anything about a body in a tree? Diana thinks she may have seen one and made that observation?


There are so many components of the story that have been discussed, it's sometimes hard to keep up.


We've had a dry spell in the Bigfoot world because we've tossed unwound this story as far as it will go.

As I understand it Diana said they saw it, evidently she knows them. She also claimed to see an unedited original version of the video in this thread that revealed a body stuck up in the tree. She was so overcome with horror that she had to withdraw from the discussion but came back into the thread with the supposedly edited video to demonstrate time stamps for where to look for the grisly scene. She forgot to mention it was an edited video until after the fact further whipping up the frenzy for gore. I can't attest to what Bob or Wes said since I didn't bother to listen to the pod cast.

Guest Divergent1

I do have a few questions. Where is the podcast located, is anything on this site where the podcast is located a pay per view area? Is there a link or BFF promotional tag on this site? What gain can be had by the site owners from hits?


I'm having an issue with using the BFF to promote gain through negative publicity either directly or indirectly. I believe it's time to turn my concerns over to the admins for further evaluation. This thread will now be locked.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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